The other day the sun was shining in the kitchen windows and it made for a perfect back drop for taking some photos of my Scotties, Duhgall and Katie.
Duhgall is a confident guy and is not a bit shy when the lens of my camera is aiming in his direction. He has always been the little poser.
And I am in love with him.
His beautiful neck, round black eyes and the soulful way he has about him. If ever a dog could read your mood, know when you need a little nudge of love, it is our guy. I often wonder just how much these little creatures really sense ... just how much they know that we don't even realize.
It has been three weeks since we adopted little Katie and she has made such wonderful progress in the short time she has been here in her new home. She wakes up with her tail wagging away and loves to chase the "red" ball, just like Fiona did. (Makes me miss Fiona!) She is quite the comic, however not so comfortable when having a camera aimed at her. But we took our time, let her get acquainted with the black box with a single eye that stared straight at her. With a little coaxing from me and some loving reassurance from her new brother, we were able to snap some sweet photos.
Our little home is filled with a lot of love and laughter and we are amused with the Scottie antics that happen here. It makes me happy.
Till next time...
Scottie aroooooos to our friends and

You guys are beautiful. We are so jealous of your furs
Lily & Edward
They are beautiful, Becky! We do love our puppies, don't we? I just look at my little Belle and can't believe how my heart swells. I'm glad things are going well with your two together.
I just started reading Chaser by John Pilley. Have you seen Chaser on TV? We first saw him on Nova a couple of years ago but he has since been on 60 Minutes and lots of other shows. He knows more words than any other dog. So neat!!
Hi Becky! Oh, your little fuzzy faces are just precious! Nothing like sweet puppies. I don't know if you knew, but my little Chloe Dawn passed away in January, she was almost 15. I miss her so much. We do want another dog one day and have thought about a Scottie!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Duhgall you always look so handsome. I'm glad you are enjoying and helping your new sister. Katie you look healthier and more relaxed than you first did, I'm so happy you are feeling comfortable with your new family. Whether or not your coat gets as thick as Duhgalls, you look beautiful.
Precious babies! That Katie is so lucky and I bet her brother tells her that every day.
Katie and Dughal are charming and add a lot of fun to your family, I can see.
Such sweet pups! I love the first photo of Duhgall...he looks quite regal!
They are precious! We lost both of our Scotties this past year. Findlay passed in Feb. due to long term Unidentified illness ( I believe was Lyme) and Bonnibelle in Oct. simply passed away in her sleep at 7 years. It has been so lonely but due to my own battle with Lyme Disease we have decided not to adopt for a while. I pray one day at the right time another Scottie will come into our lives.
Becky, beautiful backdrop for two beautiful pups!
Aww.... they're so cute together! I'm so happy Katie is getting along so well with Duhgall and the two of them are bringing you so much happiness :)
There's nothing like a Scottish Terrier to bring joy into a home. It looks like your little girl was a rescue....if so, thank you for bringing her into your life. I'm glad the two of them are getting along so well. I have five and don't know what I would do without them.
They definitely "posed" for mama!!!
Has your experience with Scotties been that their personalities are all pretty much the same as you describe Katie and Duhgall? I mean in being conscious of your feelings, etc. I've always wanted one. It is very hard to take a photograph of a dog with brown or black eyes so it was great that you caught these portraits.
They're beautiful! Great photos, my friend.
Our little animal friends bring us such joy. Katie looks like she is doing very well and Dughall is, of course, just dashing :)
Sadie is right here beside me. She likes your guys!
Happy Weekend to you and these furry friends.
They are just adorable and it's nice to know they're becoming good friends too. Thanks for sharing:-)
Those eyes just melt my heart. What more is there to say besides woof. :o)
Lovely sweet photos. Thanks for sharing your sweeties.
Have a great week.
Oh my goodness they are adorable. I need to do one of these photo sessions with my schnauzers.
Hugs from Oklahoma,
Cottage Making Mommy
They are so cute, Becky. And you allow them on the couch.
Such beautiful Scotties
Thank you for sharing your beautiful dogs, Becky. Kathi
Thinkin' of you Daisy says 'Hi'. XXOO
Hello Becky! I just discovered your blog. I am thrilled! I love your style of decorating, your creativity, your sweet dogs and that you are a sister in Christ. I can't wait to look back in the archives and savor each one. Today is my birthday and I feel like it was a birthday blessing! Lori <3
Hello Becky! I discovered your blog and I am so happy that I did. I love your style and creativity. I also appreciate that you are a sister in Christ. Your dogs are adorable. <3 I look forward to looking at the archives and savoring each entry. Today is my birthday, so it is like a birthday blessing!
Lovely sweet photos. Thanks for sharing!
Lovely sweet photos. Thanks for sharing!
There are the sweetest Becky!!!!!
I just want to hug their necks and shower kisses all over them! Lol
Becky I hear you when you talk about their personalities. Each one is so different and unique...ours too!
You've captured their sweetness to a tee here. I love it when the sunlight is just right to capture beauty.
All my love to you and your darlins'!
All my heart,
Deborah xoxo
Darling Becky,
For some reason after around two years I checked my blog. Your name popped up and I was so thrilled to see you still blogging!
Unlike me who now with two boys who have taken over my world. I'm so sorry to hear about Fiona, she was a true delight. I'm glad you have been blessed with another Scottie in your world.
I just wanted to say Hi and that my newest little boy wore your lovely little shoes you sent my first little boy, August, the other day and I was reminded of your kindness.
Sending you all our love from England
Emma (vintagemagpie)
Now on Instagram as hellomoonbeams xxx
Becky, your new Scottie is frosted! Molly has a few bit of silver here and there but not frosted. She is doing so well your Katie. Floors partially in and hopefully next week they will be all done. Had an adventure of crawling under this 100yo house yesterday to help do something to the bathroom floor. Quite the adventure but it made me appreciate people who level houses for a living!! Yikes....not in the best of shape to be doing that, but glad I did.
Becky Boo, those two dogs are so cute and look so healthy. I am so glad you have your new little love bug. Happy Fall little lady,love you,Kathy
Hi Becky!
Haven't visited for happy to see your little lassie, Katie with her big brother. Kathy S
Such sweet faces!
Love seeing your furry babies on here.
I don't know how I missed these, Becky! Have seen some - but all are just beautiful!
Congrats on your new fur baby. They are both such cuties.
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