As most of you know, I am the mother to a wonderful Scotty Dog, Doogs for short, and have been collecting Scottish Terrier things for years. Many, many posts ago I wrote about my love of antique motto prints, however never shared the small collection of my Scotty Dog motto prints. So, here are just a few. They make me happy with their humorous and catchy words of friendship, patience and love. What are your favorite motto prints?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Need Some Fall Decorating Ideas?
One of my favorite things to do is to visit my friends who have wonderful shops here in town. Marsha called me the other day to tell me that she had just finished decorating her store front window in Fall style. I thought, oh boy, more pictures to share! Well, I just tootled over there, camera in hand, and was thrilled to find her store looking festively decorated ~~ all Marsha style. Check out the table in the front window. She used old ballisters and some old wood planking to make the table. It turned out wonderful!!! Love it!
Marsha loves to mix natural elements (like Melissa) with wire, urns and bowls. One of my favorite ideas is to get an old urn and put clipping from a Manzanita bush inside and hang Halloween decorations from. Marsha's daughter, Meggie, lives in the mountains and picked her mother some wonderful acorns for her shop. Have any of you ever seen acorns with fuzzy caps? I just thought they looked so adorable.
Another great idea that Miss Marsha had was to fill an old aquariam (this one is for sale and is fabulous with an old green patina) with white rocks and black and white Halloween/Fall items. It is just so cute and I especially loved the old black clock inside (not for sale...sad face).
I hope that these great photos will spark some ideas or maybe tempt you to hop in your car and take a little road trip to visit Marsha. Her address is here.
Mr. Doogs says hello, too!!!! This is a photo of him waiting for me to get off of the computer and take him outside for a wee-wee.
Have a wonderful weekend! To my Florida friends, I hope the weather cools down for you!
Friday, September 28, 2007
For Amy - Our Hero

I first met Amy last year when I bought some fabrics and other wonderful decorative things from her on-line shop. Our friendship blossomed over the months and I feel like I have known her for so many years, though we have never met in person. Amy has the gift of "gab" and we can talk till our phone batteries give out.
Amy, just know that we love you, support you and encourage you to persevere through these so called speed bumps of life. You will WIN!! YOU ARE A WINNER!!!!!!!!! You get well so someday we can shop till we drop and talk until the cows come home! You go girl and you get those big va-va-voomers that you always wanted and the most sexy lingerie a girl can buy! I just love you so much! Give a big hug to your family!!! They are the best!
PS: Mom, thank you for cleaning her house!! I know that she appreciates you so very much!!!!!!
PPS: The first two songs are for you!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Miss Henny's Empty Nest - & Thank You Dena!!

First of all, I have to give Dena a big hug for giving me the YOU LIFT ME UP award. Dena, thank you for this beautiful gesture. I would have never met you had it not been for our blogs and you bring bouquets of sweet words every day to me. Here's to YOU, too, for lifting me up as well! The tradition of this award is to pass it on to two other friends - and this is not easy because I am inspired and lifted up by each of you - by your blogs and with your wonderful words of encouragement and compliments. Do you have days that you have a pity party for yourself and ask God why is this happening to me? There are two ladies who share Bible passages on their blog, which is food to my soul. Ironically enough, the passages usually coincide to whatever is going on in my life at that moment. I am now lovingly passing the award to Lallee and to Becky for taking the time to open their hearts to the world and for making my heart and soul feel better.
Ok, now on to my story....
Have you ever been to an Estate Sale and just wanted to grab up everything but were afraid that if you bought one thing then you would not have enough left for something even better? Well, that is the case with Miss Henny here. Several years back I went to an awesome Estate Sale of a woman who collected every cool thing imaginable. My head was spinning from all of the great things to look at!!
Out in the backyard were wonderful statues and yard ornaments. This little Hen was there along with her four chicks. I almost put all of them in my basket, however didn't because there were so many other things that I wanted to buy. I puttered around, while my hubby sat in the car, and made a nice little gathering of linens, ephemera and some glassware. Knowing that I probably had some money left over, I ventured out back to add the Hen and her babies to my basket of sorts. But, they were gone! Gone! My eyes scoured the backyard to see who had them, but to no avail I could not find the lucky person who took them under their to speak.
A few months later I made my customary trip to my friend Marsha's shop and there was the Hen. No kidding! I asked her if she bought it at that estate sale and she had. Unfortunately she did not buy the chicks. I was sad because I would have liked to have had the family all together. But, life goes on and I guess Miss Henny will have to learn what it is like to have an empty nest. She does look sad, don't you think?
(Note: If anyone knows where I can find the chicks that go with this plastic Hen, please let me know. They are yellow and made of hard plastic.)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Some Sweet Inspirations
We recently attended the wedding reception of our friend's daughter, Michaela. The event was held at wonderful country property that has recently been remodeled, landscaped and designed to host events. The owners have done a great job in creating an English style garden with boxwood hedges, lush plantings and little bits of garden romance tucked in here and there. I took several photos to share with you for some ideas and inspiration. My favorite thing of all was the iron bed that is in a wonderful old wood outbuilding with painted wood floors. I could hang out there all day!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Some Favorite Cottage Things

Karla at has designated this day as "Romantic Country Party" day to celebrate having her home featured in the newest issue of Romantic Country magazine. Have you been to her blog yet? I just discovered it yesterday and oh my goodness! Her home has so many cute and creative touches and is such a sweet sight for blogging eyes. Karla asked for us to share with our blogging friends things around our house that we love.
I also want to CONGRATULATE my sweet friend, Jennifer Gray (The Old Painted Cottage) for having her home featured in the new issue of Romantic Country magazine!!!! Her living room is even on the front cover. YIPPIE!!!!! So many of you know who Jennifer is and wait in anticipation each month for her newest Cottage Of The Month feature and now Jennifer is being blessed with HER home as a feature. Way to go Jennifer! (I had a hard time not telling anyone about this!! Your secret was safe with me!!
I have two posts today being as blogspot only allows FIVE pics per post. C'mon now, that just isn't enough!!! Happy day to all and now I am off to see what other gals have posted. See ya!
addendum: Being a new blogger, I didn't realize that I could add more than five pics. Thank you Heather for pointing this out to me. Watch out now, cause the flood gates have opened up. LOL
More Cottage Favorites To Share With You

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