I was tagged by Meggie to play a new MEME game and that is to create your own SIX WORD memoir. Ok, if ya know me, you know that keeping things short is not my style. Yes, I am a rambler - not the old car - just a talker. But, here are the rules:1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this
original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5.Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Now I am inviting the following gals to play along:
The above picture goes with this saying: "We All View Things Different Ways." This is my brave little Doogs, peering over the edge at the
Mt. Hamilton Lick Observatory. Yes Miss Susie, he is looking your direction.....you are down there somewhere in the San Francisco Peninsula! You notice where I am standing? Yup, waaaaayyyyy back, waaaaaaayyyy back and taking the picture ....bck bck bck...chicken!!!!!!

Ok, now I had to have TWO because I had two pics and two sayings that I believe in...
This one is "Every Man's House Is His Castle" and with that in mind, it is your canvas of expression and a place to be safe and surround yourself with all things you love. I took this picture last year in Carmel, CA. A little boy, named Sam, built this amazing sand castle. Unfortunately, a bit later a wave came down upon it and erroded the sweet castle away.

Check out this I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH AWARD! It is from sweetie pie girl Deena over at
Can I Be Pretty In PINK? I know that so many of you know Deena and her struggles with breast cancer right now. Her spirit and faith in God is just so amazing and reading her words on her blog reduce me to a puddle of tears. Her stories of her journey, her hair loss, her loving husband and family and her rich spirituality is beautiful, just beautiful. Thank you, Dear Deena, for passing this award to me. It is such an honor!!! HUGS to you, my friend!!! Oh, and yes, we are kindred spirits! Doogs was given a hug from you today and each time you have said to pass a little hug along. He is getting tons of hugs lately!! He would love nothing better than to come over and visit you!

And Miss Heidi, over at
Needle Necessities, gave me this wonderful award last week. Ah shucks, this just tickled me pink to get this award. Yes my sweet Heidi, I have been passing my time with creating some things, however I cannot hold a "Needle" to Heidi's amazing talent and her daily stitching habits. Thank you so much, so much, for this cherished award. Ok, I have a confession to make here, Miss Laura, over at
The Catholic Teacher's Musing (a
very funny blog!!!) gave me this award some time back. Thank you Miss Laura!!!! You are just as sweet as can be!!! I have some serious blog awards to pass out and promise to get to this very soon. Promise!! Sometimes I get so far behind I don't know which end is first. But we won't be going there talking about ends.....these days ya cannot miss my big booootay!

Remember me telling y'all 'bout my mismatched sock bag? Well, the socks used to be in a plastic tote, which was hidden in the closet in the laundry room. Easy fix, just toss in a single sock who's partner went down the "dark hole" of the washing machine, never to be found again. Hopefully someday some poor and lonely sock will be looking on "Socks Match.com" to find a partner again. This photo is of the little Doogs as a puppy. Hims was helping me out that day....see how hard he is working?
Whatever you do, wherever you go, have a wonderful weekend! Ca-choo...ca-choo...sniffle...pardon me, the blossoms are making the pollen count HIGH here....ah hem...good old allergy season!