Do you ever get that feeling of urgency - when you really have to act upon making a decision that will positively benefit someone or something? Last week I had one of those urgent feelings - a deep down tugging in my stomach, in my heart, in my soul, to do something to help a rescued Scottie dog.
Here's the story:
My Facebook friend, Cate, posted a photo of a Scottie that had been rescued and was in placement with a foster parent through a California Rescue Organization. She had been in an abusive environment AND had recently whelped puppies. She may have had several liters in the past, but who knows. Only she does.
There was something about her face, her story.
I needed to find out more.
So I did.
Cate was very instrumental (thank you Cate) for recommending me to the Rescue folks. Evidently, Cate has been reading this little blog of mine for years and never put the two-and-two together that her FB friend was one in the same as the author of Sweet Cottage Dreams blog. Small world we live in. I call it the Kevin Bacon rule of 7.
Many emails were exchanged with the Rescue director, Cate and the foster parent. It was decided that I was first in line to adopt. Evidently, there were many people who wanted to adopt her, so she would have had a home, one way or another. But God's grace was on me. He knows my heart.
I never thought that I would want to get another dog after having lost Fiona at such a young age. And then we are dealing with some health issues with our male Scottie, Duhgall. He is doing well, just dealing with keeping his liver enzymes healthy and treating skin issues.
The shelter Doctor did an assessment of the little Scottie girl and said she was healthy, despite her ordeal. (Some people should NEVER be able to own animals!) But because I am me and wanted more information on her, Cate traveled over to the city and picked up the wee lassie and took her to a different vet and had a blood work up done. Everything came back perfect! Cate knows our story about Fiona and her advanced liver disease and I wanted to make sure this little girl was ok.
Who could resist those eyes? Not me, not me. She kind of reminds me of a little rescue we had many years ago, too. She was part Scottie. And she had the same look in her face.
This little girl is 100 percent Scottie.
Her coat is thin, but I am sure with proper nutrition and vitamins, it will grow back in.
She has a gray beard, wisps of gray around her eyes - like a bandit mask - and the tiniest feet and crooked four-inch legs. Her brown eyes melt my heart. And she has a perfect Scottie tale, like a carrot.
Our dogs are family and therefore they are allowed on our furniture. We try to keep blankets spread out for them to lay on, but should another spot, or pillow, seem a better choice, then it's ok. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore.
As for Mr. Duhgall, he is being "tolerant" of her. Those of you who are familiar with Scotties, they can come off as being aloof. Kind of like when you had a crush on a boy in school and they didn't care that you existed? Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my drift. Duhgall was patient with her when she shared a corner of his pillow with him. She will be getting her own floor pillow. That's a no-brainer.
She is a bit shy, especially with men. I was surprised at how well she walks on her leash, goes potty outside when taken and really behaves well. Being a rescue, you just never know what you will get, but she is 2-4 years old and has been trained at some point in her life.
For now, we are getting to know each other and we are smitten. After these photos were taken, she got a bath and a little trim done on her ears, tail and face. She will soon have a proper Scottie cut when she goes in for her spa day.
She is home now, her forever home. She will be spoiled rotten, adored, loved and cherished.
So meet Kate, also known as Katie! Not her original name, but it is fitting to her. We adopted her on the day that would have been my Grandmother Katie's birthday, so I thought it fitting to name her after my short and sweet Grandmother. And she would have liked that, too. I can even hear her laugh of approval, that is after having told me three thousand times how to make a Chocolate Mayonnaise cake.

Congratulations! She is adorable! She is one lucky baby to get to live in your house. I'm sure big brother will come around eventually.
Sandy A
Becky - So excited for you and Katie! Hope Dughall adjusts. LOL I'm sure she will win him over before long. I know you are thoroughly enjoying her.
Becky, look at her precious little face. She looks so at home already and of course, she is! I'm so glad you two came together because she deserves a good home and you will love her unconditionally. In fact, I laughed a little about you double checking her medical history. Would a health problem have stopped you? I really doubt it. Keep us posted on how it's going.
Oh, the lab we used to have was Katie. That's a great name. :)
Love all around, Becky---because that's what it is---give and take! And give, give, give. How I love dogs and it makes me so happy that you have found happiness again after losing Fiona. Dughall will adjust I'm sure--he already sounds tolerant. We do the same with blankets and throws on the furniture--they get territorial about them and I personally want to feel that warm furry body next to me when I'm lounging, not at my feet!
Keep the pics coming of your darling! :)
Jane x
Congratulations on your newest family member! She is adorable and may her big brother come around soon. So glad you found each other!
Bless you for rescuing her!
Bless you for rescuing her!
Happy for you. So happy.
We are so happy for you!!!! Katie is very fortunate to have you. We adopted our Mollie from a rescue agency. I put my name in for a pure bred Scottie just in case. Two weeks later we got the call. I didn't think she could possibly be a full blooded Scottie so when we went to see her I didn't plan on taking her home. They brought her out and I knew she was ours!!! She was a puppy mill dog and she had three previous owners so I knew she deserved a good home. She is still skittish but has come leaps and bounds. She wouldn't come into the house if you held the door so we think someone slammed a door on her tail. She wouldn't let you pet her if you stood, only if you were at her level. When I took her to the groomer she threw up because I think she thought she was going to be abandoned again. Having the pugs has certainly been good for her as they play together all day. I think she likes Aaron the best of all and it's sweet to see her on his lap letting him hold her.
Good for you for rescuing!!! Can't wait to see more pictures.
So happy to hear about Katie!
A good thing for everyone. Lots of love and shared memories to be made.
Aw have a jewel..some day I will tell you the story of HiWay...everyday she would look in my eyes and say 'remember that day'. Your Katy will is lucky camper to end up on your
God bless you for giving your beautiful little gal a loving home! Enjoy her !
She is adorable Becky. I know she will be loved and loved and loved. What a blessing.
Congratulations!!!! on your Katie girl! I know that was a big step after Fiona, but your heart led you right, and you will bring each other much happiness!! She will be loved, loved, LOVED!!! Please give her a little sckritch behind those ears fromr someone that is also smitten with her! :-) I am so happy for both of you!
What a sweet girl!! Congratulations to you. I am sure she will fit right in and be happy as happy can be!!!!
XO Kris
makes my heart happy ...
katie is already well loved in her new home.
so sweet.
Oh Becky, Kate is precious! She will soon know how loved and blessed she is to be a part of your family now! Yes, her forever HOME sweet home! You are such a good Scottie Mommy! xox
Oh, I'm so happy for you, Becky! And for Kate, who surely has found the most loving home imaginable. She will thrive in your home and will become pals with Dughall. Congratulations!
When you said you had a surprise for us, I just knew it was another dog. I know how devastated you were to lose your sweet Fiona, we all were. We had watched her grow and flourish and she was in our hearts too. But as a dog lover, I know that when you lose one, you always have room in your heart for another. I am so happy for you and your sweet Katie too! I approve of her being on the sofa. I say that with a smile because Bentley enjoys all our furniture. That's why God gave us the slipcover making gene ;-) Enjoy your new girl and be sure to keep lots of pics coming because we want to get to know her too!! And I am sending hugs to both pups and an extra one to Doogs so he knows he is not forgotten.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Oh Becky, Enjoy her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She needed you....again this is a case of who rescued who?????
Have fun, and welcome Katie!
Little Katie looks like she wants to stay on that couch forever! Congratulations to you all!
First off, I rescued three cats so I believe in it for certain. And my daughter rescued her English Setter, and has been a foster mom for several of them over the years. So we love love love you do/did this.
I am so happy Katie has a loving happy and safe home now and look so forward to getting to know her. You know she was named after your Grandma, but also after the gal Cate who hooked you two up, ya know? Maybe this sweet little lass's official name can be Katie MacCateson!
PS I lost my best furry friend in mid May and hurt every day, they really ARE family.
Good luck, my best to your new addition to your family.
Becky, what a beautiful post! I am absolutely over the moon that you and Katie have found each other and she will live like the princess she was always meant to be. (And I LOVE it when people who have a gorgeous home allow their dogs on the furniture!)
Welcome your sweet Kate!
Happy for all of you and that Katie found her forever home!
I was having a sad morning over the loss of a close friend this morning so your post cheered me quite a bit. It reminded me that even though life is often unfair, it is balanced with goodness and joy. Your Katie's life was hard till you found each other, but now she will experience real love and comfort. Thank you for brightening my day.
P.S. Love the happy colors in your living room.
Lucky little Katie to share your love!
Awe...she looks so sweet! I am so happy you adopted her.
I'm so glad that you rescued this little Sweetie. She will be fitting in with the family in no time.
that is so awesome! fur baby and fur-ever home! ox
Oh, Becky, we are so so happy for you & Katie!
Becky I'm so happy for you. You two needed each other so it was meant to be. She just has to look at Doogs and his heart will melt also. She's a cutie!
Michelle, she was named after CATE and my grandma Katie. I love that name and it is perfect for her. You sure picked up on that detail, my friend!
Oh she's darling and I bet she is so Happy to have a loving home! Congratulations~
Dear Becky,
Congratulations! You and Katie are both blessed! Thank God you saved her! She is adorable. I have a Scottie who I found on an online site called Rescue Me. He came to his forever home with us on 11/02/2013. He is a LOVE! All sweet furry beings deserve love and respect! I don't know how any human can mistreat any of them! God bless you and both of your Scotties! May they both have long healthy lives!
Laura Marec
Katie could not have found a more perfect family to adopt her, Becky. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! She's adorable. woof,woof!
OOOhhh so SO cute - I love Scotty dogs - what a wise little face!!
What a lucky girl she is to have found a home with you, dear Becky! She has that intrepid look that our rescued Bassets had when we first got them, but she will have that "I'm the Queen of This House" look in no time with all of your spoiling! One day she'll realize that she is truly home.
Oh Becky how adorable she is. She is sure a sweet heart. Bless her little heart.
I am so sad when I hear stories like hers. But thank goodness she was rescued.
Thanks for sharing her with us. Have a wonderful time getting to know each other.
Tell Mr. D. Daisy says hi. XXOO
She is adorable and she is one lucky little girl...It will be fun to see her personality emerge as she gets comfortable in her forever home! Hugs! karen....
Smiles and ((Hugs)) ! :)
I love it that you found each other.
Ok Becky what a wonderful ending to a sad beginning of her life. It breaks my heart to hear of people abusing animals. I am so glad she came into your home I know she will get so much love. She does have the sweetest eyes.
Biggest Hugs!
Oh Katie what a lucky pup you are for having found your way to Becky. Everyone familiar with The Cottage knows what a loving place it is and how good the care. It won't take long for Dughall to come around. I look forward to reading about your new life and adventures.
It's wonderful that you openend your heart again for a sweet animal. Katie is a cutie and she's lucky to have found such a loving new home. Have a great time with your sweet new friend!
So so happy for your new little girl and your family! I love it when all the details fall into place and there's a happy ending. Congratulations! Mimi
I just love her face! And I am not even a dog person. I adore cats! I hope you two have the best life together and I look forward to seeing more pics of her. :) Kit
What a lovely face! I can see why you wanted her. I hope you both have the bestest and lasting friendship. :) Kit
Hi Becky,
Oh my Miss Katie is adorable and she does have the sweetest face! I am sure she feels the love in your home for her and will adjust perfectly. Gary and I are so in love with our mini auzie, I know how you feel about your scottie's.
See you soon, Elizabeth
What a happy ending for little Katie--and the beginning of a whole new wonderful adventure as part of your family! Enjoy that lil girl!
Oh Becky!! I'm so very happy for you and especially Katie!! It breaks my heart that any animal should ever be mistreated, but it warms my heart that sweet babies like her end up with people that will love her and cherish her. like you will.
God bless that new addition to your family and God bless you, my friend.
I am sure she is going to be a very happy girl living with you. Ladybug is having some skin issues also this past year. She is our Scottie and is 7. Our groomer thinks she may have become allergic to the food we had switched her to because of she was having UTI and vet thought it might be the food. So we put her on a lamb instead of chicken and she started getting hot spots which turned very bad in a just a hand full of days. After that happening twice it was our groomer that suggested we changed to the food she has had her dogs on for the same reason and that seems to have straighten things out.
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