Friday, April 10, 2009

A Day Of Random Putterin'

What do you do when it is windy, rainy and cold outside?
Well, I putter around the house.
Today I puttered with the camera in my hands.
See that little birdhouse in the front? That is a gift from sweet Elyse!
She made it all up with graphics from my blog. Above it hangs a darling
little picture made by talented Cherry! In January, Cherry and I had a swap and this is just one of the lovely things she made for me. Thank you girls!
Pictures on a kitchen wall...
..and in that grouping is a motto that my dear friend, Jean (in Roanoke, Virginia)
recently sent to me. I just love the pink cottage! Thank you, Jean!
Miss Kitty is oblivious to the puttering ....or is she? She thinks I cannot see her if she covers her eye with her paw.
A view out our kitchen sunshine here in the sunshine state!
Snippets of a cabinet reorganization.
A favorite shade...
..a new "old" tin box with roses...
..a little pillow I purchased for our guestroom bed.
Even Miss Matilda got a little scottie pin added to her dress for Easter...
...and she has the skinniest legs!
The base of an old table in the half bathroom...
...and a little vignette on the shelf above.
Which apron shall I wear today?
Cherry gave me the sweet card that sits in an old frog behind this little Britain flowering girl and dog house.Little soaps, if you need one, sit on the shelf in the laundry room.
Little pincushions atop an old box. See the enamelware one? My fellow Boston Red Sox fan friend, Patrice, made this and gave it to me! Isn't it cute? What a great idea, too! Thank you, Patrice! It goes nicely with a little scottie pincushion that I bought from my friend, Denise.
A little birdie, a gift from my friend Kathy Long, watches over the eggs.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go....
What do you call working around your house?
Momma's Job?
Plain NO FUN at all?
Do tell......
In the meantime, I need to go and wash the paint off of my fingers....
Honey, get me a bar of soap, please!


Number 6 and no more counting! said...

your camera did an awesome job. You have made my day!


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

How fun to see some of your special treasures and little corners of your home.. Enjoyed the puttering!


the wild raspberry said...

love your little birdie in the last picture!!
doesn't cherry have the most amazing things!?!
have a wonderful easter weekend.

joyh82 said...

You took some great photo's. Your little kitty looks so adorable covering up her face with her paw.
Have a Happy Easter!

Shaam said...

Aw kitty is so cute! Her nose is cold LOL. I love all the pictures!

All the best,

Cindy said...

Miss Kitty is too sweet! Love the old tin box with roses!


Laura said...

Just peeking in to say hello dear Becky :> Such a warm cozy feeling every time I visit your blog...

Have a lovely & blessed Easter!


Unknown said...

We are having the same weather up here in PA. Yuck! Anyway, I love your images. Expecially the kitten, the cabinet reorg and the bird in the nest. Beautiful! Have a lovely weekend. May the sun shine down upon you and your home.

Brenda said...

It is gloomy here too.It makes it hard to get in the mood to piddle around the house.I think I will leave the dust bunnies out for easter LOL.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I was snooping.. but darn if it wasn't fun!!

Fantastic pictures and I love how random they were. Go Red Sox. Love your kitty photo!!! All the photos are pretty.

Putzing since you asked. :)

Vee said...

Wow! I am amazed at the beautiful shots even on a rainy day. Rainy days here mean dark photos. Not there!

Thank you for showing us so many sweet vignettes. Have you heard about the Romantic Vignette party that Whispering Poppies is doing on April 15? You'd be a natural! (There's a link on my sidebar.)

GranthamLynn said...

How fun. I had a wonderful time on the tour seeing all your treasures. Thanks for sharing.
I hope you have a Blessed Resurrection Sunday.

Deb said...

What a pretty post of all your treasures! Your cat is adorable.
Happy Easter Becky!

Decor To Adore said...

Have a blessed Easter. If you have a moment I have a special Easter message on my blog.

Jean said...

Becky, I am so glad you puttered with your camera along to share with us. I love all your vignettes. I love your kitty being so relaxed. Miss Fiona must not have been close by. Yes mam, Cherry is a very talented and sweet lady. The weather is supposed to improve here in virginia this weekend if we can get thru the thunderstorms tonight. You have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Love and hugs,
Jean in virginia

Happy@Home said...

I'm so glad you had your camera in hand for your putterin' session. Lots of cute things to see and so many lovely gifts from your friends. I especially love the girl watering her flowers with the cute card behind. You have such a talent with your decorating!!

Elyse said...

hi becky!

i was just stopping by to wish you a happy easter and how fun to see the little birdhouse! i even saw the can you won in the background. what a fun connection.

your home is lovely and sweet. you have definitely turned your sweet cottage dreams into reality.

i hope you have a good easter.

thinking of you


Tracey said...

I call it puttering too! Love all the little pretties you shared with us and Miss Kitty is so cute!
Easter Blessings to you,

Maisy said...

wow...putter on my friend....putter on. Love all the photos!
Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Dropping by to see what you were up to and what a bunch of fun these pictures were! Great camera work too!
Robin Rane'
All Things Heart and Home

cathleen said...

Lots of pure loveliness in your sweet cottage post. Puttering is such a relaxing endeavor especially when home all alone. Mindless...mindfulness, if that makes any sense!!!!

The Tattered Cottage said...

Gorgeous pics! I wish I had a better camera to take pics with.Love the kitty, too cute. I was noticing that my cabinet looks a little like yours :) Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter.

Ginger said...

I "putter" around the house when I get bored. I should do it more often and change things around. I like the view from your kitchen window. The landscaping really looks nice.
Miss Kitty looks all cozy. That's cute that she thinks you can't see her if she covers her eyes.
I really like the pillow you found for your guest room. So pretty.
Happy Easter.

Sue said...

Yep, I call it puttering too. Your kitty is so sweet...Makes me want to curl up for a nap with my kitty!! Loved seeing all your pretties.
Happy Easter Blessings~ LillySue

Susan from The T-Cozy said...

Love all of your random treasures! Thanks for your sweet comment on The T-Cozy. A very happy Easter to you, too.

Bella Della said...

I love it when you take us on little trips around your home. I just adore it all. Happy Easter! I hope you have a great weekend- and I hope the sunshine has arrived!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Beautiful post....I enjoyed that!


Anonymous said...

I love it when kitties tuck their paws over their face. My little Binx does it all the time. So sweet.

I have puttering planned for today myself, and very much looking forward to it!

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

Susie Q said...

You know how much I love your home...each spot, every space, this treasure, that trinket...I sigh and smile at them all.
I always say I am tweaking or poofing, fitzing and puttering. I wish I had more time than I do to do that know but it does get accomplished every now and then!
W are having one of those rainy and chilly days today. Hmm...maybe I need to go fitz and putt..*laugh*

Love to you all,