Thursday, April 16, 2009

Better Than........?

Better than Robert Redford?

That will be up to you to decide!

Hmm....chocolate, cream cheese, pudding and

cool whip! Sound good?

You may have already read about Liz' fabulous dessert here. I giggled

when she compared it to Mr. Redford - who is quite a hunkadunk

and yummy with a spoon! But I think you will find this

sweet treat more obtainable than Mr. Redford...............shucks!

I am going to dub my dessert "Better Than Simon Baker?"


Makes 16 Servings

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts ( I don't care for walnuts so I use cashews and pecans)

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted

1 package (8oz) cream cheese, softened

1 cup confectioners' sugar

1-(8oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed *note: buy the larger container so you will have ample left for the top

4 cups milk

2 boxes (3.4oz each) instant vanilla pudding

2 boxes (3.4oz each) instant chocolate pudding

chopped nuts

chocolate curls

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2. In a medium-size bowl, mix flour nuts and butter. Pat into prepared dish. Bake 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cool.

3. In a bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Gold in half of the whipped topping. Spread over cooled crust.

4. Prepare vanilla pudding using 2 cups of the milk. Spread over cream cheese layer. Prepare chocolate pudding with remaining 2 cups milk. Spread over the vanilla pudding layer. Spread remaining whipped topping over pudding.(hint. I used extra whipped topping)

Refrigerate at least 2 hours or over night. Sprinkle with nuts and chocolate curls. Cut into squares.

note: The next time I make this I am going to double the ingredients for the crust so that there will be a thicker base to cut into. It is good with a thin layer, however I like a bit more of a crunch.


Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- Better than Simon Baker??? That IS good! I need to try this recipe -- it's just like the lemon dessert recipe my friend just gave me which uses lemon pudding and we love it. Chocolate would only make it Better! Thanks for posting!

the wild raspberry said...

yummy! {the dessert looks pretty good too} :)
i love to hear robert redford speak...what a wonderful voice. and not bad lookin either.
hm. i don't know this 'simon baker'
i would call my version
better than david cook.
i really am going to meet him one day.
have a great day.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh My! That looks as sounds delicious! That is going in my recipe file for sure.

Miss Jean said...

Just when I think I need to cut down and diet some, you come up with this! And Simon Baker! Both first thing in the morning. Now I won't be able to concentrate all day.......

Sinta Renee said...

Your dessert with the adaptive name looks delicious! Fiona is getting to be a big girl! She is so cute.

Heidi Ann said...

Well, Yum! And I may or may not be talking about the dessert! (LOVE Simon Baker and The Mentalist!!)

Bella Della said...

Mmmmmm! I want some right now!

Shaam said...

I've made this before! Just a little different I use chopped almonds instead of walnuts and only chocolate pudding. The almonds give it a totally different flavor because they get all toasty. I used to make it before with walnuts but once I forgot to buy walnuts but I had almonds! My family likes it better with the almonds so now it stays LOL. I do think it is one of the best things I have ever had! MMM I want to make some now it's such a good spring and summer treat.

All the best,

Betsy said...

That's so funny! I didn't know who Simon Baker was until my son was his stunt double on a recent episode, the one where the van exploded and he lost his eyesight. Yes, that was really my son, Kevin, flying through the air.

Lisa Johnson said...

I am going to have to try that. Sounds delish, but I'm not sure it is better than Simon Baker. He is so yummy! Glad you share that opinion. I knew we were friends for a reason. ha ha

Love you!


Vee said...

Now I've enjoyed this recipe, but wouldn't go so far as to say...

Thanks for sharing the recipe. My sister-in-law wouldn't spill.

Helen said...

Mmmm, that looks delicious, but better than Robert Redford? ..... yes, I think so, most definitely!

Skoots1moM said...

OMGoodness...what will I name mine?? I know, BETTER 'n Gorgeous George, Clooney--that is!
can't wait to make this looks heavenly :)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

This recipe is so yummy. I have made it before and could eat the whole thing. It is also really good made with lemon pudding. My recipe for that calls it "Lemon Lush"!! Give that a try for a light summer dessert. Love & blessings from NC!

Christine said...

Hi, Mmmmmm., Looks Yummo! (i used this way..before Rachel Ray ever came to town, :) ) anyway, just stopping by to say thanx for this yummy recipe, I'm adding to my Sweeten Him Up Recipes ;) Christine

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

OH~~~ I love this dessert, my mom makes it. I like to make it with vanilla and pistachio pudding during the spring time just because the color is so refreshing and yummy too. I hope I never~~~ever have to make a choice between the two, it just can't be done.

Have a wonderful spring day,


Preppy Mama said...

Wow! That looks amazing!! I might have to try it!!!

Rosemary said...

Wow it must be pretty darn good!!

Michele said...

Oh my...that looks and sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


Anonymous said...

This looks really delicious. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the recipe. I hope you are having a lovely day.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Yummy in the tummy Becky! Must try this one! Thinking of you!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am going to try this dessert tomorrow night as I am having some company.
How are you, my precious friend? I am trying to catch up. Running as fast as I can..and you know how that is. I have snippets with the blogs...but even that gets by me...just getting old I think! :)
How is puppy, Fiola doing? And Duug?
Mele is fine. Getting so darned pretty...
Hugs and smiles and love for you.

The Raggedy Girl said...

Sounds so yummy and thank you for sharing...

From Roberta Anne- The Raggedy Girl

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

have sweet mercy....

Lallee said...

That does look yummy. I have to ask, did Tom Selleck fall off your pedestal? LOL

Daisy Cottage said...

Oh goodness.. this sounds like yummy GOODNESS FOR SURE! Thank you Becky for sharing.. as I'm now drooling over the keyboard!!


Unknown said...

Hey! Yum! Yours looks gorgeous! That is a good idea about the crust. Didn't think of that. I think that it would serve better to. I guess you could do just about anything with it. :) I hope it was as big a hit for you.

Simon Baker... What a stud! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my, the treadmill calls. Oh that's right, I don't have one.. hehe... this looks down right sinful. mmmmm

Ashlee said...

this looks delicious!
i am the family baker, so i will have to try and make this sometime soon.

and yes, it is lovely to be tall...

but no fun having a cold!

Mimi Sue said...

Sounds like a yummy dessert. I really MUST try it soon. Mimi

Denise said...

OH BE STILL MY HEART! Better than Simon Baker!!! Oh are you sure!

Be still my heart!

I will let you know.........

Eileen said...

Yum. I have made this before, and my mom used to make it ALL the time. She didn't know the name for the recipe.. so when she wrote it out for me on a card she just titled it "Delicious Dessert".. we ALL knew which one she meant!

Fiona is so precious. Now will her hair get long?.. like Duhgall's?

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my that does look good!...and so does the recipe:>)Lol

Rue said...

Good morning Becky :)

I like a little (or a lot more LOL) crunch too! I laughed when I saw Simon Baker. Rich loves that show! :)

Did you get the framed embroidery we talked about??


Anonymous said...

We call this *Chocolate Lush*. My recipe calls for pecans (I'm not a walnut fan either!).

It's yummy!


Sue said...

Hmmmm~ I guess I will have to call my version.."Better than Sully" as in Sully from the "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman" series. My kids and I are in the middle of watching all the seasons off Netflix. Now there is a Yummy dish!! I was actually introduced to this dessert about 25 years ago and it was called "Better than Robert Redford" back then. It is one of the BEST desserts EVER! Thanks for reminding me and sharing the recipe...I've never actually made it myself.
Blessings! LillySue

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Happy Friday Becky...
Have you ever been to Rosine's in Monterey?
There portions are huge..the food is delic. and the desserts are heavenly.

The snickers pie is the best I have ever tasted in my life!!!! It is big enough to share with hubby too :)

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

This sounds so awesome!! happy weekend...m.

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

I've ALWAYS wanted to try this yummy dessert. It looks fabulicious!
Patricia :o)

Brenda Pruitt said...

I have to say I do love the sight of Simon Baker. But this looks delectable!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Forgot to say....Thanks for droppin in on Ashlee....makes me happy to know that she has lots of Mommies checkin up on her :)

Jean said...

I always loved Robert Redford, and simon is pretty darn cute too, but wow does this dessert look good. Thanks for the recipe. I will try it soon.
Have a good weekend.
Jean in Virginia

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Hmmm, better than those two? Well, I'm definitely going to have to try this yummy looking desert now. I've always wanted to. There is no excuse not to any more. We twisted my curiosity past being to say maybe sometime. ;)

♥Mimi♥ said...

I've had this before, Becky. Nope, not better than Simon Baker but better than Robert Redford☺

Cherry Hill Cottage~ said...

Kathy is coming home next weekend~ I'm going to make this dessert for her~ Kathy emailed me and told me to go to Becky's blog and look at her dessert!! So...I should make it for her, don't you agree? We'll call it "Becky's dessert"...


Karen said...

My coworkers and I were just talking about this dessert. It is really good. Maybe I could watch The Way We Were while eating a big serving of it!

cherry said...

OHHH you are killin me here with the yummy desert..(this girl is on a diet). Just got done with my green salad...sigh. I have been thinking about trying that new show out the mentalist..looks good! He is quite the hunk....LOVE robert Redford too! My guy would be Cary Grant....hmmm...dreamy. Hugs, cherry

Janet said...

Yummy and I will just pass on the dessert and stare at Simon Baker. I love the wit of that show as well as the view ;-)

Betty said...

Hmmm...can't decide which looks better..the dessert or Simon?!
I personally think Tom Selleck would make me pass up dessert any day! teehee

Anonymous said...

I saw that dessert over at the Beehive Cottage and almost swooned. I'm pretty swoony over our Simon too. Don't we make great looking blokes in Australia?


The Green Pea said...

Oh! does that look yummy.......I am on a diet...I looks so delicious and I am so hungry. Thank goodness my cupboards are bare. Sandi

Dena said...

Oh that looks so good! I'm trying very hard to watch my calories...going back to school has forced me to eat snacks...often. Yet, I could eat that and not care! Hehehe :)


Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

HI Becky!

Ohhhh how sweet and delicious :)!! I mean both of them , lol, the desert and that gorgeous guy :) Simon Baker is such a young version of Redford :) cutie pie!

Thanks so much for sharing! I will have to give this a whirl !!

Hugs, Cynthia

Mimi of Thousand Oaks said...

oh my...i am going to copy that right away...but i'm going to call mine "better than colin firth" husband knows if colin ever arrives at my front door, i'm gone...with or without a suitcase!

i'll just leave the dessert on the counter and my husband will never notice i'm gone! ha.

Jennifer Hayslip said...

YUM to ALLLLL the above!!! tee! hee! *~XO~*, Jenn

Anonymous said...

Backy, a 'bloke' is Aussie slang for a 'man' or a 'fella'.

Kate xxx

elma said...

Nothing is better than Simon Baker. Oh my he is sooooo dreamy!!!

Anna Marie said...

My mom used to make this exact same dessert when I was younger...however, at the time JELLO made a Butter Pecan pudding and the dessert was called Butter Pecan Delight. Oh my was it yummy! If she didn't bring it to every family gathering people were upset with her :o) Now she has to substitute the Butter Pecan pudding for chocolate or vanilla. Too bad they discontinued it.

How are you liking your carpet purse? Hopefully you are enjoying it.

God bless you, Becky!

~Anna (Rusty Cottage)

Joyce Mineer said...

Can we say "hot"...and I'm not referring to the dessert girlfriend! But answer me this...he has that BEAUTIFUL accent - why do they make him "hide" it on the show? What's up with that? Maybe they thought we'd simply fall off our sofas if he were THAT beautiful AND had the sexy accent? Personally, I'd take the risk!!