First of all, I have to give Dena a big hug for giving me the YOU LIFT ME UP award. Dena, thank you for this beautiful gesture. I would have never met you had it not been for our blogs and you bring bouquets of sweet words every day to me. Here's to YOU, too, for lifting me up as well! The tradition of this award is to pass it on to two other friends - and this is not easy because I am inspired and lifted up by each of you - by your blogs and with your wonderful words of encouragement and compliments. Do you have days that you have a pity party for yourself and ask God why is this happening to me? There are two ladies who share Bible passages on their blog, which is food to my soul. Ironically enough, the passages usually coincide to whatever is going on in my life at that moment. I am now lovingly passing the award to Lallee and to Becky for taking the time to open their hearts to the world and for making my heart and soul feel better.
Ok, now on to my story....
Have you ever been to an Estate Sale and just wanted to grab up everything but were afraid that if you bought one thing then you would not have enough left for something even better? Well, that is the case with Miss Henny here. Several years back I went to an awesome Estate Sale of a woman who collected every cool thing imaginable. My head was spinning from all of the great things to look at!!
Out in the backyard were wonderful statues and yard ornaments. This little Hen was there along with her four chicks. I almost put all of them in my basket, however didn't because there were so many other things that I wanted to buy. I puttered around, while my hubby sat in the car, and made a nice little gathering of linens, ephemera and some glassware. Knowing that I probably had some money left over, I ventured out back to add the Hen and her babies to my basket of sorts. But, they were gone! Gone! My eyes scoured the backyard to see who had them, but to no avail I could not find the lucky person who took them under their wing..so to speak.
A few months later I made my customary trip to my friend Marsha's shop and there was the Hen. No kidding! I asked her if she bought it at that estate sale and she had. Unfortunately she did not buy the chicks. I was sad because I would have liked to have had the family all together. But, life goes on and I guess Miss Henny will have to learn what it is like to have an empty nest. She does look sad, don't you think?
(Note: If anyone knows where I can find the chicks that go with this plastic Hen, please let me know. They are yellow and made of hard plastic.)
Oh miss Henni is so sweet! My parents used to have the hard plastic Duck and her babies. I'll let you know if I see those baby chicks anywhere.
Morning Becky,
You are such a blessing and I am so glad to know you my dear blogland friend :) I am just loving Miss Henni, she is very cute! I'm notorious for thinking too long and missing a good find. I'm trying to get better about snatching it when I see it (whatever it is) but then there's that dang buyers remorse that sets in!
Glad you got Miss. Henni - tell her not to sweat the empty nest stuff - tell her to paint her furniture while and grow out the hair color, it helps! Love to ya, my friend! Love, Esther
You were meant to have Miss Henni Becky! She is adorable and who knows, maybe one day she will not have to roost over an empty nest.
~~ Heidi ~~
The thought of that mother hen without her chicks makes me *sniff* a little weepy. Maybe if your put a rooster in her path...
Yes, get a rooster for Miss Henni! She is very cute and congratulations on your award!
I think Miss Henni is happy in her new home and if it is meant to be her chicks will come home.
Love your blog , and have been reading your earlier posts they are great! I'm going to visit the sweet shops you shared..such pretty, pretty things.
I have a fairly new bog, still lots to learn but hope you take a peek.
Enjoy your day...Linda
Becky all your posts and pictures are such a treat!
Miss Henni adorable, I'm sure her little chicks are doing fine too.
Enjoy your weekend xo Kali.
p.s. your photo on the side of your blog is darling.
"So nice to meet You" xo
What a wonderful post! I am so glad the hen ended up with you!
Oh she is precious...
Good luck finding the chicks!
Congratulations on your award. You are a deserving recipient for sure. Oh I wish you would have found the little chicks. I don't know if I believe in "Good things come to those who wait" or "The early bird gets the worm." Decisions, decisions, decisions!
How sweet that you found Miss Henni!
I hope one day you are able to find a set of chicks as well! Where does Miss Henni reside - inside your home, or outside in the garden?
Oh, sweet little Henny! I do hope she finds her little eggs, but if not, I am sure she will find plenty to keep her busy just by living at your house and participating in all your creative endeavors, shopping, and such. You know chicks can be quite time consuming, blessings that they are! Glad you found mama hen, that is quite a cool story! Your stories are always the best!
Oh my!! Thank you so much you sweet, sweet Becky for that kind recognition! Coming from you it means the equivalent of gosh--too big a measure to come up with. I will respond on my blog soon.
I love Miss Henni! That is going to be some kind of blogging material if those chicks ever show up, too. I'm glad you at least got Momma.
I loved the story about Miss Henni - I do hope you find her babies. I had a great find today - a lovely green glass chicken for only $2.00! It is one that you lift the top part of her to reveal the bowl.
Hi Becky!
Well, I finally got around to blogging about the sweet award that you gave me, and I gave it out as well on my post today - so THANK YOU (albeit belatedly) for the award - it really meant a lot to me!! I'm glad I found you out here in Blogland - what a treasure!
Becky S.
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