A few weeks back, my husband and Mr. Duhgall took a road trip up to visit my sister in law and husband in the Spokane, Washington area. The newest family member (I guess you could call her my dog-niece) is Miss Dinkham, who is a Queensland Heeler. Not quite a year old, Miss Dinky (as we affectionately call her), can be a bit over zealous at play and being a female (don’t hate on me for that one and throw tomatoes at me!), she can be a tad bit on the bossy side. Like our Fiona. (Poor Fiona…she is such a love, too.)
My hubs and I sat down on the couch, with our morning coffee in hand, and looked at all of the photos that he snapped on his trip. When we saw this one, we nearly fell off of the couch! I am still laughing! So we thought it would be fun to have a little caption contest for the picture. All you need to do is to leave a comment, or email me, with what you think would be the best suited caption and our family (hubs, son and moi) will pick the winner. Not sure what the prize will be, but hey, that will just have to be a surprise! The winner will be picked on Monday evening, Pacific Standard Time and announced on Tuesday morning.
Oh, and by-the-way, I am going to moderate the comments and upload all of them right before we choose the winner. I guess it would be like covering your paper during a test...no peeking! :)
Still to come is a giveaway later this month. So stay tuned for that. Same bat time, same bat station.
Such a funny picture!
Ok here's my caption.
"Mister, don't think you can finish this by turning your back and ignoring me!"
............."I AM prettier than him!!!!!"
Great shot - your Mr. Dughall must be such a good boy sitting so gracefully and taking such abuse, ha! ha!
I've no dog shots up today but you might like my big cats!
Hugs - Mary
How about... "Now you turn around and listen when I'm talking to you, you hear me?
"Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf".... apparently not Mr.Duhgall.
That photo looks scary. I am kinda new to your blog, love to see all of your beautiful antiques and collections.Have a nice day.. KathyR.
that is hilarious!!
maybe the " and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
" she's behind me, right?"
too funny!!
My she looks vicious!!! lol And I love the totally ignoring her from your sweet girl....by the way I LOVE the blog look!!!!!! It has been awhile since I have been by to visit and this is so stinkin' cute! Have a great weekend! Sandy
"She is not funny looking!"
Now I'll run...
"Who's calling me bossy?!"
Back Off! I'm in charge here!
Watch Out! That is an attack dog in front of me. That pretty face is deceiving.
Stop Right There! My guard pal is laying on the jewels and there is no way you are going to get under THAT fortress.
What do you mean you left the ransom home? I told you-If you want your pet alive you were to bring 500 Milk bones. Too bad you can't follow a simple order. Say good-bye to your precious Fiona.
Ha ha ha, GREAT photo!!!
Putting my thinking cap on . . .
"Miss Dinky are you pulling faces behind my back again?"
Loving the new look Becky, totally adorable....sending you big love from England xxx
PS August is completely in love with his monkey, we take it everywhere :)
Dughall! Look behind you! It's the Loch Ness Monster!
Scotland: 1
Australia: 0
Not a funny caption I know, but made me think..of the two countries.
Bloggie looks fab btw sweetie pie. Come see me when the freakin weather cools down. ugh.
....and I thought Fi was emotional, geesh!
This is cute Becky and Mr. Doog does not even look scared!
Okay, here's my caption:
"Do you ever shut up?!"
Be a sweetie,
shelia :)
Hello Dear Becky.....Remember me??? So very sorry to have been so long gone. I could give you many excuses, but they would be just "excuses" - and there truly is none that is acceptable. I'm just not doing a very good job of keeping up. And, for some silly reason, when I get behind on a blog, I stay away thinking I'll come back when I have time to "catch up" (i.e., read all the past posts and properly comment.) Alas, that will not happen in my lifetime - so rather than be forever absent, I thought I'd awkwardly pop in here and let you know I've been thinking of you.
And what do I find welcoming me - but this hysterical photo. Oh my heck!!! Dozens of captions are running through my head - and I'm sure I'll drift off to sleep tonight with even more....But, the first two that popped in place were [using your best sopranic voice] "I can't HEEEAAR you!" and "Never mind her, she still hasn't gotten over that house falling on her sister."
I do hope you'll share all the comments - something tells me this is gonna be GOOD!
Hope all is well - and hope you find forgiveness for me in your heart. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Priceless! My caption is: Don't you dare turn your back on me young man! And stop rolling your eyes at me too!
Sandy A
Oh what fun. I will have to think on it and come back.
If she only knew what I was going to do next ~ He he
Awesome snap.
How about:
"You're short, you're hairy...you are NOT THE BOSS OF ME!"
Going in one ear, and right out the other.
"HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Announcing Queen Dinkham! ALL BOW!"
I have to think about a caption but I thought that was a wolf or something not real back there...it scared me for a moment!! Have a great weekend!!
Just saying, I love your new decor. As for the caption on the cute pic...." Fiona ,you "witch" how can you always be picture perfect all the time." ....Genevieve
How about "Go ahead-make my day".
Would someone please call K911?
Norma Herrin
From Wylie Texas
"Lalalalalal! I Can't Hear You!"
I L♥VE the new look for your blog!!!! It's just so sweet and pretty. This picture is hilarious! I think the caption should read, "Haha...Talk to the tail, sister. Talk to the tail!"
You charged HOWL much on the credit card??
I hate it when you talk BACK to me.
Look Ma! I got an A in taxidermy class!!!
I'll say it just one more time - I'M NOT BABY-SITTING THIS DOG!!
Oh, nooooo! I guess she really meant it when she told me to get out of town before the full moon rises!
"Get out of here! I want this guy all to myself "!
What fun...OK lets see...
How about;
1. Hey you..who you look'n at.
2. Keep your eyes off my "Scotty" you don't know who your mess'n with..
Oh my goodness I just looked at the time I better go to bed its 11:34pm and I have to get up at 2:30am for work..It was so good to see you, I miss you.
Sending you big hugs..I love the photo..if Miss Dinkham was a boy I would say (back off I aim to shoot)LOL..such a scary face and attitude Miss Dinkham has..
XO Elizabeth
I'm getting all these sorts of ideas for a caption of the photo but I just couldn't wait to say how awesome you are of a person to be able to formulate such random and yet very fun interactions with your readers.
If you don't back off I'll send Mr. Dughall after you.
If you don't back off I'll send Mr. Dughall after you.
My submission: Dad said "Say cheese" but Miss Dinky thought he said "Say Gorgonzola."
Clearly, judging by the snarl on Miss Dinky's face she is PMSing or she hasn't had her morning coffee! Sweet Dughall seems oblivious to the Jeckel and Hyde lurking over her shoulder.
This is hilarious, Becky!
Carolynn xo
Great picture.
how about "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW"
Oh poor little doogs, lol, look at that sweet little oblivious smile!
I can never think of anything clever for captions, I'll have to think about it.
I couldn't tell what time the contest ends on Monday night. Possibly it has already ended, but just in case, here is my caption:
"There she goes again, yelling at me to get off my butt and mow the lawn. Must be that time of the month again!"
I couldn't tell what time the contest ends on Monday night. Possibly it has already ended, but just in case, here is my caption:
"There she goes again, yelling at me to get off my butt and mow the lawn. Must be that time of the month again!"
I've been off-line for almost a week and this is the funniest thing I could possibly see when I got back on this evening. Poor Dughal, always the gentleman, being confronted by such wild puppy exuberance. I may be too late for the caption contest, but it looks like Miss Dinky is saying "Hey Doogs! Can you hear me now?"
Oh Becky, what a fun contest! I'll have to give it some thought....
Love your pretty new blog dress! It suits you to a tea! :)
No comments on the dog pics but did want to compliment you on the new look of your blog. Just lovely!!!! Also am impressed with your list of visited blogs. Take me away!
Thanks much.
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