Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lamp Bling

Ever reach up to turn on the bedside lamp in the middle of the night and fumbled around to feel the switch to turn it on?


To make it easy to feel the tiny little switch, just attach some adornments on it to make it easier to navigate the hand to the exact spot. No more fumbling around and getting frustrated when half asleep.

Call it jewelry for the lamp, or better yet, lamp bling. You can really hang anything lightweight from a switch. I have a small red wood heart, an old watch and a small angel.


My dear friend from Tulsa, Oklahoma – Judy Clark (20Northora on etsy) made the angel and the red heart. I just think that they are perfect adornments for my favorite lamp.


Lamp bling…every lamp should have some!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How cute is THAT! I'm off to check out her shop! Love a little bling! Enjoy your day, my friend! ♥

Kathleen Grace said...

I love that angel, so cute! What a good idea:>)

Vee said...

It certainly has been a problem around here We seem to have a lot of push button switches, which can't use the bling...drat!

Mecky said...

That is sooo cute! I LOVE that idea!I am so glad that you shared that.
Thank you for pinning me and for your sweet comment

Sandy said...

That is so cute! I never would have thought of that. I love that you have the RED touches in your lamp bling too.

Rose said...

I love the idea of your lamp bling!
your blog is so very attractive. best wishes jackie x

Duke said...

How beautiful and useful! I love your lamp bling!

Love ya lots,

camp and cottage living said...

Now that's a sweet, yet practical idea!

Terra said...

That angel is ever so cute.

Elsie said...

Becky I have seen those angels online and I think they are cute.
Last time I was at the big fleamarket there was a lady buying a huge box of keys and that is what she said she was making.
Neat idea your lamp bling.

Shirley Hatfield said...

I have a red bird made from a recycled oil are so right, lamps need bling! =D

Kit said...

I just love that angel! How clever is that??? Kit

wendy said...

What a great idea!!
The angel is darling. I'll have to look around my house and see if I can dream up some idea of what to do.
Oh yeah, I forgot. I am not creative. Perhaps I need to visit an etsy shop.

Pondside said...

That's the cutest bunch of bling!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

How darling :)

Unknown said...

I do like some bling and baubles on my lamps... I usually play it safe with just a pretty tassel... I love your little angel and the pocket watch. :)


koralee said...

What a darling idea! I have a lamp that could use some bling. Hugs to you.

fiberdoodles said...

LOVE it! What a great idea and how cute is that!!

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Lamp it! A great idea!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Really cool angel...I actually also have an angel hanging off of the lamp in our bedroom. Happy hearts think alike!

Deena said...

I love the little angels. I hope you will stop by my NEW blog and join me. It's all about farm life, decorating, cooking, and lots more.