When I was a little girl, my mother and I would venture out to garage sales and antique stores. Perhaps it was this early exposure to the “old” stuff that captivated my heart’s rhythm and attached a significant invisible string to my insides like a barnacle does to a ship. Every now and again, this little string gives a little tug that connects my brain to my heart and then down to my wallet. The result is that a little treasure comes home with me.
Mom bought me several antique dresses one time on a trip to Truckee, California. My favorite was a brown dress, circa 1910, that was adorned with beads and lace. Though it smelled like it had been stored in an old trunk for years and years, I still loved wearing it with some old lace-up high-heeled shoes. I could have easily be cast for a role on Little House On The Prairie!
Someone asked me awhile back what I collect. After mulling it over in my mind, my answer was “just this and that.” You won’t find museum quality pieces here because my pocket book cannot swing such treasures, though I do appreciate them whole heartedly.
For me, it’s the simple things with a charming or romantic flair that spark a flame inside my soul….
…like these little birds on the edge of the brown transferware plate.
When the old cow tags and French beaded flowers aren’t being used as napkin rings, they simply lay on an ironstone plate. It is about mixing up the unexpected little things, right?
Bring on the old! There just isn’t anything new that lends itself to the beauty of the past. The beautiful patina of soft browns and silver on the silver-plate pieces, in addition to the patterns of the pieces, quietly contrast with the delicate floral of the white milk pitcher.
A gorgeous pieces of lace (in need of ironing) unpretentiously drapes over the edge of a cabinet shelf. So delicate in its sweet little way and exquisitely made, too.
Perhaps I am just an old soul with a heart for the old. I can live quite comfortably with that.
I absolutely LOVE everything here and your photos look like they have come out of a book! I love mixing up things that just shouldn't look right together but definitely do and your displays cleverly do this. Love the old cow tags!
Me too! I totally agree!!!
Old souls are the best! Love the little birds and the 2 serving spoons with design on them...lots of pretties here! :D
Love it all! You know how to display these olden pieces too! There's just such a charm and wonderment of these olden pieces. If they could tell us their stories ~ wow, that would be awesome.
I'm having a Heart of the Home - Roosters and Chickens Party on Aug. 9th and would love for you to come!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Funny how you mentioned that you used to thrift with your Mom...well it was my Aunt that taught me and my love of the old has been handed down...my youngest son has some wonderful finds...he works as a mentor for mentally and physically disabled at Goodwill Dan Diego and has found wonderful treasures there. He says we are finding treasures while helping others at the same time...I like that!!
I think your last line explains beautifully.
I love looking at your collections and reading your stories and can quite imagine a little girl in a prairie-homesteader dress and lace-up boots!
Beautiful images! I, too, agree that it is the addition of vintage pieces that truly make a house a home.
Your collections are beautiful. They feed my soul. As you are I am an old soul as well.
From a fellow old soul, your collections are lovely.
I love old things too. And they have so much more 'heart' than the mass-produced sweat shop stuff you see in all the stores these days.
You should put a book together based on your stunning photos and blog. You just have a magic touch in putting together your collections so beautifully. I wouldn't be surprised if someday one of the design magazines finally wake up and feature your artistry.
You have a great eye for picking awesome vintage pieces. That is a gift my friend and the way you put the vignettes together, well I think you know how much I dig that!
I'm with ya! I have a hard time letting things go in fact. Sigh...Everything in moderation...
That brown transfer ware plate is so darling! Love it!!
So pretty. So much better than brand new. Mimi
I couldn't agree with you more-give me the old any day over new stuff. My home is small so I can't collect as much as I'd like.
I appreciate your knack for putting things together so attractively. It always looks like it was done effotlessly. Maybe because you developed a love for antiques early in life. My mother didn't want anything old in her home. My grandfather owned a second hand shop-maybe that was why.
I understand that spark. Not everyone does, but when you find a kindred spirit it is a blessing. I raise my glass of iced tea and say, "Here's to kindred spirits! How lucky we are to find them all over the world and even in our own valley."
What a sweet post....I found myself
agreeing with you about old and
vintage things....saying, yes, yes!
These treasures make us feel
good in a special way.
xo and thank you for saying what
I'm thinking!
I agree with Susan! Thanks for always inspiring me!
I think you have wonderful collections and an awesome taste in decorating, just beautiful.......love your blog! smiles, Linda
Becky that brown transfer plate is beautiful. I think I am in love. I wished I could be so lucky to find something like that here. It's getting so hard to find good stuff anymore. We just got back from First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas and it's just not there like it was many years ago. It was so hot there wasn't many vendors or people shopping. That makes a difference too. We are going back in the Fall to see what we can find. I love your pictures and all of your stories too. I am like you, my hubby says I was born in the wrong era. Be still my heart Becky....your stuff is wonderful.
You are gifted...first, in knowing what you like and second, going for it and third, sharing it....beautiful.
Beautiful post! LOVE the cow tags as well!
Beautiful pictures! I love old pieces and would rather take a trip to a thrift shop or antique shop then going to the Department stores!
Have a great day!
Beautiful pictures! I would rather shop at a resale or antique shop. They can keep the new stuff!
Besides old plates and things I also love the antique victorian laces and materials!
Amen and amen! You just did an amazing job of expressing what I know so many of us feel but simply cannot put into words! Thank you for a beautiful post.
I just love your blog, your posts are so warm and so sincere....straight from your heart. I love old treasures from days past.....reminds me of my beloved dad. Thank you for connecting my heart too as I read your post.
Debbie Kay
I love everything you showed here. If I had to choose a favorite item it would be the brown transfer ware dish. Have never seen it before. You always make everything look so beautiful. Shannon
Me too, Becky. The old calls to me, the new not nearly so much.
Enjoy your week,
I so agree with the others comments. I look forward to reading your blog and viewing the wonderful finds. You definitely have a gift.
Hi Becky, good morning! I went to see the news and leave a hi and caring for you from Brazil! Do not be alarmed, we are Brazilian anyway, and loving.
God bless you.
Just love all your old little treaures! I agree that the newer things do not lend themselves to the beauty of the past as older things do!
I love seeing the things that other people find special, especially the quirky little things that not everyone has. The cow tags? I would so buy those if I ever saw them! Ditto the crazed ironstone (the more crazed the better!) and fancy silver spoons:>)Old things just seem to have more soul.
Hi Becky,
I'm loving the lace and the brown and cream plate.
Me too I'm always drawn to "vintage"
sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time, or maybe I have lived many lives...and that is why everything old is so familiar to me.
Like when you meet someone for the first time and its as if you have know them before, I guess like
Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth
Your blog is so very pretty. I love all the old things.
I would like to email you, please email me with your address. You are a very very special lady.
With love,
Debbie Kay
What beautiful pictures in this post! I "collect" too and really can't put a finger on exactly what I collect (other than dishes for sure); just things that make my heart sing. Some things I just never tire of viewing, such as buttons and old linens.
Those cow tags really jumpred out at me. Love those! And I really love that you can enjoy them daily in many uses.
Hi Becky! Good afternoon.
I could not stop posting after I read your post "melancholy."
Becky, I do not know how to write or speak English very well, but I use the Google translator to help me send your comments and understand your post.
Since the first time I went to your blog, I tried to understand if your child or not Jordan had gone. Now, reading your post I understood.
I imagine it is not easy for you this, because here in Brazil, thank God, we have troops at war, Brazil is a country of peace
I would not go through what you went through and is going through, but there is a God who does not forsake us, let us not pass by something greater than we can. God does nothing wrong with our life, everything has a purpose for what we went through, you believe.
Ask for God to relieve this pain that's in your heart and you are sure that He will answer. Amiga in my prayers I will not forget you, your family and Jordan. Ok? You stay in peace, for God is looking for his house and his entire family. I believe it!
The church I attend is the Christian Congregation of Brazil, so I take the liberty to greet her with the Holy God's Peace!
A big hug.
Your blog is so lovely and I enjoy visiting.
I read your previous post but I just wanted to give *tight hugs*.
I really enjoy thrifting so many delightful goodies out there...love your finds.
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