You know it is going to be a good day when it combines friendships, food and shopping. So come along as I share this fun filled day spent with Sandi (The Green Pea), Jean (In The Garden With Miss Jean) and Dawn (Cottage State Of Mind).
Dawn lives about an hour and half away and she drove up here to meet us girls for the first time. It felt like we have all known each other for years!
....but it is not for sale....
Dawn also gifted us with a copy of the cover of her 1933 Sunset magazine. Any idea why she gave us one? Her father had the copies made and even took great care to copy them so the crease on the original didn't show up. (Thank you to Dawn's dad!)
3 cent premium!
And get this....Milo Ayer said, "Since I changed to Super Shell, you should see my Nash go over the Fish Ranch Road grade here in high, at 30 MPH." Hmph.....LOL!
The plates are from her attic, too. They match the pupcake purrrr-fectly! And check out the cupcake box she found at Michael's. I tell you what, this was such a treat and they are just the cutest things!

Here are the "Strawberry Pupcakes" that Dawn made for us. Dawn lives in a 1930's home that has an attic full of family treasures. In her spare time she goes through the many boxes of items and recently found these vintage scottie dog candle holders. I gasped when I read about them on her blog, never thinking that I would actually have some given to me!
This day was a day to remember! Hands down good girl fun! We laughed, shared stories about our families, collections, decorating and shopping.
Thank you, girls! Till next time.....
happy shoppin' trails to you....
Yes, indeedy doody! It was a great time!!!!!! I had such a good time. I really recommend getting to meet your area bloggers if you can. They are a great bunch of gals - just friends you haven't met yet!
Girl fun....and blogging girls at that! It just doesn't get any better than that! Love the gifts! I'm going to go see her blog! I'm so glad you took lots of pics! Love the store...oh my! I see some old sewing things I would love!
Great job on the close ups Becky. I knew they would be fabulous! You even made me look good!
Can't wait till I can come up and see your booth.
What a wonderful time! I wish I lived near you so we could meet and I would love to shop at the Green Pea!!
I love the green pea and those door pulls are just lovely! I'm glad it was a wonderful time for all!!
So much cuteness in one blog post should be illegal....LOL! I am loving the cow pillow.
What a fun time with great friends!!
I love the pupcakes - of course I always adore just about anything that features Scotties!!
I think my GM had that Magtag on her back porch for many years:) I love to meet blog gals from my area for fun days of browsing and chatting. Thanks for sharing your fun day with me.
Hi Becky,
What a great day you all had. The girls all look so "happy". A very special day full of memories. When my Sister comes for a visit we are going to visit the Green Pea.
Enjoy your day,
what tremendous fun...
i am drooling like a scottie dog over that fancy white pillow in the's sooooo pretty.
love all your wonderful pics from your day~
What a fun day!
Can I just be a tad envious I was not with you ladies????? Actually I think it's more than a tad. I think I know how much fun you were having! Next time......get in the pictures, pretty face you! Dawn's shop looks wonderful and tempting. I have never ever seen those candle holders before. Awesome!
OHHH what fun! LOVE the pupcakes! Very inspiring store too! Will email you! cherry
Hi Becky
The Green Pea looks like such a sweet shop...too bad I live too far away! Those are the cutest cupcakes too - are they edible or are they fake?
What a great day..and those pupcakes~too cute!
I will have to visit the store one day. I love all the great decorating ideas....I have seen others use sheet music in candle holders...that is one idea that I am doing soon.
Thank you for sharing....I must pop over to Miss Jeans blog now :)
Becky looks like you had a great time.
Hello Becky, I am having fun all over just reading your blog. That was a fun day. Thank you so much for your heartfelt gift. I ate one of the wonderful cookies at 2am it was soooo good. Your photos are so artistic. Thank you friend for all your sweet comments about the store and Barney. We must do this again. Blessings, Sandi
What a fun post and a treat to visit the store with you all. Your treats and gifts from your friend are adorable...and scotties are always so cute, no matter what form they take!
So fun to meet new blogging friends. That cupcake looks delish. Mimi
What a handsome boy Barney is and was a cute shop! We sure wish that we could visit the Green Pea!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a gret get together with the girls. Fabulous photos...vintage overload or vintage motherlode! Love Pam
This was all so sweet (pun intended). I have never seen a pup cake before and love it! One day...sigh...I would love to be on the other side of our country. The Green Pea looks like a great shop.
Oh looks like such a fun day! Those pup cakes looks so yummy! And I just love the little scotties on top, lucky you!
And I want that cow pillow!!!!
Wow, what a great post, Becky. So much fun to read with a cup of coffee this afternoon. Pretty photos and how lucky for all of you to have such a great afternoon together.
What fun to meet some of the friends we've met online! Lucky them to meet you too (I'm so jealous!)
Well that looks like a fun store and a fun crowd! :)
Cute little pupcakes!
hi becky!
it looks like you all had a superfun time!!!
want to hear something funny? i met a lady at curves (yes, i'm trying) the other day and afterward i kept thinking that she reminded me of someone. hmmm? someone pretty, funny, cool, and easy going that i know. then i realized it was YOU! isn't that so interesting and amazing?
enjoy all of your goodies!
Brcky, what a fun time you had with new and old friends. You took some great photos.
Have a wonderful day.
Jean in virginia
Oh! I want to visit that store! One of these days I am going to have to take a trip up there. What fun!
What a great time you all had. Great photos. I felt like I was there. And thanks for the tutorial link too. Loved the pup cakes! Glad you all had such a special day. x
Awww, it looks like a wonderful day! {Waving to Miss Jean in those photos!} Love the pupcakes. And a little birdy told me that you need to sign up for Yoyoville with Miss Jean! ;-)
Oh how fun!!! Beautiful friends and like-minded souls spending the day together!! Nothing better than that! Thank you Becky for sharing ALL of the lovelies - the store looks fab and the pupcake - ADORABLE!!
Love you,
How purrfect of a day with the ladies! So fun to see all the eimages from your shopping and fun.
Looks like a great shop! Wish I lived closer! :D
yapping cat
That looked like a good time! I love shops like that! Especially if they have such a cute greater!
Hi Becky
Isn't it fun to get together with blogging friends? The Green Pea looks like a wonderful shop. I saw quite a few things I liked. I am glad you had such a good time. I spent the day with someone who reads my blog. We had such a good time and I was trying to talk her into starting one herself.
hugs, Rhondi
This is exactly the sort of day I love! What wonderful ladies...wonderful friends!
AND toss in sjopping at a super place and a tasty lunch and wow!
The Pupcakes are absolutely darling!!
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