Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gussied Up ~ Fiona's First Haircut!

Miss Fiona was the lucky recipient of her first bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day.

(The flowers were also for me...but I won't spoil it for her). Our sweet friends, Nancy and Mr. Gus (Fiona's secret admirer, who just so happens to be a very handsome Scottie boy) sent us this gorgeous spring bouquet. Nancy has started her own lovely blog, so please stop over to say hello!!

Oh they smell so good. I will tell you that Gus wants to take Fiona to Casbah, however she is not old enough to go out on a date just yet. So Nancy, tell Mr. Gus that Fiona will have to wait a few years before going on her first date.

"Ok, Momma.......get a good shot of my fuzzy ears before you take me into get gussied up for Gus!"

See how woolly these Scottie pups can be? She has a thick copper and white coat! Duhgall went in for his day of spa treatment, too, and also to give his little sister moral support. He is so good like that!! He makes sure that little Fiona is ok at all times.
All done!!!! Smile now for momma!!
Mr. Duhgall loooooves to pose for the camera. He was feeling rather swell after having his bath and haircut today!
He melts my heart!
Ok, Fee Fee....up in the chair for your mug shots!
....Turn to the left.... to the right....
Don't you just know she is thinking, "Aren't you done yet?"

Fiona said, "I'm outta here!"
It is good to be outside to stretch our legs and run through the muddy flower beds!!!!


Sometimes It's Good said...

What cuties! I know they give you a lot of joy!
Hugs, Susan

the wild raspberry said...

she looks all ready for summer now!

Rhondi said...

Hi Becky
Your dogs are so sweet!
HGugs, Rhondi

Valerie said...

Such sweet pictures. I think of you often and especially said a prayer for you this Mother's Day. I just ready your post about the three yellow butterflies and it was beautiful.

Soon after my beloved grandmother passed away (the grandmother that I named my daughter, Mary, after) my mom and I were eating in a restaurant. The waitress brought our drinks, stopped, looked at us quizzically and said, "Now, which of you ordered this water without ice?" My mom and I froze and could barely speak. After recovering and telling the waitress to just leave the glass, my mom and I locked eyes. Grandma Ross always ordered water without ice (she believed ice gave you sore throats...she was born in 1905 what can you say?!!! LOL).

I truly believe that it was God's way of saying that while my grandmother may be physically gone she had not left us. You're right that you have to have you eyes wide open to be watching for signs. They are all around us.

Many blessings to you,

Susie Q said...

They look SO adorable! Kip says that he is still jealous of Mr. Gus!! : )

You have been in my thoughts...I so loved that last post.

Lovce to you all,

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

They both look so cute! And it looks as though there is lots of sunshine for them to bask in too! I will stop by and say hi to Nancy...

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Shaam said...

Awwww! This is the best post! I love little Fiona and Duhgall! :) These were cute pictures! Duhgall is a good boy he just sits there for the camera!

All the best,

Skoots1moM said...

oh, i so want them to come stay with me for a while...but, I know Mommy can't part with them across 48 states.
i'll just dream :)

Faye said...

Hello ther my sweet friend.This is just to cute.They are precious!Hope you are having a good day.Please continue to keep me in your prayers.I go back to the doctor next week.I am scared but I am trying to keep my faith in God! Blessings, Faye

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

Oh my gosh how cute.


Karen said...

Mr. Duhgall is very handsome and so proper too. But Fiona melts my heart. She is simply adorable.

Sue said...

Everytime I see those two my heart melts. We have no pets right now and I do miss our Willie but not quite ready to commit to a puppy right now. Thanks for giving me my fix!

Sal said...

Fiona is so beautiful!!
Big hugs to you ;-)

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Garsh...they're just the bee's knees! They make my heart go pitter pat! SUCH SWEET DOGGIES! Thanks for the smiles!

Heidi Ann said...

Becky - they are both too cute for words!!

Emma said...

They both look gorgeous! I love a scottie with a new haircut... its the only time I get to see the Bobs frown lines... too cute!
Much Love
Emma x

Brenda Pruitt said...

Adorable critters!

trish said...

Oh how beautiful Ms Fiona looks. :o) Your flowers are just lovely! You have been in my heart and prayers. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Kay said...

How good are you two!!! Lovely pictures and beautiful scotties!!!
Woof woof from 'The Lodger' too!!

Linda said...

Too cute! I know what joy they must bring you...just looking at them makes me smile...hugs, Linda

Vee said...

Darling and they look handsome and beautiful. I love a freshly groomed dog. Did they put a little perfume on her, too? She looks pretty obliging with all the picture taking.

Oh, almost forgot to say gorgeous flowers!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

lol! they both look so dang cute. Thanks for the smile today!
Smiles, Karen

The Tattered Cottage said...

I read your butterfly story and was extremely touched. I too, believe that there are signs if you keep your eyes and heart open. A year ago January, the first boy I fell in love with when I was a young girl, passed away.His name was Craig Bennett. We had stayed close friends for over 35 years. He was quite a distance away and I wanted to see him to say goodbye, but it ws too far and I couldn't. His brother-in-law told me at the memorial service that he asked for me the last night. I spent the next few months upset that I hadn't made the journey to say goodbye. In June, I helped a friend with a yard sale for her mother's estate. Her mother did alot of scrapbooking and had cut words and phrases out of books and magazines for her scrapbook projects. As we were setting up, I came across a zip lock baggy with the phrases & word cut outs. As I was placing it on the table with the other items, one piece of paper fell out....I picked it up and turned it over only to see the name Bennett on that piece of paper. I knew it was a sign from Craig, letting me know it was ok, he understood that I couldn't be there in his last hours. I know our loved ones are always close to us and am comforted to know they are in Heaven.

Tracey said...

I wouldn't think it possible....but it is...she gets cuter every time I see her!
:) Tracey

Kathleen Grace said...

Miss Fiona and Duhgall look so cute and spiffy:>) You have the cutest little dogs Becky.

Amelia said...

My favorite time for my poodles too! Cleaned and groomed fresh from the salon those are great days! Unfortunately for me, mine LOVE the dirt and more specifically mud or sprinklers so sweet smelling pups are usually in short supply around here! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh they look so cute. Love her flowers too! What a special girl she is.

Abigail said...

As usual Duhgall looks amazing but little Miss Fi is quite the looker

becky up the hill said...

I kinda like Fi's little fuzzy Both of them look beautiful!

Jean said...

Becky , I just read your last post about the butterflies and it gave me goosebumps. I am so happy that your received comfort. Nature is amazing and when something special singles you out just when you need it most, what a blessing you received.
Your doggie babies sure cleaned up well. they both always bring a big smile to my face. It just plain out makes me happy to look at them. thank you for that.
You have a great weekend.
Jean in virginia

lady jicky said...

Those two look fabulous - I wish my hairdresser could make me look that good after a cut! LOL

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Hello Miss Fiona ~ My ma said that I have to wait a bit ( not a bite ) before I can start courting you..if I wait much longer, I may not be as spry as I am now....hey I know you'd rather have a more mature admirer anyday!!!
Beautiful pix as always my friend...but how could those furbabies NOT take a good picture?!?!?!?!
Love & Hugs,
NEBS & Angus aka Gussy Dog

Anonymous said...

Your dogs are just adorable! I love to look at your pictures. Precious!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

How cute is she!!!! Sophee-a just got groomed today too....she is getting ready for our big trip to Pismo!

Happy weekend~Sheri

Miss Jean said...

Oh, my goodness (sniff, sniff) our little girl is growing up! She's not a little puppy anymore!

I must say that is the most beautiful picture of Doughall I have seen. You need to send it in to "the magazine" to be published. He is sooooo handsome!

The Green Pea said...

They are a joy to see. Doogs you are such a good big brother. You are the most handsome guy!! You and sissy stay clean now, at least for a few days...Sandi

Mumzie said...

Fiona is just too cute and Mr. Duhgall boy is so handsome. How do you get him to take such wonderful pictures? Mumzie

Tara said...

Hi Becky, I just wanted to pop in on this wonderful Friday and tell you how much fun I have reading your blog, I love your stories, and you doggies are just the cutest...I have read your blog for quite a while now and just love it. Have a wonderful weekend~

Joyce Mineer said...

My goodness...what a handsome dude (and I think maybe he knows it...). And little Miss Fee is growing up to be quite the lovely herself!

I'm glad you have each other...

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Both of your fur kids are beautiful and adorable but that new pup is just the cutest EVER!!!

Bertie said...

Fabulous post!! I love how they pose for you. How do you get them to do that??

Thanks for sharing!

Aunt May's Cottage

Judi said...

How adorable your little furry kiddies are. The puppies look soo beautiful groomed like that. Oh my. You would take them for a walk with pride...they would be proud themselves..*s*..
thank you for sharing..
very handsome family

Carol said...

What sweeties!

GranthamLynn said...

I just love visitig. I wish I could scratch thier ears. They make me smile. Thanks for sharing.

Amber said...

I love your little doggies so much!! You are seriously giving me wheaten scotty puppy fever!! :)

sweetpralinemadness said...

Fiona and Mr. Dughall is sooo adorable!

2 Dogs said...

Fiona is soooo adorable and Mr Duhgall is soooo handsome!


Lara Harris said...

Love the shots on the floral carpet!

Amy said...

Oh Becky...they look so adorable and they pose so nicely! Don't you love the smell of them when they just get back from getting groomed?

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Becky, They are absolutely gorgeous. Lilly and I had the opportunity to visit with her and Piper's daughter this past week. She was born on December 1st and looks so much like Fiona. She just had her first grooming too - I'll be posting a few pictures soon.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Becky,your babies are so cute...before and after(smile)...I love your post about the "Power of Three". My MIL died at my SIL's home with all her children and grandchildren surrounding her,after her death some of us were all sitting out in the back when three deer appear to us in the near distance...a first! There were other incidents occuring in threes as was a very spiritual awakening for some...for me it was just a reminder of his presence with us... Father,Son and Holy Ghost!


Rebecca said...

Oh Becky. They are just sooooo darn cute, I can't stand it. lol And Mr. Gus better keep his paws off for now. hee hee My Maggie girl has gotten use to me when I have camera in hand. She just sits and poses. I think she knows by now that it will get over quicker if she cooperates. lol Mr. Doogs looks so dashing and Miss Fiona is just a sweet little thing! I know they bring you such joy!!!

I have been praying for you sweet friend, and thought of you especially on Mother's Day.

Hugs and Blessings,

PS I do think I remember you telling me once that I looked like your friend, Ginny. :) They say we all have a double out there somewhere. :)

Sit-N-Chat said...

What sweethearts! I agree that your Fiona is too huggable. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We are having a badly needed soft, gently rain. I have to get out and help with a shower or I would retreat from the rest of the world this pretty day.


Sam said...

I am overwhelmed with envy!
Look at your lovely doggies!!

Soooo Cute !!
I really want to draw them!!!!

Love Sam xx

Kim said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! Dougall looks quite full of himself all fluffed out and sweet-smelling!Such a handsome feller! Fiona looks right smart after her first new do!

Rue said...

Awwww..... they look so cute Becky! We gave the dogs a bath this weekend too, but we did it at home because they all hate groomers. It was something else, let me tell you LOL


Elizabeth said...

Could they be any cuter? I don't think so!

SweetAnnee said...

Dughall is my PRINCE look how proud he is and how he poses for pics...

Lallee said...

She is just such a beauty. She looks adorable in her new do. It's hard to get those first cuts and lose the puppy look. Her photos just make me gush. Please tell Mr. Doogs that he hasn't lost his affect on me just because I'm going on about Fiona.
Hugs and Aroos,
Lallee and the gang