Saturday, May 16, 2009

I have shared this shelf before - infact on one of my first posts.
Just thought I'd share it again. The little Scottie vase was a gift
from my sweet friend, Kathy Long, way before I ever owned a Scottie.
Miss Fi-Fi-Fo-Fum went under the knife yesterday to get fixed. I know...I know... she would have made such cute puppies! So little Miss is being pampered today. You would hardly know she had surgery less than 24 hours ago. She and Duhgall wanted to play ball this morning!
My dear friend, Jean, had me over for a fabulous lunch about a week or so ago. Do you know I didn't bring my camera! Like "duh!" - what was I thinking? Her backyard is full of beauty with (geez - let me think - 50 or so...) pots full of flowers! Note to self: go back to take pictures for a post! Jean also is a wonderful cook and she made a Rhubarb and Apple dessert with a Phyllo Dough topping that was D-VINE! The dollup (ok - huge spoonful) of fresh whipped cream was the perfect touch! Stop by her blog to get the recipe. It is a show stopper!!!
Happy Weekend!


BittersweetPunkin said...

Oh my, Miss Sadie needs to have her operation too...we adopted her a few months ago and they had not spayed her yet, I think she was already bred once or twice. We better hop to it!

LOVE your shelf, it looks so sweet!
Have a great weekend!

Brenda Eason said...

Very pretty shelf and love the vase.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor baby. Mine is due soon to get fixed. I wouldn't have it any other way but man it takes my heart the first few hours afterwards. Hope she is far from the memory a day or two from now.

Duke said...

Thank you for stopping by our blog! Fiona and Duhgall are too cute!
We're very sorry to read about your son, Jordan. What a handsome boy he was! Our hearts go out to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tins and Treasures said...

I've enjoyed stopping by your blog. The Rhubarb Crisp sounds good. Have a great weekend. Take care ~Natalie

Skoots1moM said...

i've never had rhubarb...what does it taste like?

The Blushing Hostess said...

This is so pretty and delicate. Lovely.

Faye said...

Hello there my sweet Becky.Sounds like you had a great lunch.Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, Faye

The Tattered Cottage said...

Get well wishes for Miss Fiona. When Bear had his little surgery the vet said to keep him still...that was a challenge! All he wanted to do was play. :) Love the shelf.

Unknown said...

I love that shelf and all the things displayed on it...sooo cute!
I hope your baby gets along fine while recovering.


the wild raspberry said...

that shelf is holding the most wonderful treasures...jars of white buttons, an old clock, a lovely old mirror. wonder--ful!
have a wonderful weekend.

Vee said...

If you need a chuckle, visit Sandi at Holding Patterns who discusses taking pets to the vet for "the surgery." Too funny.

I hope that Fiona is feeling better every day.

Love your sweet vintage shelf, too. You've got it looking darling. But, of course!

Kathleen Grace said...

I'm sure Miss Fiona is being pampered into health by the whole family:>) your shelf is so pretty, you put the sweetest vintage things together!

Jocelyn said...

I have started keeping my camera in my purse! Never know when there will be a kodak moment :-)

HiHo said...

has it been that long since my last visit....another dog, how did I miss this exciting event? so happy for you, the best medicine in the world. thinking of you. heidi

The Green Pea said...

Oh! Miss Fiona with her new hair do went to the Doctor too? All this new stuff it is all about growing up Fi. Hope you are feeling well. Doog you be nice don't play to rough! Sandi

Shaam said...

Aw glad to hear little Fiona is doing good :) My aunt just got her cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle mix) fixed. Rather than use a cone to keep her from getting at the incision they put her in a baby's onesie LOL. With a little hole cut out for a tail. haha.

All the best,

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh heart is broken.and the plans that I had for that little lady...well she and I still have a date in Casbah!
Love, GussyDog, Nebbie 2 xoxoxoxo

lady jicky said...

Rest up sweetie.
It is best to de-sex your dog - makes life easier for doggie and owner.

Miss Jean said...

Thank you for the kind words. It was indeed a great day! And it's not 50+, it's 100+ pots. I know since we have to hand water each and every one of them since SOMEONE ate my drip system. Now who could that be? "Maggie, I said, who could that be?"

I'm glad that Miss Fiona came out of surgery just fine. She's turning out to be such a dear.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

That is such a charming little shelf, and I love everything you have displayed on it. (What is that the sissors are in-it looks so interesting). laurie

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Jean's backyard sounds beautiful! I often forget my camera too! Hate that!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi Becky...
The fix our little doggies at such a young age now! I guess it is suppose to be better if they do not come in heat..healthier or something.
Sending you a hug...and I totally understand the camera thing. I just did the same exact thing on Saturday..except took the camera..NO chip!
Sending you a hug!

Carol said...

I adore that shelf,and everything on it,and would love to find one for myself!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

That is a sweet shelf ~ I have that same little planter.
Best wishes to Little Miss Fiona for a speedy recovery!

Paula Bee said...

We went through this with our puppy a few months ago and she did just beautifully. I'll keep her in my thoughts. --I love your self, with it cute treasures on it! Love,
Paula Bee

Susie Q said...

I do hope Miss Fi is feeling oh so better today! Gentle hugs to her...