Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm Having A Lil' Giveaway

I hope that this post finds you all doing well! Wow! It is already February, well almost, and it is time for a little giveaway in celebration of YOU and Valentine's Day. Of course, a little Valentine's giveaway HAS to have some reds and some pinks!
A little PINK and RED vintage apron.....
...a handmade LOVE sachet pillow done in sweet red fabrics and a vintage LOVE BIRD hand towel....
...two CD's with relaxing and romantic music (you will need to provide the candles, champagne and bubble bath.... wink!)..... oooo la la!
...a little set of Babooshka dolls and a little Matrioshka doll key chain...who traveled all the way from Russia - with LOVE!
....a sweet vintage framed needlepoint...
...and one of my handmade pennant banners done in reds and whites. This size is perfect to hang over a mirror or hutch.
Little tea cup prints...
...and little cherry prints...
...and must have ginghams and polka dots!
I will be picking the name of the winner on February 6th. All YOU need to do is to leave a comment on this post. If you don't have a way to leave a comment then you can email me at and let me know if you would like to enter. Our International friends are included, too.
To get your name in TWICE, just post the giveaway on your blog and let me know that you did so.
Now I am off for another week so that I can finish more of the sachet pillows for ETSY. They will make it there eventually.......I won't give any specific dates. The batch I had to list were purchased from some very sweet blog friends. So off I go.....into the wild blue yonder.....or something like that!
Till next week I leave you with some sweet sounds from my favorite movie "French Kiss."
Au revoir and les étreintes à vous.


1 – 200 of 367   Newer›   Newest»
Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Wonderful and charming goodies to give away so sign me up. Wonderful and charming-just like your blog!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter your wonderful giveaway! I have a place for each and every item. I really have wanted one of those sweet banners and yours matches my cherry red kitchen! Have a great weekend.

Carol said...

What an amazing collection of giveaway goodies! Please enter my name!

just_charming_ said...

Please enter me in your gorgeous Giveaway! Everything is so beautiful! Suzanne

Sue said...

Loving that RED! Please add me to your entries!

Skoots1moM said...

what cute the babushkas....
can't believe January is done...

Connie said...

That banner is just adorable, honey. You are a GEM for doing this, sweetpea.

Barb said...

please enter me in your giveaway,everything is beautiful and charming have a blessed day...Barb

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, what wonderful treasures! I would SO love to win! I took pics of some little tea towels that I have with the days of the week today and I am missing Sunday! heehee! Please enter me and visit my blog when you can! I'm have a giveaway, too!

Sue said...

I love the banner...the polka dots match the new placemats I just got...please include my name in your drawing, although I never win a thing...Hope your weekend is going good!!

Caroline said...

What sweet giveaways...count me in please!

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Hi Becky!

Count me in! anything you do is GOR-GE-OUS! I adore all the patterns too, so sweet ,just like you!

Have a great weekend kiddo! and btw, I love that movie too!

xo Cynthia

Judy said...

Goodness, yes! Sign me up!

2 Dogs said...

What sweets you are getting away. Count me in.

Joyce said...

I just came across your blog via Sue's "The Secret Garden"...I love your little Scotty! You have a neat little site here.
Also.....THAT is a TON of cute "Red" things your giving away.
Pleeeease enter me into your give away if you would...:~)
Be blessed,
Joyce M.

Anonymous said...

Cottages AND crafts!!! I just found you and am adding you to my list for more in-depth reading! How fun to find you and a giveaway!


Cottage Lifestyle said...

WOW, that's a lot of goodies. I will post a link and picture on my sidebar.


the wild raspberry said...

me oh are so generous! this would be a fabulous package to win. will i have to keep my fingers crossed all week?! ooh, i can imagine a cramp comin' on. i will have a very special place on my blog for your giveaway as well.
have a good week. we'll miss you while you're visiting in la la land.
xo, chas

Jean said...

Becky, What an awesome giveaway. Please, please enter me. You know how to reach me if I am so lucky to be the winner. Hope your boothin the antique shop is going well. You will really enjoy it.Have a great rest of the weekend and don't work too hard.
Jean in Virginia

Jena Williams, Not So Shabby Interiors said...

Oh, what sweet items! I just enjoy your blog soooo much!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Are you cuckoo? This is an awesome giveaway....what is this, the mother lode? Are you sure you want to give all this away? I adore that banner...yeah, everything else too, but that banner!!!
Please add my name, and I'm putting this on my blog as well.
People won't believe this!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

This cherry girl would loooooove to win your sweet give away!
I love everything you create!

Come and sign up for my give away!

Hugz, Dolly

Maison Douce said...

Wow, so many wonderful things!! I would be so excited to win these... Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

what a give away.The banner is so beautiful!! Please put my name in.

Sunday Girl said...

Please enter me, beautiful giveaway.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Ok..I HAVE to at least throw my hat...I mean my bouquet, in the ring on this one. Just beautiful! SO.. :) CATCH! :)

Joanne Kennedy said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win your giveaway. I adore your banner and everything else you are offering. How sweet of you.

I've listed your giveaway on my blog for you.


Jennifer said...

What a stash of goodies!! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway!
Is Dhougs going to help you pick the winner?
Suz in the Tules

Anonymous said...

Oh Becky, count me in. What a gorgeous and generous giveaway. This ol' rental house could sure do with some cheering up.



Anonymous said...

Your blog is adorable (don't care if I win or not), just had to let you know :)

Kendra said...

What beautiful goodies! I have the perfect place for each of them :)

Have a wonderful weekend.

julie & joe said...

What a great give away. Please visit my blog and enter my give away.

Anonymous said...

Becky, I have kind of a milestone birthday coming up on the 7th of February. Winning your wonderful giveaway would sure make the pain of turning "60" a little more fun. Please enter my name in the contest. Love, Debbi


P.S. I can't believe I admitted to the whole blogging world that I am turning 60. SHHHH! Even my BFF doesn't know. HE! HE!

Mimi Sue said...

Oh my goodness. I hope I am lucky this week. Everything is so adorable. Mimi

Peggy said...

Everything is so pretty. What a generous givaway!
Put my name in the hat.


Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Gosh, what a cute bunch of loot! All of it is DIVINE! I never win anything but I love to participate anyway. You are so kind and generous!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your gorgeous Giveaway! Everything is lovely!

Shara said...

I read your blog all the time, but I never comment. I feel guilty entering the giveaway, but that banner is to die for - everything is wonderful. What a lucky winner!

Pink Slippers said...

How wonderful and perfect. I love this give-away. Please enter me in. Thank you!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Heard about you on Corgi Dog Mama's blog...what a wonderful giveaway. NOT ENTERING, just stopping by to admire!

They call me Estatez... said...

Yoi have the sweetest items in your give away. I sure hope I'm the lucky winner! I love visiting your blog to see what you and Dughall are up to.

Linda said...

I'm in love with all these sweet treasure....please include me...hugs, Linda

West Michigan Quilter said...

I just bounced over from Eileen's Attic. Love your blog. Nice giveaway! This is my first time. What fun. Happy Quilting.

Unknown said...

Oh boy! I do love your banners! I hope I'll be the lucky girl.

Sal said...

That is such a wonderful collection of goodies for you to give away ;-)

Sally said...

How wonderful, a giveaway. What sweet, pretty, and lovely items especially for February. Please include me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky - I just love all of the goodies you are giving away and would love to enter. I do not have a blog, but hope to soon, but I come to visit you often through Bella Della Farm, who is my precious daughter. Oh, and let me tell you how much I love the Dughall:>). I can't tell you how many times I have watched French Kiss...a big time favorite!!!

Have a nice weekend,

Anonymous said...

Oh my! So many lovely giveaway items-so creative!

Elaine R said...

Lovely, lovely giveaway! Rachaelxo

Preppy Mama said...

What a sweet giveaway! I'd love some of that sweetness in my home!!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Glimpse of My World said...

I want to enter the giveaway! love your pennant's. Do you sell those on ETSY? Smiles!

Paisley said...

What a generous giveaway! Please enter me in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's alot of sweet goodies you are giving away! All things that would fit perfectly in my little cottage! I love your blog, and read it every day.
Hope you have a great weekend!

LADY JANE said...

What a wonderful give-away,how very generous of you! I came over from Corgis...she has this lil'(?) giveaway posted for all to see! Your bloggy is beautius!

Linda said...

wow, awesome giveaway! Thank you! Please enter me and I am putting a link to your site on my blog.

coopercreek said...

Hi. Please enter me in your wonderful give away. You are putting me in the Valentine's mood. I love RED. Your blog is awesome. Thanks, Laura

Rebecca said...

You are just toooo precious and generous! I would LOVE to enter your sweet giveaway!! All of these things are just yummy!!!! RED, my favorite! I'm going to put this on my blog too!!! Have a lovely week!

Hugs and Blessings,

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Hi Becky :)

Count me twice :) I just love all these items so much!! You do such a Beautiful job combining fabrics !! I did a post about you and your scrumptious creations! Everything you put together is fabulous and so cottage SWEET!

Have a wonderful Sunday sweetie!

Hugs, Cynthia

Carolyn G said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I love that apron!!!

Debbie said...

What wonderful goodies to give away. I just found your blog and like what I have seen so far.

Thanks for the chance to win.


"Create Beauty" said...

Beautiful! Fun! Please add me to your pile of people who'd love to win it all : )

Missy said...

what a wonderful giveaway :) the apron is adorable. thank you!

Cindy said...

Please put my name in the pot...such lovely things, specially that banner! :D


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up for this fun and so sweet giveaway! I will posting it to my blog also- will come back and let you know when I have that done!


Bama Grits said...

What a beautiful blog! Love all your giveaways! Also love red!

Betty said...

Becky! You're so sweet! I've already won one of your giveaways so I will just wish good luck to the winner! She will love it!!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Beautiful goodies! Please sign me up. I love the banners they are so detailed what a great idea that is.

Happy@Home said...

Bonjour Becky,
What beautiful items you have included in your generous giveaway. I greatly admire your talents. Please include me in your giveaway.

Merci Beaucoup!!

Sometimes It's Good said...

What cute things you have in your giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing.
Hugs, Susan

Anonymous said...


Oh I am loving these pretties! Your blog is fabulous! Please sign me up for your giveaway! Thanks so much!


ksarra said...

Your treasures are ADORABLE, please enter me in your soooo generous giveaway! Thanks...

Gypsy aka Tam said...

I just found you and love your blog and I made sure I became a follower. What a wonderful giveaway - please add me to the list.
Have a wonderful Sunday,

Joanne said...

I found your blog via Cynthia's Cottage Design. Your blog is charming -- love it! Please enter my name in your amazing giveaway. Happy Super Bowl! Joanne ~~

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Beautiful give away!!!!!

Salmagundi said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! Please enter me, as I would love to win. Thanks. Sally

Tracey said...

What a wonderful bunch of goodies in your giveaway!! Please enter me :)

Jodi Nelson said...

What a fantastic Give Away! I must win, even if it's just for the banner! It's got cherries on it!
Love your Blog. ooxx`jodi

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

What a GRAND giveaway you are having. Enter me. I would love to win all these wonderful prizes. Reds and pinks are so refreshing!

Miss Jean said...

My yard is pathetic, also. But there are little spots that are pretty, like the camelia on my porch. It's called camera editing! Te He!

Nicole ~ said...

I just discovered your blog, and I must tell you Mr. Duhgall & Miss Socks are precious!! And, you are so very talented. You have created so many beautiful things.

I cannot wait to come back and see more. Have a great day.


Anya said...

Sounds great. Count me in, please. Thanks.

dixie said...

Your blog is so refreshing and makes me happy! I will post on my blog at so others may enjoy also! Pleas sign me up for your freebies!!!

Carrie P. said...

Simply this, that and the other sent me. Can I enter? What a cheerful giveaway. Love the stitchery.

Barefoot Studios Ok, LLC said...

Ohh I am so glad I found your blog and this SWEET giveaway!! Enter me PLEASE!!

Thanks for the chance to win these amazing goodies!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. i would not call it "little" I would call it amazing!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh My Goodness! What a WoNdErFuL giveaway!! I am so excited! Please add my name! Pretty, please! Love your handiwork!


Stacey said...

What a sweet give away! Please include me. :)

don 17 said...

Christmas has just passed!!what a magic give away gift!PLEASE put me in.l've been surfing all afternoon (blogs not the sea!its snowing today in London !) and came to you via hensteethart which led me to thecraftroom which led me to you!and at the end of the rainbow was a wonderful gift!lm adding you to my newly opened blog

Catherine Holman said...

What sweet lovelies you are giving away. Please sign me up! Love, love, love the banner.

Anonymous said...

If I had a blog of my own, I would definitely post a link! As it is, I can only drool over your goodies and hope against hope to be a winner! Especially love the banner and the little red teacups fabric. So heartwarming!

Laurie Anne said...

please enter me in this darling giveaway. I also posted it on my blog as well.
Happy Sunday ;0)

Betty's Blocks said...

Love your stuff, especially all the red things. I would like to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks Betty

Abby and Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness lots of pretties!!! I found you through Jodi at Simple This That and the Other. What a very generous giveaway.

marilynl said...

Oh my, these giveaways are sooo wonderful. I hope they come to live with me!

dlh said...

wow! What a great giveaway, count me in twice. I've just put your link on my blog.

Salomé said...

Hi I would love to enter to your beatiful giveaway.Please sign me in :)

Anonymous said...

I adore your blog and log on frequently.
Love all the sweet polka-dotted sweetpea things you are giving away.

Please enter me :-)

Keep up the great work.

My website isn't as interesting, but you inspire me.

Have a wonderful Sunday!



You have the best treasures and I hope it's my turn to win. They are all super and your handmade items are the best.
Please enter me in your give away and come visit sometime. Jackson Brown has been a naughty puppy, again or I mean still. Today he chewed up the remote!! and the evidence is in his bed!!
Thank you!

Becky Garrison said...

Oh Gorgeous!!! Love everything, but that pennant would be perfect in my kitchen with the red table and chairs! I've put a link to you on my blog as well, so count me in twice! Thanks, Becky G.

Virginia said...

I would love to enter your wonderful giveaway.Everything is so beautiful!
Virginia :)

LissyLou said...

i've just found you but i'd love to be included in the giveaway!! xx

LAUREN at Faith Fuel said...

Relaxing AND romantic music- now that's a double doozy! I like the idea of BOTH those words! You have such a flair for color, for life, for giving!

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh goodness! I am away for a week and come back to see all these wonderful things and about as much chance of winning as the lottery! Ah well, add my name to the list of dreamers who would love to have any of the beautiful things you make dear Becky:>) I will add a posting about the give-away to my blog even though it dilutes my chances even more. *sigh*

Shabbee Chick said...

WHAT fun goodies! I love all your red and white! And your little doggie! So ca-yute!

Cassie said...

These are the most lovely items!!! You have a beutiful blog also, I love your banner. I saw your giveaway on "This That and The Other".

3LittleByrds said...

I love all the goodies. Such cute things.

annemarie said...

Absolutely wonderful giveaway - hope the postman delivers these goodies to my front door. Your blog is the greatest - am so glad I found it.

Cassie said...

I blogged about your giveaway! You can see my "giveaway post" here.


tam said...

WoW what an awesome give away! Toss my name in the hat! LoL!
Love your darling blog too!!!~have a nice day~Smiles~Tam!

libertythreads said...

Please enter me for your great giveaway!

Carol said...

Beautiful giveaway. I would love you to enter my name. Thank U

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Pick me! What a wonderful giveaway Becky. You are so sweet to do this. I promised Kathy at Kathy's cottage I would split the win with her if you picked me :-).

martha brown said...

WOW! what a great giveaway -- that vintage apron is awesome! And so are all of your other goodies. I'm going back to your blog now to have a look around!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing:) Very, very cute!

Linda said...

Sign me up. WOW!! great giveaways. Love your blog. I'm a new blogger check me out Linda

jen said...

Oh my!! What wonderful goodies! Please enter me.


Kim said...

What a great bunch of goodies! How can I *not* enter?

becky up the hill said...

Sakes alive, please enter moi into your give-away! Love the music~love that movie too!

Kim said...

Becky, I posted about your great giveaway on my blog. I hope I win! *jumping up and down and crossing fingers*

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

Lovely prizes!

Sue in MI said...

I love them all! Please enter my name.

rustycupboard said...

I love all of them. So very cool. Even if I don't win I enjoyed your site.

Melissa said...

Great giveaway! Please include me in the drawing! :)

calicodaisy said...

All that in one giveaway! It's great, and everything is darling. I came over from the Hearth and Home blog. -- Michele

Southerner said...

Count me in- such cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

what wonderful goodies..thank you for letting me enter. I love your blog!

Teresa said...

As always everything on this post is so adorable. The apron, vintage needlepoint and pillow are especially pretty. So much for one giveaway! Something tell me Becky likes Valentines Day. Count me in... twice I am posting this on my blog right now. :-)

Every Day Blessings said...

Very Darling things!Your blog is so cute, I love all the made things.

Unknown said...

OOOOH! Put me on the list. !!!! : )

If you get a chance .... Zip by my blog... I'm having a give away too.


Anonymous said...

Lovely! Thanks for the opportunity!

nettacow at yahoo dot com

Sentimentally Me said...

I'm in Missy!! xo P

Connie said...

Love pinks and red so count me in!

Rachel said...

Hello! This is my first time visiting your blog and I think it's just beautiful!
I guess I lucked out finding you the day you post a giveaway. What lovely gifts. Red is my favourite colour and all your red goodies make me smile! ☺ I will certainly mention your giveaway on my blog tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! Everything is beautiful. Please enter me. Love your blog.


Dena said...

Hi Becky,

What a sweet bundle of treasures! I am in love with everything :) Hope you are having a great weekend! Loving the French Kiss of my favorites too!


Dena said...

Hi Becky,

What a sweet bundle of treasures! I am in love with everything :) Hope you are having a great weekend! Loving the French Kiss of my favorites too!


Terri Steffes said...

What a charming giveaway. Please enter my name and Kathleen Grace sent me!

Anonymous said...

What a generous and lovely giveaway. To win it would make my Valentine's Day so special.

Thanks for the chance.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

suzeeez said...

Oh My !.....what a beautiful give-away! Hope I'm not too late . Please count me in with the other 139 people!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

These are so wonderful. I would love to be considered for your give away. Thank you so much.

Kristin said...

Wow - what a collection of vintage beauties! How generous of you!

Anonymous said...

I did post about you on my blog!!
Am waiting for my name to picked!!!


Deb said...

What a wonderful giveaway parcel. My daughter and I were saying yesterday how much we love Babooshka dolls :-)

Debra Howard said...

What beautiful eye candy. Love the little cherries.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!! Please enter my name. Love the banner!

Thank you!!


Anonymous said...


This is such a wonderful giveaway! I especially love the banner...that's my favorite! :) I'm thankful to have my name in the hat, and look forward to seeing what's in your etsy shop :)


greetingarts said...

Wow, what amazingness. You are so generous, I'm thrilled to have found you. Happy February!

Kelly B said...

You make the sweetest banners!! If only you could do my front room for me... :) There is just something so happy about polka dots and banners and all the adorable patterns you have...!! :)

Heartfelt living said...

What a beautiful give away, please include me. I will add your give away to my blog.
Thank you,

Janet said...

Thank you so much! I'd love to be part of your giveaway - but even if I don't win I think I'm a winner because I found your blog via Cynthia's Cottage Design - and I've absolutely fallen in love with it! I'll be following close:)

Anonymous said...

I will absolutely try to win some of all the wonderful things you are giving away.
What a charming blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! I'm stopping in from Cynthia's!!! The pillow in your giveaway caught my eye and since I'm a nut for red polka dots and cherry fabrics I had to check you out! Love it here! You don't have to enter me since it's my first time commenting but I will be back!!!lol Have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Wow! Every single thing is so gorgeous. Seriously inspiring, I'm loving all of the red this time of year. And Wowza on your sachets! love the linen, love the stitching, they're cozy and precious. Can't wait to buy one. x

Unknown said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I heard about it from Kathy's Cottage! Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous Valentine goodies! :)

I'm having a giveaway too on my blog! If you'd like a chance to win some handmade lace and meet other bloggers come over and check it out (it's dated January 19, 2009).

kayleeg2005 said...


kayleeg2005 said...


Anonymous said...


Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. So many beautiful things. I found my way here from 'This, That and the Other.

Annette said...

Now that put me in the Valentines mood. Beautiful reds and pinks. What an awesome giveaway.

Christy said...

I am posting again because I don't think it worked, here goes again...I visited today for the first time, your giveaways are simply precious, count me in, I will be a frequent visitor and look forward to perusing your wonderful blog!

Thimbleanna said...

What a beautiful giveaway!!!

Sole said...

Oh what beautiful goodies!!! I would love to be entered in the giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Becky,

I came over to sign up for your give away & I'm glad I did. What a bundle of adorable things. However, you do have 163 comments so my chances of winning are slim!!! :-(

I did get to read some of your previous posts and had quite a few LOL's, so I am an official follower!!

Have a great week!


Sheri said...

Wonderful! JOdi at Simply This That and The Other led me here. Great blog. I'll link you on

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway. Thank you for entering me. I found you through Kathy's Cottage.

Mona said...

Love your blog! I'd love to win. Mona

Jilly Id said...

A-doorable! Love love the vintage and retro fabrics. I just happen to have a red kitchen so how cute would that banner be over my window? lol Please enter me into the draw.

Simple Home said...

Well, I don't have a blog, but I'd like to be entered in your giveaway. Your blog is wonderful.

Rochelle said...

Oooh....would love love love to have that bounty of reds! Love the banner! Everything in all my favorite colors!

azah said...

I love to win your wonderful creations...put me in!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

hello, how gorgeous, what wonderful goodies, and oh so clever you are.
cheers, Shiree

Jeane` said...

How did you ever know that red and white cherry patterns are among my very favorites!?!?! :) I am soooo glad I came across this blog! It is beautiful...and fun!

Tanya said...

I LOVE anything red. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Keep up the great work on your blog. I love it.

bj said...

What a beautiful and generous giveaway...Please enter my name to your growing list, if you would.
Happy day, bj

bj said...

Meant to add that I will add your button to my blog...

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Hi Becky,
PLEASE enter me in your giveaway. There so many goodies! And I love them all (though I'm sure you could guess which ones are my favs). I very happily posted about your giveaway in my blog. So please enter me TWICE!
Patricia :o)

Judy said...

Awesome giveaway. I hope I'm not too late.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Would love to win that adorable banner! Throw my name into the hat please!

Priscilla said...

Oh What a beautiful givaway! I would love to enter, love the banner and little pillows, Thank you for hossting this sweet givaway. xx

Suzann said...

Oh please please please enter me in this amazing and wonderful give - away.


Judi said...

Great giveaway! Love your blog! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...It is all so cute.
I hope I win ;)

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

What WONDERFUL gifts! Please toss my name in the hat--I love everything! V.

Elyse said...

hi becky!

everything is adorable! i love your fabric choices.

holy guacamole, you've got a lot of comments!!!

have a great day


Back Through Time said...

That banner would look perfect in my Cherry Camper!! It is all great! sign me up:-)

Anonymous said...

The fabrics in that pennant are so charming! Would love to win this.

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. I just found your blog and just love everything about it. Everything is just so pretty. I will definatly be back to see more beautifull pictures and see the pretty things that you make. My email is

Sinta Renee said...

Oh Becky... are you kidding! What an exciting give-away! All sorts of wonderful goodies and special things that you have made:) Please put my name into the hat I would love a chance to win something from you/you are such a talent! Happy V Day to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I would love to enter...I am so loving red right now!!


Mary Humphrey said...

You have been awarded a Lemonade Stand award, by me. Details are on my blog. You have a beautiful that I enjoy following.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I'd love to win your giveaway after all Friday the 6th is my
57th Birthday!

Anonymous said...

OOOHHH! Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway! Love your blog! Jodi

The Raggedy Girl said...

I used to have the little Russian dolls but they are MIA. What a lovely Give-away. I am a first time visitor but will be back to shop around and read some more.
Roberta Anne

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog. Everything is lovely! Please enter me. I'm off to check out more of your wonderful blog.

Rosemary said...

i love the t towel!! Enter me please!

Sonnie said...

Lovely items - so cheery! Please add my name to the giveaway -
take care - Sonnie

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is an extremely generous giveway! Please enter me! I love your blog. I am not sure why I haven't seen it before! I followed a link from another and boom - there you were! All the red! So beautiful! I have posted the giveaway at my blog...with links back to yours! So much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh! One more thing! I love love love your playlist!

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Becky,I am on the healing path!Winning this sweet "Give Away" would sure help it along(smile). Please,count me in.....


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