I could not agree more....
But there were walls to wipe, cobwebs to remove...
Plates to take down and clean..
Windows to wash....
Dusting of all the knick knacks....
But wait, I forgot to polish the silver! Oops! Oh, and did I tell you that my dryer broke!? It threw in the towel!

Oh..one day at a time girl
so much housework, so little
a bit here, a bit there..then nap!!
fondly, Deena
al things in moderation
The dryer broke? Well, I guess that will delay in in coming to my house to continue your cleaning frenzy... but I will forgive you.
You must have gotten a burst of energy, please pass some this way, I could definitely use it. And the dryer broke, that kind of sounds like "the dog ate my homework"!! hehe
LeAnn :)
so much to do and so little time... it's the mantra of the modern woman isn't it?
You have inspired me to go do some laundry though...that pile of socks snarled at me I believe.
Well it all looks nice and clean. Girl how are you making it with no dryer.
I have to do my spring cleaning too, probably after my receptioist job ends in mid April. This June is baby daughters graduation open house and I must get the house ready for that! Nothing makes you take a good look at what needs to be done like 150 people at your house for a party!:>) Hope your dryer can be fixed, it is so hard to keep up without one!
OK, let's look on the cheery side. You have amazing things to dust. The camelia bush is beautiful. Tarnished silver is still IN (telling self that). The silver looks great in the Scottie creamer. (Why didn't I think of that?) No dryer? Just wear dirty clothes or go naked. Now, doesn't everything look brighter?
Ah yes, the yearning to Spring clean. A few more 55 degree days like today and I will be joining the club! Sorry about the dryer...hope it's an easy fix. :-) Rosie
I keep telling myself that we're all a little healthier with some dust and dirt around -- keeps us from succumbing to the first nasty bug that comes around...
And I can hear my mother in my head telling me to get off my a** and clean!
Have a great weekend!
Wow you have been busy.
I better get my backside off this computer chair and do the same.
Oh no.. maybe later still got people to visit.
Becky: Check my blog! You've been awarded a You Make My Day award!!! Bless you dear friend!!!
Oh that's what I need to do but I have no energy left this week to even think about it! I'll just sit here and admire your clean and oh so pretty home :)
Oh boy you are getting ambitious, Becky, if you plan to do all of that cleaning this weekend! Me, I took off for New York instead. :-) Cleaning schmeaning.
Happy weekend,
Sounds like you have spring fever!
Me too. I can't really work outside yet, but the inside is getting a good work-over!
Not being helped by constantly bring a new treasure into the house! x
Good luck with the house work, sometimes there is really not enough time in a day! I am also in the middle of a true spring clean...
Priscilla x
OMG! I didn't know we are suppose to take things off the wall to clean them! Dust?????
I hope you have a wonderful weekend in you clean home.
Sounds like you are really making a lot of progress, good for you.
Do you hire out as a cleaning lady?
Oh well, guess not.
Becky, everthing looks nice and sparkly to me. I think I have a touch of Spring fever...I must get busy. Hugs, Linda
Your home is so beautiful that it would take some of the sting out of cleaning it for me.
I'm off for Spring break, so I'll be starting my Spring cleaning next week.
I love that scotty spoon rest!
Spring cleaning....I love the results! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Susan
Ok, would you like my address ?! Your house is beautiful :) I need to get cleaning too!
Have a wonderul weekend,
"Threw in the towel" ... ha, ha.
Have you an outside line you could use? You probably have the climate for it.
This is all an issue of simple logic.
Dryer breaks= no clothes will be washed
No clothes washed= no clean clothes to wear...
No clean clothes to wear= MUST GO SHOPPING AND BUY CLOTHES...
Must go shopping and buy clothes = NO TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE!!!
Excuses excuses Becky!!
Now your sweet cottage doesn't look like the kind of home where the dust settles for long...
Has Spring cleaning fever taken hold of you?
Looking at your retro sign.. I think I have wasted far too much of my life chasing dust!
What a wonderful burst...spring cleaning at its finest!
kari & kijsa
Please, Please, Please stop over to my House and Spring Clean for me. My Soffits above my cabinets are in need of such a cleaning... Good For you...
Wish my dryer would break! And glad to read Doogs is better.
What a burst of energy!!! I will try it later next week!
Tee shirt contest is finished and a winner is announced and the design is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go and take a look and I will get out and about and get caught up on all my friends blogs……………….. I will try to read and find out what you gals have been up to this week…………..
New dryer..do tell..is it the green set? lol..My old Kenmore still chugging along..see you like old ironstone too..sometimes I like the potter's mark on the back as much as the classic creamy front! Talk soon! becky up the hill
Threw in the towel....oh you silly girl!
Threw in the towel...up the towel...and threw that towel around before it stopped. Now it sits quietly while that towel mocks it.
Poor dryer...poor Becky with no dryer. I hope all is back to normal soon. You may have to quit cleaning and do something else...like read or nap or craft or sing or antique or snuggle Doog or...
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