Before I get started, I want to congratulate my good buddy Melissa, at
The Inspired Room, for her 100
th Post!! Awesome Possum!!! She is having quite a French-Inspired Satellite party over at her place as well as a FUN giveaway to those who enter comments on the party posts, which began on November 1st. So, get on with your party self and whiz on over for a feast for your decorating
Deva eyes and enter to win for the giveaway!
Ooooo La La!!
Oui!? The photo above is from the shop Blissful, that of which Marvelous Melissa is posting about. This is a new shop in Canton, Ohio - wayyy to far from my reach (I reckon hubby is happy for that) - but it is full of beautiful home accessories. Oh how I wish I had a jet to fly me there! Somebody? Anybody?
Yesterday I shared a "grate" idea to display your photos or cards. There are so many ways of framing pictures and I love all kinds of old frames..wood, metal (especially silver) and etched glass frames.
These are old film cartridges used as frames for old pictures. Love the beach one!
I bought these from Marsha, who owns
Laura Bells's antiques...click here.

Great number graphic on top!! :)

A Victorian
Pyrography frame. This is the photo that came with the frame. I just love the green flowers and leaves.

Below is an antique pitcher and bowl that my mother gave to me. For years she had it in our bathroom. Next to it is an old silver frame with a photo of my momma holding me. The old mirror is a 7.00 estate sale purchase...free hydrangeas from our garden. Above is old
gesso frame, but instead of a picture, it frames a mirror.

I bought this old spool that someone had put this adorable photo of two
rambuncious boys on. Tucked inside the spool is an old pair of scissors - a flea market find.

Lastly, if I you could say a little prayer for my
Doogs, he and I would appreciate it. I wasn't going to share this, but perhaps you all will understand if I don't get around to visiting for a few days. We took him into the vet last night to have some growths looked at on his nose. Well, the vet did a biopsy and we won't have the results back for four days, or longer.
Scotty dogs are notorious for having skin issues and the worse case scenario would be an auto-immune problem. We are praying for it to not be that. So for now, he is on some
meds to get himself comfy. Poor little guy. It just breaks my heart to see him have to be on steroids and to not feel good. Right now he is napping, but I need to take him out for his morning walk so he can do his thing on the neighbor's lawn. Yes, of course I have the doggy diddle bag to pick it all up.
Doogs and I wish you a wonderful weekend and keep your toes and fingers crossed for us and in your prayers for his little body to get better. Tears in my eyes now...huge lump in my throat and time to end this post. xo.....
I very much enjoy your blog. I love seeing and reading about Doogs! I will certainly say a prayer for him and hope you get the best possible news!!
I love the pictures. And your hydrangeas look so perfect I thought they were 'faux.' My mom just gave me a bowl and pitcher and I love it.
And honey, I will most definitely pray for Doogs. I know what you're going through. Pets aren't pets. They're extensions of our families and it's just as painful when they're sick or hurting.
FABULOUS...those are old movie frames???? love the numbers on the top! We posted about Melissa's party....looks like they are having fun with Demi and Ashton!
Hope your scotty is feeling better soon!
smiles, kari and kijsa
Oh, honey!!!!!! You choked me up to, sweetie!! Oh, how I wish I could do something for you... you have my love and thoughts. Give Doogs lots of cuddles and lovies and keep us posted. Love ya, Esther
Dear Becky,
I am so sorry to hear this about darling little doogie. You and your baby are in all my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posting on this results.
With love,
I will keep Doogs in my thoughts. It is so hard when our fur babies are not feeling good. I just went through two growths having to be removed from my sheltie. I hope you get good news from the vet. Hugs to you too!
I'm so sorry to hear about Doogs. Sending hugs & prayers your way for both of you. I completely understand how you are feeling right now. Lovely photo's in your post.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I love your entire blog...those frames are all precious.
I do so hope your dog will be ok. Be sure to let us know the results of the biopsy.
Keep smiling...I bet he is going to be fine.
Love, bj
I often put my hand on my blonde mop of a dog, Harry, and pray over him for peace and health. He seems to like when I pray.(That, and I often sing to him!)I am so thankful to God for my sweet dog, who reminds me of the proverb "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother". That's what our sweet dogs do- stick close to us and love us, and we love them back. May Doogs be healthy and sound in body. Praying for him...and you. Peace to you both.
Oh, Doogs! My sweet! My heart is breaking for him, I do hope things will heal up and he will be his happy dog self again soon!
Hug his furry face for me!
You are a BFF, thanks for inviting folks to the party! We are still having a splendid time, and hope to peek in again tomorrow at The Blissful to keep the party going!
Love those film frames! WOW! You are the master at finding great stuff. I need to start shopping more and expanding my horizons! I never knew how much cool stuff I was missing!
Hugs and kisses to Doogs from Winston too.
Oh, it hurts our hearts sooo much when our four legged kids are sick! Here' hoping all goes well...fingers crossed!
Great ideas for old pictures. I hope Doogs get better.
First as usual lovely picture of small setting in your home. You have created a beautiful home.
Now about your buddy...my thoughts and prays are with you. I know how our (entire family)depend so much on our little buddy to be there for us. I have to tell you even though we have never met every time I see a cute little scottie dog picture..etc I think of you.
Hi Becky,
I'm behind on my visiting so sorry to hear about Doogs. Ginger sends big kisses, she understands how he feels. I'll be praying. Keep us posted.
Poor Doogs! Of course we understand...our canines are part of our families. Keep us posted on his progress.
I love your frames! They are so unique...
And I have you & Doogs in thought & prayer!
Have a wonderful weekend...
Awwww, poor Doogs. Sending healing prayers his way.
Paris Fifi and I are just stopping by to see how Doogs is feeling? Hoping he's a little better by now. Paris wants Doogs to know that she's had a rough day today too, and of course her mummy blogged all about it, so she knows just how he feels, the poor darling!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Oh Becky-I will of course be saying a prayer for Doogs-I know he means as much to you as Spider does to me. Here's hoping you get some good news from the vet.
And it's lovely to be back visiting your blog!xx
Becky, bless your heart. Having lived with my cats for 16 years now, I know that our pets become part of our family. I will be praying for Doogs and you.
Your picture frames are just lovely, and the display with your Mother's pitcher and bowl is priceless:)
I love all your frames, Everything looks so pretty. I sure hope doogs gets to very better, and that he will be o.k.
Becky, so sorry to hear about Doogs. He is such a sweetie. I will be sending good thoughts your way. Loved your pics today. And Take On Me! Wow, that brought me back.
Big hugs,
I, too, wish I was close enough to Canton, Ohio. What a gorgeous shop! I love the vintage photos and different ways of framing them - the spool is such a wonderful idea!
I hope your little furry baby is OK. I'll be thinking of you.
Becky, I'm so sorry for your concern for Doogs. I sent you an email to say more.
I love your Pyrography frame. I wouldn't have known that is what to call it. Always learning something new here.
The picture of you with your mom is precious and I love the little silver bird by the frame.
Baggins and Oliver want their little buddy to be well. We're praying!
Becky, my sheltie (Sparky) is doing great! He had mast cell tumors on both front legs, of course, he couldn't grow them at the same time, so he had to have 2 surgeries. I'll share my furbabies on my blog very soon. He is 12 years old but he still has the youngest heart of us all! Sparky sends Doogs a get well wish. It will be ok.
Hi Becky,
So sorry about your little dog. I hope he is OK soon. Will say a little doggie prayer for him.
Love what you did with the photos.
Great ideas.
Praying for Doogs.
Praying for Doogs.
Hope he gets well soon.
Hello , just dropped in and your blog is lovely so many beautifull things to look at and a lovely doogie too. Your cottage is stunning too ,
x Dominique
What a neat shop...good thing its not nearby! I will stop by Melissas now. Susan
I love all the treasured you shared with us.
So sorry your little Scotty isn't feeling well. Best wished and a hug for both you and the pooch.
Hi Becky,
What beautiful photos you've shared.
I'm so sorry to hear about your precious Doogs. Of course I'll say a little prayer for him.
Dear, sweet Doogs.... you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Ahh...having pets of my own I certainly will hold your little guy in my prayers....they are like our children arn't they! I have had several heartaches with my pets these past few years.
I see the pink ribbon on your side bar..I am a breast cancer survivor..4 yrs..YEAH!!
I have your same hair style as of last week but mine is naturally silver..like ~silver fox~ and I noticed from a comment.. you and I LoVe the SAME TV programmes!!
Now about your photos..Love all your treasures..I am sure if I enterd that shop..many treasures would be winking at me!
I'm off now to enter the giveaway..
thanks for the heads up!
NEXT WEEK I am posting a giveaway!!
nice meeting you NG :)
Love the pictures. If you find a jet I'll go with you:).
Thinking of you and Doogs,it's so hard when our babies are having problems. I hope you get good news from the vet. Linda
{{{{{{{ Becky }}}}}}}
Big cyber hugs from me to you! I have my fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed that all is well with Doogs! I know how much we worry about our pets. I hope you get word soon about it so you know one way or the other of what you are dealing with.
Hey, that shop is not out of my reach IF I ever go home for a visit. My hometown is Canton, Ohio. Okay, Becky, I do need details of course. Back to reread the post again. I rushed to comment because my heart is aching for you and Doogs.
Hugs ~
OK, I really had to laugh at Heidi's comment. She will never be coming home for a visit. Anyway, I do live in Canton, Ohio, so I will have to check out this shop. Fulton Road is very close to me.
So sorry to hear about your dog. I hope he gets well soon. He is one very cute doggy.
Becky I am so sorry to hear about Doogs I will say a prayer for him.Give him a Kiss and hug from me and Oreo and plese keep us posted on his condition.
I just stumbled across your blog and I found it very comforting and relaxing. Thank you.
Please give Doogs an extra treat from me. I'll be waiting anxiously with you for the results. Let's say I'll have all my fingers crossed that it is good news, we won't accept anything less.
Thanks for sharing all your inspiring photos, I enjoy your blog so much and appreciate you taking the time to share.
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