Sunday, November 11, 2007

Some Early Christmas Cheer ~ Giveaway

Hi everyone!! Wow, it has been since Tuesday since I posted! What is wrong with me!!?? Well, long story and I won't bore you with the details. But, I will let you know that I have been busy putting together a little gift to give away to someone.

The winner will receive:

A handmade tote bag made with fabric from a vintage tablecloth, red and green gingham and new and vintage rick-rack. The handles are nice and long to criss cross over your body. I didn't put a pocket inside cause I plum forgot to!!

Two cherry print Christmas ornaments - one heart and one stocking

Vintage children's toy blocks that spell out Claus. You could also spell out Sal, Cal or USA if you'd like...

A handmade box made from copies of vintage papers.

And from Duhgall, a tiny felt Scotty Dog ornament that was made by my friend Kathy Soderstrom.

All you need to do is to leave a comment on this post (and this post only) and the drawing will be held next Sunday, November 18th. I will announce the winner sometime that day. Keep in mind that I live in California, so check back to see if you won! Anyone can enter - even my international friends....and yes, if you have never left a comment before, you can enter, too.

A little Duhgall update:

Duhgall and I would like to say thank you - again - for the continued support and good wishes sent our way. He is feeling so much better and is being weaned off of the Prednisone pills. That is a nasty little pill that sure can take the wind out of your sails. So many of you understand that our pets are an extension of our family and to see them hurt is just painful. Glad that many of you understand and can relate.

Have a wonderful week!


Sentimentally Me said...

Hi Becky, So glad you posted :) I was getting worried about the doog-man, glad to see he's doing great. Cute goodies for your giveaway, thanks for including everyone! Have a wonderful week yourself. I love to check yer little bloggie * it so cheers me!! :) xox Patrice

PattieJ said...

OOOOOOH!! I love your pretty stuff for the giveaway!! Your work is beautiful! Glad to hear Doogie is feeling a bit better.

Pattie :)

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Becky,Great to hear Doogie is doing better.It must be a relief for you. It's so scary when they get so sick cos you don't want to lose them.
What a fabulous giveaway you have put together. Such a goegeous lot of goodies in the bag.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
So glad that we got a chance to see you and visit with you yesterday. Love the pretty giveaways and hope that I win. Ha! You always know how to put items together so cute! Hugs to your doggie, Karen

Anonymous said...

I love the blocks and tote. Very festive and vintagey. Glad to hear the furry one is better...Vicki at

Anonymous said...

Love the giveaway, everything is so pretty. Nice seeing you yesterday! Jeanne

Nunnie's Attic said...

Becky I love everything you have put together for your giveaway. I'm not that talented. Please enter my name honey.

And I'm so glad to hear that Doogs is getting along better. Give that puppy my daily hug, ok?


Robin said...

Such a relief that your baby is doing better! What cute adorable things you have selected for your give away! I'd be sooo excited to own them!

Anonymous said...

Glad that sweet puppy is feeling better! Very cute things in your giveaway!


Anonymous said...

So glad your wee Doogs is doing better.
I so enjoy your blog...your sharing, your real self...
the vignettes in your home.
I especially like your scottie collection. And of course, the Christmas ornament scottie.

Susie said...

What special items you've assembled for your giveaway Becky :)
So generous of you..
What good news that your precious fur baby is on the mend!

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi Becky! have been busy! What lovely things you have made! And I especially love the little Doogs glad to hear that he is doing so much better!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bevky - I am so glad that your fur baby is better. Thanks for being so gracious!


Vintage Girl said...

What a beautiful and creative giveaway. Love your blog! Thanks, Heather

Vintage Girl said...

Beautiful and creative giveaway! I love your blog. Many thanks, Heather

Cottage Contessa said...

Firstly, let me say that Paris Fifi and I are very happy to hear that Doog's is doing so well now. That is a relief! Secondly, I can't believe that you are giving away these GORGEOUS things! My daughter and I are drooling over them, and if they were in our possession, we would surely never let them go! lol Wonderful give away, please enter us too! Hugs for Doog's.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

TinaTx said...

Oh, please pur my name in the hat for you wonderful give-a-way!
So glad your little fur-baby is feeling better!

Rosie's Whimsy said...

What a talent you are. Your giveaway goodies are absolutely wonderful! Hope this week is a good one....Rosie

Rebecca said...

Hi sweetie.
So glad that Doogs is feeling better. I know that makes you feel better too. Nothing like our sweet furbabies! What a sweet giveaway. That is just way too kind! Have a beautiful week sweets.
Hugs and Blessings~

Rosemary said...

HOw cute is that! LOVE the bag, and glad to hear your puppy is doing better ;) rosemary

Anonymous said...

Hi,Love your blog.I don't have one but plan to start one soon. Please enter my name in your giveaway.Thanks,Dorothy

Terri Lee Takacs said...

This is such a beautiful give away! Thank the Lord your dog is better ! I was worried! :) Terri from

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Becky, what a sweet , sweet, give away! Just my style of stuff. Please, count me in. So glad to hear Doggs is doing much better.


Rosemary said...

Hi Becky,
So glad Doogs is doing better.
What a lovely giveaway! Very fun!
You have a good week too,

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Oh, what a nice giveaway! :)

jamestownboys said...

OOH I love your Christmas goodies :)

I havn't stopped by for awhile and I missed your blog!!
Hope you are doing well.


Dena said...

Hi Becky,

So glad to see you, I was getting worried! I'm glad to hear that Doogs is feeling better too :) What wonderful goodies you have put together, oh someone is going to be very very happy!!!


Anonymous said...

Count me can even drop it off if you ever come up the your baby is doing better. Did you have rain..we did..loved it!

Anonymous said...

YEAH. for Doogs. Yes, our fur babies are like members of our family.

The items you selected for your give away are so sweet.


Natasha Burns said...

OH how wonderful Becky!!!! Thank you for including your international buddies! I absolutely adore what you have made, it is all so cheerful and happy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! What a gorgeous giveaway! Count us in please!! Great to hear Duhgall getting bettet :) Jenn & Jacqui :)

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

That's funny because I was thinking the same thing to myself wow it has been a long time since Sweet Cottage Dreams has posted!You were missed.I am glad everything is okay.
OH! I am so excited about your giveway!!!

NotQuiteJuneCleaver said...

Oh throw my name in the giveaway hat/jar/whathaveyou! And thanks for stopping by my blog! Your's is lovely! Going to read more now!

Kathleen Grace said...

Ooh, how fun! I love the bag and the box and the scottie ornament and...ok, I love it all! Please enter me in your drawing:>)

Nancy said...

What a beautiful combination of gifts! I love the elves on the tote, and the ornaments you made are so pretty, especially because they have cherries on them!

I'm smiling for you and your furry one. I'm glad to hear he is feeling better!

Shelby said...

Delightful goodies :)

Lallee said...

Oh, I'm hopping up and down way over here in FL!!!!!! You bet I want my name in the hat. Your give-away is over the top generous and beautiful, and SCOTTIE!!!

So glad Doogs now gets to be weaned off the bad Pred now! I keep thinking about him.

Heidi said...

Well, I just covet your give~away items so all I can say is HOPE I WIN, HOPE I WIN, HOPE I WIN... Okay now I am done with my childish moment. :) Seriously, what an amazing tote you made and whichever of us wins that is one lucky girl. Great job Becky!

Yes, I have been busy. We finally got to Cranberry Cottage again for the second weekend running and in between were preparing for the transformation of the half bath. You would not believe the difference. Upstairs, it was just slight difference but downstairs it is being totally redone. The tiling is done and tomorrow our handyman returns. It is really exciting to see it come together well. But you won't believe Dagi this afternoon. He told the handyman in no uncertain terms to get out. LOL! He had had it after a day's work and came down to let us all know it was time to stop and focus on Dagi. :)

I am so glad that Doogs is so much better! My heart was aching with you as I know how it feels to have our furbabies hurting.

This Friday, I will annouce my give~away for my blog's birthday (CTS) so be sure you do visit me on Friday dear friend.


black eyed susans kitchen said...

What a beautiful give away! I love the Scandinavian look of the bag. You are so talented! Susan

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Becky~ add my name to the pot! I'd be happy with a photo of that cute little man in a holiday bow (along with the rest of the goodies)

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Becky you are a gal after my heart! I Looove Love Loooooove the cherry heart {hence my name} and the cherry stocking and the sweet holiday tote and all the other wonderful goodies you have put together for this give away!
Please enter my name in your fun fun fun give away!

Do stop by and enter my give away and visit my new boutique!

Hugz to Duhgall!!!!

Smiles, Dolly

Esther Sunday said...

You can just cancel the give away - I'll take the loot! For sure!!!! Count me in. Glad to see you, was going send an email to check in and make sure all was well. Glad Doogs is doing good. Lots of Love, Esther

Michelle said...

Good morning Becky, what a lovely and generous giveaway. That is SO kind of you~please enter me.

Mostly I'm happy to hear Doogs is getting off that nasty pill! Poor liitle guy. Me and mine send him get well wishes :) Michelle

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, I would love to win your giveaway! It would all be treasured, what a sweet thing for you to do! I was getting worried about you and almost had to call in the authorities! Glad you were just busily preparing some goodies! You are the best, Becky!


Heidi Ann said...

I love your blog, and those pretties are so sweet, I have to add myself to your drawing!! I wanted to comment anyhow, because I finally made it down to Modesto last week and found the shop on McHenry - Remember When - that you have blogged about previously. What a great shop- and it is chockfull of loveliness! But the owner, Kerri, shared something with us - I won't say, because maybe it hasn't been "announced " yet!Looking forward to another visit.

bj said...

I was beginning to wonder if things were ok with your little dog. So glad to hear he is feeling better.
That giveaway package is to die for...I WANT IT !!! :) I'll just keep my fingers crossed!
Happy day,

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Love it all-sign me up!

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Becky-what FABULOUS things in your giveaway!!! I'm drooling!!Also thanks for the update on Doogie, you are so right about our pets being like humans to some of us!! Spider is doing fine and sends his love too! Thanks for the info about George Lucas, how amazing!!! See you soon,have a good week ahead xx

Anonymous said...

Hello!...i am new to blogging...saw your blog listed on "sadie olive"...mostly i read the blogs and dream of having the time to blog my own life!...the women out there, including you, are so amazing!...i live in southern california but grew up in the bay area!...and your scottie melted my heart!...we have two scotties (mr. bingley and lizzie) along with a cat named mr. i understand your love for your "babies" wishes!

Reginas Cottage said...

Hi Beccky,
oh what a nice giveaway.I love the
cherry heart.You are so talented.
Please enter my name in your fun
Have a beautiful week Regina

Anonymous said...

hello again...just to let you know we also are treating our female scotty for allergies...our male scotty puppy has not shown up with them yet but we are keeping an eye out for it....i was told scottish terriers are known for that and even ran into a westie owner at the groomers who said his westie suffered as well....good luck and hope your little one is feeling better now....

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Ooooooh! What a wonderful giveaway!
Glad Doogs is doing better.

LAUREN at Faith Fuel said...

My son has had to take prednisone at times for his asthma and it really is rough on the body. I'm so glad he is getting weaned off of it and that his little body is strengthening!
And of all the things in the giveaway- I love the little doggy ornament most!

Anonymous said...

I found you through not quite june cleaver and liked the name of your blog so thought I'd pop in. Sorry your pup's been poorly but glad he seems on the mend. Our best ever dog was a scottie/shnauzer cross and I just love scotties as they always remind me of Chloe.
Your giveaway goodies are gorgeous, esp love the little scottie dog ornie!

Cathy said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I have enjoyed looking around your blog - so many great things to look at!

Dena said...

What a great giveaway! So many pretty things. You have a great site.

Flea Market Queen said...

Hi Becky...
Glad your back!
Your givaway looks wonderful...

Sandy said...

Becky, Glad Doogie is doing better! Love reading your blog! The goodies are nifty!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway is fabulous! Luv the vintage look. And I luv your blog.

Brenda said...

Hi Becky I am glad that Doogs is better.The items in your giveaway are so cute.I have been wondering where you got the pattern for the other bag you did a post on last month.I have looked around put haven't found one like it.
Best Wishes, Brenda:}

Sharon said...

All of your homemade gifts are just wonderful and the one who wins will be a lucky lady.......

Meggie said...

Hey Becky, what great items for your giveaway! Please count me in. So happy to hear that Doogs is doing well and being weaned off the Prednisone. Did he want to eat all the time while on it?

bee'nme said...

Sweet, sweet Becky and Doogs - giving us all this Christmas cuteness - y'all are the best!! Seriously Beck, these are some incredible giveaway goodies - I am so jealous of your seamstress skills -that bag is not only well designed but it looks to be incredibly well made - wow! I'd love to be in the drawing, of course - thank you for the opportunity!! And SO GLAD that little Doogs is turning the corner for the better! Hurray!

Hugs and Blessings,
Becky S.

The Old Painted Cottage said...

Hi sweetie,

I just had to chime in and tell you that I am so happy to hear that little Doogs is doing better. Give him kisses behind the ears for me.


Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

OOOh - add me, add me - please!!! But shoot - you have a ton of readers, and I have just been reading and enjoying lots of them - boy it is easy to get lost in this stuff! And I continue to love your blog - have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Diane (Vruwink) Carlson

Auntie Joy said...

Hi Becky,
I love your give away, I read it yesterday but I don't think I posted a comment. Is it cheating to make 2 comments, if I did? If you see 2 feel free to erase one. I am excited to enter the holiday decorating contest. I have to have my whole house done by the 29th so I should have no excuse. I am on page 60 of the Romantic Country Magazine that Jennifer is on the cover.
Have a great week

Naturegirl said...

Such a generous and creative gift!!
I would LoVe to be included in this draw and have just the place to show off this gift!!
I am so pleased to hear that your sweet babie is doing much better. I know of that nasty daughter had to take it years ago.
happy day to you and Duhgall.hugs NG

Lisa Johnson said...

Hi Becky! I feel guilty putting my name in the hat for your sweet giveaway since I won the last one. I don't want to be greedy or anything. ha ha What an adorable prize you are offering.

Love ya!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Pick Me! Pick ME!! What a wonderful giveaway!! I hope I win!
p.s. glad to hear Doogie is feeling better!

regina barnett said...

Oh! I love it all. cute stuff. I'm glad doogs is doing better. Glad your back.

tricia stirling said...

what beautiful things! i just stumbled on your blog--i'm looking forward to looking around!

Erin said...

you have one of the sweetest blogs and I'm glad to heard that Doogie is better :)

Feenwerkstatt said...

Oh Becky, I'm so happy that I'm back in time an can read your post! These is wonderful stuff (as always) perhaps I have a little chance to win this wonderful giveaway...
Love, Anja

Cynthia said...

Fabulous giveaway! Please enter me! Glad to hear that your sweet furbaby is getting better.

Joyce said...

Hello Becky!
OHmygosh! 74 comments already!! Well, a girl can still hope can't she!?!? I enjoy your sweet blog and adore your creations! Here's hoping.... :-)

Pearl Maple said...

The photos and stories about your furry pets are just delightful as it that bag set.

Am spending time in Canada over the next few weeks visiting the relatives and introducing a young cousin to the joys of vintage finds. Wish us luck on the hunting trail.

Elle Jay Bee said...

I would be thrilled to win such a wonderful stash...!!!
Your blog is delightful!


Cape Cod Washashore said...

What a beautiful and very generous giveaway!

I'm glad to hear your doggie is on the mend... pets really are members of the family!

Rockin' Mama said...

Gorgeous! Please enter me!

Kerrie said...

Oh!! Becky I'm in...

You have given these heartfelt gifts senimental value for the winner, they will sooo love them I'm sure...:}
Great news on Dughall feeling much better...
All cheers for little Doogs
Hippip Hooray!!! Hippip Hooray!!!!

Kristen said...

Oh, these are beautiful! I would love to be entered if it is not too late. I am so glad to hear that Doogie is feeling better! God is Good!

Anonymous said...

Hi there sweet Becky! I am sooo glad that your baby is doing better! (((hugs))
And your giveaway is FANTASTIC! Such adorable things!!!
Oh what a lucky somebody is going to be!


FourSistersInACottage said...

My Sweet Becky,
SOOOO Happy Duhg is doing well...I know what you mean about those pets of ours. I am hoping to find a sweet baby kitty for Maddi for Christmas this year.
Please enter me in your AWESOME giveaway...those stockings are THE BEST!!!
Love and Hugs, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I just found your blog. Everything I love all in one place! I am glad your furbaby is doing better!

twinkle said...

Love the giveaway items...especially the puppy ornament. And I've been enjoying your playlist, too. Glad your sweet pet is feeling better. He makes some fine pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! Just found your blog this evening, but love it. Gosh!!! Your give-aways are lovely. Good taste!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ooh thank you for organising this, and also for the tip-off on my blog. You can count me in.

I am glad that Doogs is feeling better. This has been a terrible ordeal for all of you.



emily said...

Great giveaway! Loving your blog!

Lori said...

Hello, Chilly rainy day in Indiana and was cruseing some new blogs and wells, yours popped up! What a delight you are!!! And heck I'm even luckier to se you've a give away going on, me too! Mine is called lavender, lilac and old lace! Come check it out if you like the colors! later, Lori

BittersweetPunkin said...

Oh My I am late late late!!!!!!!!!!Where have I been???

windycindy said...

Wow! What a magnificent contest! I love all the beautiful goodies! This is the kind of giveaway where I want to say, "Please pick me!" Please enter me your more than generous contest. Thanks, Cindi

Sheila said...

I'm so glad puppers is feeling better. He is just the sweetest thing ever. I have a thing for Scotties. Please enter me in your giveaway. Everything is lovely. Love reading your blog.

Give Doogs a smooch from me.

Sondra said...

Loving the blocks and the bag. Too cute! Glad to hear that Doogs is better. You will be a busy bee cooking him up pork and potatoes for the next month!!

Anonymous said...

What a great give a way!! Please enter my name in it.And thanks for doing the give a way.

kari and kijsa said...

So glad to hear he is feeling better! Please enter many yummy things in one giveaway!

smiles, kari and kijsa

Melissa Markham said...

What beautiful items! I would love a chance to win.

Nancy said...

Wow, this is such a generous giveaway. That tote is just too cute. The fabric is darling.
Glad your puppie is getting better.
I told Heidi that is the kind of dog she needs to get.

Anonymous said...

Check out the fabric!!! Let me tell ya... this would toted around with GREAT pride! Please enter me in your darling giveaway!

Anonymous said...

plese enter me thanks

Angela said...

Oh wow... That bag is simply gorgous. Im so jealous of the fabric I have my own fabric collection but nothing that nice. If I won I would use it with pride.

Thanks so much for the giveaway. I blogged ya ;)

Betsy said...

What a great giveaway!

anne said...

This igveaway is so precious. Lovely and unique.

Unknown said...

You're very talented. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

How cute. Please put me in for the drawing.


Bebemiqui said...

Enter me, I love the ornament.

Linda said...

Such pretty pretties on your giveaway. Please include me...and thank you. Linda

Janet said...

Wow, I just found your blog thru blog-wandering and just in time to enter the giveaway. Such serendipity...don't you just love that word?

Come visit some time.

noreen said...

what sweet stuff in your giveaway. I would love to win for my mom she would just love it, of course I might just keep it too :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous items! I would be thrilled to win.

Blogged ya:

Kathleen Grace said...

What an awesome give-away! Your work is lovely!

Anonymous said...

I found this contest from Laura Williams' Musings, and I have to enter! I love the totebag, I love the ornaments, I love everything!

SweetTea & Treasures said...

Hi Becky- Lovin your style and your pretty giveaway. By the way, pockets are overrated cuz all my stuff ends up in the bottom anyways!

Mel said...

OOOO... Merry Christmas to me!!

Sam I Am said...

am i late for the party???????

please add me tooo :) :) :)


p.s. wanna exchange blog links/?? :)

Sam I Am said...

ooooo pick me pick meeeeeeee

maggie said...

What a lovely giveaway! I just stumbled upon your site and I'm so glad I did. Hope I'm not too late for the draw.

egood said...

So cute and Christmasy, I would love to win

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. Thanks for sharing your wonderful goodies

Anonymous said...

oh, darn am I too late for this? oh, well everything is just darling...good luck to the recipient. :)

Ginny said...

Count me in if I made it in time :)

GraceBeading said...

Count me in if I made it in time!

Also, in you're interested, please visit my blog for a giveaway I posted today