The other day I brought in this old birdcage from the patio. My sweet friend, Kerrie, gave it to me during the summer and I usually keep a pot of flowers under it. I puttered around and pulled some things out that I thought might look good inside the cage.
In a bedroom was the old vintage mirror, a tiny Baby Ben clock, an small antique black metal cash box (with a great orange stripe) and the vintage silver plated compote. Compotes are great to use in a display because it lifts the arrangement "up" and gives you more space to display things along the bottom. One of my "rules" is also to use similar colors and like textures to keep the display cohesive. Here I used black metals, orange pumpkins and then added the glass for reflection and contrast - and it serves as a two-fer so the cage won't scratch the wood.

This lovely fall bouquet is from my husband. We celebrated out 25th wedding anniversary last weekend. Where has time gone to? Our wedding is still so fresh in my mind, as if it were just a week ago.

This is a bowl of FREE things from sweet Mother Nature. My honey and I gathered up some pinecones and acorns awhile back. I even scraped up some wonderful soft moss off of a rock and added it for a splash of color. This arrangement doesn't even require water.

Cloches and pedestal cake plates are perfect for just about any arrangement. Here is a vintage wood squirrel sitting happily amongst things he is so familiar with.

This little guy just could not be happier! He has a whole nest of acorns. Watch out now Mr. Squirrel...those midget squirrels are sneaking up to steal that big acorn whilst you are staring at me and my camera!!!!
~~ Please pray for those who live in Southern California and are affected by the fires. I know that we have so many blogging friends who live down there...Dena, Jennifer, Jamie, Holly and so many more...prayers for everyone..I pray for your safety and your homes. ~~ A huge thank you to all of the Emergency Personnel who have responded to the call for duty ~~ God Bless them, too, and protect them from harm. ~~
I enjoyed seeing all your lovely vignettes, and I especially like the one from nature and "Mr. Squirrel"!
Becky: How very creative of you!! You have wonderful ideas and a good artistic flare to mix and match colors and textures...I envy you. Do you mind if I copy some of your wonderful ideas?
Hi Becky, amazing , you did it again. Such sweet vignettes !You are really talented in that area. Yes, it's terrible about the fires in California , and I do hold those who are suffering because of them up in prayer ! God bless them.
Well...happy belated Anniversary! My 15th is tomorrow actually...and YES...seems like yesterday! I love your decorations....I collect antique alarm clocks...working or non....the bird cage is charming! Prayers for sure...I know...such a terrible terrible thing.
Lovely displays Becky! The Halloween display is so clever.
Belated Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. 25 years is such a special time.
I echo you thoughts regarding California. I have a cousin in San Diego that has been evacuated. So far his home is OK but still not out of danger.
Take care!
How beautiful! You really should make a book about the many different ways to decorate. You are soooo amazing!!!!
I almost forgot, congrats on your anniversary! They are so special! My husband and I are coming up on 15. :)
Congratulations on your anniversary! Love your displays especially the squirrel and nature one.
Just discovered your blog, and so glad I did! Love your style, and your pics. I'll be back regularly, I'm sure!
Hi Becky,
I love the pumpkins in the cage, that is adorable! Happy Annniversary to you and your hubby. I'm with you, where does the time go? We are safe here fortunately. It's so scary for so many families right now and I'm definately praying.
I enjoyed looking at your little vignettes - my favourite is the little squirrel :-}Happy belated 25th Anniversary!
The news of the fires in California is heartbreaking. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
What adorable displays Becky! I so agree with you about how to pick out things for display. Stick to a small amount of colors and a theme and I sometimes add one off color for a bit of kick depending on how I want it to look. I also use sundeau dishes for height too. That solved my needing some height in my cloche. I love your squirrels!
A very happy 25th anniversary. We had our 20th last April and I too felt like it wasn't possible that it had been so many years. Your flowers still look so pretty. I hope you spent the weekend really celebrating the love you share. It is something to be proud of in this day and age.
I just got the bad news that there will be no puppy for the time being. I feel really sad about it and have not been able to tell DH as he is in England on business. We didn't talk today yet as I was away most of the day.
~~ Heidi ~~
Hello Becky, our news report of these horrible fires, too. And I think of you and hope, they are not close to you...but of course you know people who are affected by the fire.
I'm worried about these poor people...
And some other thoughts...happy belated anniversary from me too! I wish you two will have always a good time togehter...
Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog. I must smile, when I read it! I've made the pattern with a german magazine for fashion, called Burda. And the embroidery I've made with my machine (I can't live without this machine anymore ;0)))
Give Doogs a big kiss from me ;0)
Love Anja
Oh I love the pumpkins in the birdcage - wonderful! And the acorns in the nest are precious! Great ideas!
Happy Anniversary! 25 years! That is fantastic!
Love the displays, you are very talented.
I saw the report on the fires, it is terrible. My parents lost a house to bush fires here in Aus. I know what it feels like.... I pray that no-one will have to go through that.
My dear husband is a volunteer fireman and I pray for his safety and others each time they are called out.
You have such an amazing gift and talent for decorating Becky.
Happy 25th anniversary. May you blessed with continued happiness.
Praying for our So.CA neighbors..
Happy, happy anniversary! Thinking of all those in Southern Cali - Love, Esther
Your cage and vignetter is so cute. I'm also watching the fires down south. My husband's family lives right near Magic Mountain and say they are not threatened, but they are surrounded by fires. The high school down the street is an evacuation center. Very scary!
Oh and Happy Anniversary!! How wonderful!!
Becky, First of all, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Your flowers are pretty. That bird cage is just wonderful - great job, as always.
Happy 25th anniversary.
I live about 30 miles from three of the fires and I feel helpless to help my fellow Californians.
Thank you for the prayers everyone.
What a clever way to use the birdcage. I've just caught up on a weeksworth of your post. You've been busy!!! Everything looks super, and congrats on your 25th.
Good Morning,
I came across your blog today and had a wonderful time looking at all of your vignettes. Love your dogs too - so cute!!
Have a great day!
Mr. Squirrel and his stash are simply adorable!!! As is everything you do I might add!
Many prayers for our friends struggling right now,
Happy Anniversary! I love the squirrel!! That's darling.
Praying for sure!
Love the birdcage display! You have wonderful decorating talent. THank you for your kind words on my son. I do appreciate it!
I love all your arrangements. Lucky old Mr Squirrel having all the acorns there ready for him. The real squirrels in my garden are busy digging up all the bulbs looking for a snack!!!
Kim x
Fingers crossed for everyone in California, they're in our thoughts
Love your arrangements (as usual). Happy anniversary!
25 years!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I think that is wonderful and so sweet that you have such sweet vivid memories of your wedding day!
I love your Fall decor. The bird cage is so cool!!! Who would have thought to put pumpkins together and IN a bird cage - it looks amazing!
Off to
I meant to say - who would have thought to put pumpkins and a CLOCK together ;)
Becky, Love all your vignettes, especially Mr. Squirrel! Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Here in the east, we are watching the CA fires in horror. My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed myself here perusing your lovely blog.
I love the way you display all your wonderful vintage things. Very pretty, DebraK
What a wonderful display of goods!
Hope you had a wonderful Anniversary!
Becky, I love all your arrangements. My favorite is the birdcage...
Happy 25th!!
Great ideas with the birdcage!! Too cute! Happy 25th!!
Lovely squirrel in the cage..were it so in my own garden..they dig up my plants, climb my oaks, stomp their feet and the chatter they make sounds like cussing. I am now thinking I'd love an old bird cage..alas my house is so small..what more can I fit! Thanks for sharing your lovely things Becky, and happy 25th! You look so young, your husband must have robbed the cradle! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Becky I love that squirrel! Wow happy anniversary! 25 years is fantastic!!!
Some great centerpieces!
I am posting a roundup of centerpiece of the month if you want to participate =D
Hi Becky, I love all your darling vignettes. The birdcage with the pumpkins and little clock is so clever,and the bowl of nature is precious. Happy Anniversary...and I agree time does fly. Linda
GO Red Sox....may all the other games be like Game #1! Tell your son as long as he has Faith in those Red Sox there's no such thing as bad luck...silly as it may sound...when we said Grace at dinner before the game we asked God to Bless the players.....see what happened??
Dear Becky, You have such a charming way of putting things together...I always enjoy your pictures!
Also, Happy Belated Anniversary to you and your dh!
Hi Becky! I love the birdcage! What a great idea to use Halloween decorations in it! Happy Anniversary! Twenty five years, wow! I hope you had a beautiful celebration!
We are far enough away not to be affected by the fires but many people we know are not as lucky. CHP crews from this area are down there now helping with evacuees and fire trucks were going through town for several days. Clean up is going to be a nightmare. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! XO! {{Hugs!}}
What Beautiful Decorations. I love how you used the Cages :)
Thank You for visiting my blog and for the encouraging comments :)
Enjoyed looking at all your lovely vignettes!! Love the squirrel.
Hi Becky, Happy 'Silver' Anniversary! We are having our 23rd next week also. Time sure flies!
I'm saddened about the terrible loss from the fires in California . . . God bless & give strength to those affected.
love, Maria
Love that killer frog!
What a great idea to decorate an old cage. I never would have thought of that!
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