Above is an old metal bank with his paint nearly worn off.

This photo was taken in July but shows a vintage scotty door stop atop some old metal picnic boxes.

A vintage scotty dog planter on a shelf with my favorite old tin..see the dog and the boy?

I love this motto print with the boy and his beloved dog. The little green bench is an old Britain metal toy.

A vintage scotty salt shaker watches over the little boy and girl.

Love this old child's glass with playful scotties playing ball!

This black and white scotty is from my friend, Kathy Long.

See this scotty print? Lisa, at A Thing For Roses, sent this to me. I love it!!! ;)

Above and below is a collection of old pot metal scotty dogs.

This scotty doorstop is very heavy and sits at the bottom of my hall tree.

The scotty on the left is a gift from Kathy and is an old bank, as is the little guy on the far right. In the center is a begging scotty pepper shaker.

The little "under cover" scotty is old chalkware. The guy on the right I recently bought from Amy at Four Sisters In A Cottage.

One of my scotty bookends. You can find these vintage Syroco pieces on eBay.

Stacked plaid lunch boxes add to the Scottish theme. The photo above is our guy at age 8 weeks.

Messing around with photo effects. The two dog houses are Britains.

More scotties on a shelf.

See the little yellow tin? I snagged that for a buck at a huge yard sale a few years ago.

I framed the old scotty print in a wonderful antique gold frame. In front stands a little gold scotty figure and one of my favorite old tole trays.

Another favorite set of book ends.

I also collect clocks. This "Mr. January" had to go home with me. Can you guess why?

More fun little things. The glitter scotty is from Amy's shop. My friend Kerrie gave me the little white scotty Avon bottle.
These scotty things just make me BEAM when I see them. For years I have collected them and friends have given me scotty dog collectibles for gifts, but not until a year and a half ago did I own my real little guy. I just love him so much and HE MAKES ME SMILE EVERY DAY!!! He was a gift for Mother's Day from my husband. We had lost our little lady a year prior. My honey knew that having little Doogs would help cheer me up.....and he does!!!
Love your collections!
What an impressive collection you have Becky! And that DH of yours!!! To give you Doogs for Mother's Day...well...how is that for love, devotion, sweetness, romance. He is one in a million! The photo of Doogs at 8 weeks is too cute and then the next photo has one of your collection with the same expression. :)
I also love looking at your vintage books. I don't know if you saw my post about my love of old books? I have to always stop and see what books people have. I love looking at other bookshelves too. My next chore in the house is to clean mine and reorganize them. I hope one day, to have at least half of my bookshelves full of vintage books instead of only one shelf of them. Dream...sigh...
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
~~ Heidi ~~
I love your collection of Scotties.
Doogs is a real sweetheart.
Hi Becky,
I have a special post for you in my blog:)
regards, Maria
That is a truly amazing collection, Becky, and as usual you have it all presented beautifully. Lovely.
I loved seeing your Scotty collection! I have a thing for dogs! We have a Golden Retriever and it's hard to find things like your collection for that breed. :(
That Scotty print is sooo cute!
Your collection is so neat! You have it displayed so well. Have a great week.
What a wonderful collection! Your husband is the most wonderful of all for giving you Mr. Doogs. Your puppy has such a sweet face, he just makes me smile when I visit your blog. Thank you for sharing and making me smile again.
Becky...I love your scotties!
What a wonderful collection you have, I have a few scottie's as dh is half scottish. But your collection is quite impressive!
HI Becky! Your collection is amazing - love the print from Lisa - their expressions are so funny. Hello Mr D! -amy
WOW, what an amazing collection. We have pugs and I keep my eye out for cute "pug" items but boy are they few and far between.
Love seeing photos of your amazing home - it is so inspiring!
Amazing how many Scottie things you have! And to think that you didn't even have Doogs until just recently! What a sweetie your husband was to think of the perfect gift for you!
Your house is an endless treasure trove of delights. You have inspired me to start more collections, that is for sure! I have just a couple of Westie things, and poor old Winston is 12 years old. You'd think we'd have a whole room dedicated to trinkets of Westies. I better get busy!
Happiest of days to you Becky!
What cute Scottie dogs! You have a wonderful collection.
I love that little green bench!
This is quite an impressive collection! I love the book ends! The puppy pics are toooo adorable! Then, I just love dogs!!! :)
Hi Becky, all your little scotty's are so sweet. Doggs being the sweetest, of course. My husband has a Boston Terrior, Duke, and we have picked up some figurines at flea markets and garage sales over the years. I may do a post about them on my blog one day. You really have a way about displaying everything. Things are always so pretty. I first saw your house when it was featured on the "Cottage of the month" at the "Old Painted House". I just loved the way you had it decorated and I still enjoy seeing all the pretty things you always post. Such lovely eye candy.
My kids and I just gave a Huge AWWWWW,We are such dog Lovers around here and Scotties are a Favorite. What a Wonderful Collection you have.. I love them all,especially the one with the paint almost off. Have a wonderful week. Thank you for sharing.. Jamie
WOW! I love this post! I love all of your collections. dI love your picnic baskets! I have been trying to find some like that for a long time. No such luck yet!
Happy Sunday ;>)
Becky~love all your Scotties..those plaid lunch boxes are so sweet too~! The old books, the book ends..wonderful vignettes of Scotty collectibles. I have a vintage Vogart Scotty pillow case. This has inspired me to get a down insert for it.Love that store Home Fabrics..will look there. Thanks for sharing your Scotty delights! p.s. is Doogs stubborn~in a cute way? lol..our Scotty was! Becky up the Hill~!
What a cute tin, all of your collection is beautiful. In your last post you mentioned you like white with silver here is a blog you will fall in love with scroll down until Sep.29 and click on the pictrue to inlarge it. I thought of you when I saw it. Make sure you scroll all the way down to see her kitchen, I all most missed it because I thought I was at the end but there were so many more pictures to look at enjoy!
I tagged you Becky! Check out my blog and play if you want.
Becky: What a darling collection you have. But, of course, the real thing is even better. Doogs is such a handsome doggie!
What an impressive collection of Scotties. Love them all.
What a fantastic collection you have Becky! I couldn't help but notice that fab leather chair too! You have such pretty goodies:)
You've been tagged! Please visit my blog for details.
Wow love all the scotties, how fabulous! My favourite has to be the money box in the first photo, with the paint worn away, so precious!
What a beautiful homwe you have. I love the scotties, I am new to your blog and I was reading about your aunt that did the beading. We have family in Oklahoma.. They also have double names. The real confusing part is that they often go by their middle name, or some other nickname! We had lots of fun with them and they really ham it up for us..
What a fabulous collection! I have a little china scottie, a set of tiny plastic "Black and White" scotties, and scotty playing cards. Love Scotties!
I love ALL of it!!
WOW! In future, every time I will see a little scotty dog, I will think at you and Doogs :0)
Love, Anja
You know I love all your Scotties! I see I have some missing in my collection! But where would I put more??? Do you have the collection books?
I have another one for you at my blog! Come see me :)
I'm BEAMING! LOVE YOUR COLLECTION! I also love your pinic boxes...
Love, love, love your collection of scotties. Collections like this say so much about the collector. I looked at the pictures and just knew that you are kind, fun and have a great sense of humor. Thanks for the post. Susan
Becky, what a nice collection you have! I have some scotty dog collectibles but you have me beat! Love your books and bookends too! Rosemary
Your Scotty dog collection is fantastic! I've been wanting to start a collection of black labs - but they are very hard to find (or they look nothing like our lab Ben). Your figurines are adorable as they look so much like your sweet Doog :-}
OK, this is a total red herring, but here goes...
I've never been a fan of indoor dogs, at all, but this weekend my mother-in-law came to visit and brought her three scottie dogs with her. They were the most well-behaved dogs, were very friendly and didn't smell or shed. I'm not saying I want one, but they were just fantastic, all weekend.
Seeing all your precious scottie dog knick-nacks made me smile today. Thanks for posting!
What an amazing colletion of darling little scotty dogs you. Your husband is a sweetie to have given you your precious doogs. Linda
That's quite a collection! Very very impressive!
Becky love you Scotties,I have the same love for scotties,I have a few thing but not as many as you.When I look at Doogs I can't ge over how muck he looks like my dear departed scottie Slater,especially the way they sleep.I need to get my hands on a scanner so I can show you some pictures of Slater,since I didn't have a digital camera then.Give Doogs a hug from me.
Love The Scotty Dog Collection, So Cute! Have You seen The Licorice Scotty Dogs? Those are so fun :)
love your collections of dog figures. i always keep my eye open for things like that. i love anything with dogs on it. like it more if it's vintage. Thanks for sharing, youe lovely pictures.
Your collection of scotties are terrific! I love the worn ones the best...
I fell in love with your collection
of Scotties and was so surprised to find two (white & black) ceramic Scotty dog Christmas ornaments(still in the box) for .79 cents at the thrift store today. One more and I'll have a collection!
Wow, are you ever popular! Not surprised as your scotty post is just precious and so are you! I just want you to know that I got delayed and your package is going out tomorrow. Hope you like it!
Oh Becky what an awesome collection!
Mary Engelbreit would be jealous! :-)
Those sweet faced scottys truely are precious! I have always wanted a scotty!! Maybe someday!
Thank you for shareing your lovely collection with us!
Hugz, Dolly
That is quite an impressive collection you have going there, especially the real scottie! Thanks for sharing your collection with us. I like seeing how people display their collections.
Looks like there are a lot of Scottie lovers over here...me too! Your collection is wonderful. Lovely photos, I really liked looking at everything on your blog. Thanks for inviting me over to take a peek!
Lovely collections :)
Hope you have a great week.
Dear Becky,
Your scotty dog collection is amazing!
Hi Becky!
Somehow I found this post through google images! Small world!
How are you?
LOVE these pics with your sweet pups and the plaids that you know I love too.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. Took a full time job in September so my blogging time has been seriously reduced!! Don't get around much on here as much as I would love to. Hope this finds you well. :)
Hi Becky!
Somehow I found this post through google images! Small world!
How are you?
LOVE these pics with your sweet pups and the plaids that you know I love too.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. Took a full time job in September so my blogging time has been seriously reduced!! Don't get around much on here as much as I would love to. Hope this finds you well. :)
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