Note: Because of all of the horrific devastation of hurricane Sandy, I have extended the giveaway date to November 12 instead of November 5. At this time in everyone's life, I feel that there is so much more attention and energy needed to focus on the real important things in life rather than a giveaway on my blog. Our thoughts and prayers are extended to all of you who have been in the path of Sandy's wrath and to those families who have endured such hardship in the loss of loved ones and property.
Peace to all of you...and warm thoughts coming from California.

Peace to all of you...and warm thoughts coming from California.
Well, I do believe that I am a bit behind in blogging these days! As many of you know, life just gets busy with work and such….however, as promised, I am having a little giveaway to celebrate my five years ( that is 699 posts) of blogging AND MY NEW blog remodel.
The ever-so-talented and sweet-as-can-be
was given a huge “wish list” of items for my blog remodel job! These included : a red roofed cottage, a gnome, bluebirds, Scottie dogs, a Union Jack (because of my ancestry) and an American Flag…and lots of pretty flowers. Keren ran with the design ideas and came up with what is now the updated version of Sweet Cottage Dreams. Thank you to Keren for her patience and understanding my vision. There are many blog friends out there who have had Keren design their blogs and I know from speaking with them that they all love her as much as I do! Keren also has free image giveaways and an amazing artistic eye for all things cute and vintage! …love you, Miss Keren!
If you recall what I wrote in my
I had bought several items for the remodel over the past year, all of which had a rustic farmhouse vibe. Because I edited what I really wanted to use in the room, I had leftovers. Oh darn! So this is the compilation for the giveaway….
1. small galvanized scoop
2. old wardrobe brush
3. an old eye glass case from New York
4. an antique shoe form that is great for holding a ball of twine – and yes, the twine is included.
5. an antique scale with a wonderful aged patina…..
….and cool writing on the side.
**PLEASE note: I am sorry, but because of the cost of shipping, I can only offer this to US residents. I hope that my overseas friends understand.
So here how this all works for a chance to win:
1. Leave a comment on THIS post if you would like to be entered to win. If you do not have a blog, be sure to leave your email address in the comment section so that I have a way to notify you should your name be chosen.
Pretty simple.
HOWEVER, if you would like for more chances to win….here is how…and other chances are always cool, right?
Please NOTE:
for each.
to win.
leave a NEW comment.
This makes it soooo much easier when it comes to selecting the winner with the random number generator. If you only leave one comment, that is one entry.
2. If you are already a Google Connect Follower or a Linky follower – see all of the smiling faces on my top right sidebar – just let me know and your name will be added for a second chance.
3. If you post about the giveaway on your blog, or grab my giveaway button (below) to your blog's sidebar linking back to the giveaway, you will be added again. Just let me know that you did this, via a new comment.
4. If you are a NEW Google Connect or Linky follower (as of now), leave me a separate comment letting me know this and your name will be added in again.
I hope that the instructions are clear. If not, you can email me at so that I can answer any questions.
I will announce the winner on Monday, November 5th by 7 PM, PST.
Thank you in advance for participating! See you all back on November 5th!
…prayers for everyone in the path of hurricane Sandy….may the grace of God be with you.
What a lovely giveaway!! I am a google and linky follower!!
Hi Becky,
Have not left a comment or talked to you in a while. Still following your blog which is always a bright spot in my day. Hope that life is treating you well. Take care....
Your header is just beautiful! I'd like to paper a room with it....well, maybe a small room!
Have fun with that draw - I'll be watching to see which of your readers south of the border is the lucky winner!
Thank you, Pondside!!!! xxoo
Becky - What a great giveaway! Love all of the goodies!!
Talk to you soon.
Oh, WOW, Becky, what absolutely wonderful treasures you are giving away, just as beautiful as you are!!
I am a follower :)
Hi Becky! Oh, my goodness...You have such a big heart and your Giveaway is so very you!
I hope you are having a spectacular Sunday, my sweet friend,
Carolynn xoxo
Oh, what wonderful things someone will be lucky enough to win. I have been following you since I started reading blogs!
Here goes...
I am one of your long time friends...I've followed "Sweet Cottage Dreams" for a very long time.
Carolynn xoxo
Wheeee....this is fun!
I am getting ready to share your Giveaway on my side bar, too.
Carolynn xoxo
What fun gifts - please enter me.
I follow you on google reader...I never miss a post!
Please count me in!!
Love your new blog header.. Keren must know your delights well. As you know I too love reading and seeing your sweet dreams on your blog.. Especially the furry ones!
Hi! I love the stuff in your giveaway! You are so generous! I have a google account, but not sure about the "follower" thing thru Google. I just follow your blog and a few others! Plus I'm lucky to live next door to you!
xo Sherri
Cute stuff, yes, please toss my name in.
Yes, I am a follower. ☺
Yes, I am adding your button to my sidebar. ☺☺☺
What a WONDERFUL giveaway Becky!!! Congratulations on five years of blogging!!! I wish you many, many more years of sharing to come ~ and your new blog look is beautiful! hugs and love, Dawn
I am a follower of yours as well!!! xxoo, Dawn
Congratulations, Becky! I enjoy reading your blog and am lovin your new laundry room. I'm a follower and I've grabbed your button...Blessings...Pam
Hi Becky, Not only do you have the most wonderful blog, which I follow, but now to have a giveaway with such incredible items. Please enter me.
Hugs, Noreen
Hi! Great giveaway!! I am definately a follower and love every post! Thanks, Lisa C.
What a great and generous giveaway. Please count me in. I do love your new header.
Great giveaway. Love the new blog design too.
I am a Google Connect follower.
Great giveaway !! Love reading your blog !!
Your blog is always so fun and inspiring to visit. The laundry room turned out FABULOUS. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway!
I am a follower too!
What a great giveaway! I hope I win ;-)
I am a google follower and you are also in my blog list on my blog ;-)
I love you new blog look Becky!! I am so needing to give mine a sweet facelift like yours!!
Love the giveaway and congratulations on 5 years!
bee blessed
I have been a happy follower of yours for ages now!
Love your blog makeover! I keep thinking that I would love one! Guess I better sell more "stuff"!
Please don't enter my name in your giveaway, even thou everything is great, I have a full house!
Just learned something new and signed up for Linky! Thank you!
Becky, Not sure I managed to get my comment to you, so trying again. Just wanted you to know that I'd love to win anything from you. I love your taste in just about everything and you have kept me entertained for a very long time. And, along with you, Blessings on all those in the path of "Sandy." Do take care, pat
Added your button successfully to my blog side bar! yea I figured it out :-)
Just signed up for Linky :-) thank you
I love everything Becky! Please count me in:-)
I'm already a happy follower!
Just added your wonderful giveaway to my sidebar:-)
Oh me, me, pick me, Mr. Random Number Picker! Let's see... I follow you. Chance Number One.
I did a link back thingy. Chance two.
And here is my comment for chance three! I adore your blog's new look and I'm so excited to see how you got it! Saw some scottie dog bookends on sale at Target today and guess who I thought of??? xoxo
What a fabulous giveaway! I've been lusting after a scale like that for some time! lol!!
Becky...this is a wonderful giveaway..I adored you laundry makeover and have been working on getting mine on the list. I have a crush on scales..yours is beautiful. Good to see you back blogging. And you know how much I love Miss Keren...smiles..Renee
I am already a gfc follower.. Awesome giveaway!
Becky you know how long I have been reading Sweet Cottage Dreams.
So long I don't remember What year. You are having a great giveaway and for a piece of good junk I would follow you to the end of the earth. I love your new blog makeover, sooo darn cute. Thanks for the chance.
Count me in :) Its a wonderful give away :) Blessings
Yes,I am a follower and blessed to be so...for a long time now :)
Yes,I will post your give away on the side bar of my blog.....have a blessed week Becky.
Love the new header, especially the Scotty with the Union Jack. Would love to win the old scales and all the other goodies.
great giveaway...please enter me ;)
i'm already a google follower ;)
grabbing your to post.
Hi Becky, what gorgeous vintage items you are offering in your giveaway! I would be thrilled to win...I've never won a giveaway!
And my second comment...I just became a new follower through Google Connect!
Oh so excited I collect vintage love it all..thanks for the giveaway...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I follow via gfc as M.j. and linky too...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I shared the giveaway on my fb page here since I don't have a blog... at yahoo dot com.
I leaving another entry like you said if I am a new GFC as M.j. follower.....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I would love to be entered in your drawing too! I am a follower as well.
Hope you have been well!
xo Kris
blog giveaway
What a fabulous giveaway! Of course I am a follower. I was reading your blog long before I started my own. I am also putting your button on my sidebar not just to have another chance to win, but because it's the cutest blog button ever! You know how much I love Scotties even though I have a Yorkie. I want Keren to make a button for me too. I am keeping all of our friends on the east coast in my prayers too.
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Oooh I would love to win this giveaway! I love everything, especially the scale and shoe mold! karen....
Congratulations! That's quite a milestone! I'd love to be entered into the giveaway.
And I have been loving this new blog design. The red theme makes it so cheerful too! The little gnome in the header is also the perfect whimsy addition, LOL.
I'm also a follower!
I would love to win this giveaway! I love the shoe mold and the scale...Oh! I love it all! thanks for the opportunity and happy bloggiversary! karen...
I added a link on my blog's sidebar to your giveaway!
What a generous giveaway! Hope I win!!!
AND I just became a google follower.
Congratulations on all those post. We love the new layout.
Benny and Lily
What an amazing giveaway Becky. So much fun and so generous. Thanks!
Jocelyn @
What a fun giveaway! Such pretty things. I also saw the Scottie dog stuff at Target - they have some darling throw pillows! Happy Fall! Hugs from Chicagoland!
Amazing giveaway! Love your new blog design and happy blogiversary!
p.s. of course I am a follower through Google!
Becky I am so sorry I forgot to leave my e-mail address. Love your
giveaway and thanks for the chance to win. You can delete the other comnment if you want.
Hi Becky! Sign me up please!! This is such a sweet offering!! I would love to win !! Thanks so much! ~Deanna
Hi Becky! I've been following you on GFC for some time now!!
Hi again! I'm now following you on Linky too!!
For some reason I can't find the giveaway button, but I will put your regular cute blog button on my sidebar and mention the lovely giveaway!
Love to read all your blog posts and see the wonderfully creative pics. Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful giveaway...
Oh these items would fit right in with my home. Thanks for a lovely give-away.
Me again!! I am a NEW Goggle connect follower!! I've read your blog ever since I started reading blogs and can't believe I wasn't a follower. (Probably didn't know how to do it).
Great giveaway!
Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!
What great goodies in your giveaway. I love reading your blog and especially like the posts featuring your adorable puppies.
Laurie G
Oh! What a lovely giveaway! I would Love to win! Twyla
We are long time followers of your's! Thanks for another opportunity to win! Twyla
Hi I just stumbles upon your beautiful blog! So I have to follow you. And yes, Keren does a wonderful job, and yours looks really nice! I can see you have great content. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. I pray that Sandi calms down and the East Coast is safe soon. God bless them! And kinda neat timing for me that I find you in a generous mood! I would love to enter your give away.
What a fabulous giveaway. Love all the things you have included. Love the blog makeover too.
I follow you through Google Friends.
W-0-W! Nice give-a-way. Sign me up. I just adore your blog. I'm a stalker, don't have a blog but love to visit and peek in at what everyone is doing and saying.
Thanks for your generosity.
Diane Whiting
The Library Lady
WOW. Lovely and generous give-a-way. I love your blog so much. Don't have one of my own but enjoying peeking in on everyone's blog and getting ideas.
Diane Whiting
The Library Lady
I simply adore your blog. I dont have a blog but I enjoy peeking in and getting ideas from the creative bloggers out there.
Generous give-a-way. Sign me up.
Diane Whiting
Love your style Becky! And your giveaway! Don't have a blog but you know where to find me, Maralee!!
Oh and I'm now a follower on LInky! Maralee Clifton.
Becky, Just another comment on your have picked a goodie and I think we would all appreciate owning these vintage things. Thanks for mentioning those on the East Coast. I think we all have them in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for all you do...pat
Becky, Just another comment on your have picked a goodie and I think we would all appreciate owning these vintage things. Thanks for mentioning those on the East Coast. I think we all have them in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for all you do...pat
i just stumbled upon this blog and I think you are very creative. I just love the way you repurpose things. I would like to be entered in your drawing also.
i just became a google follower. so thats another entry. I love your giveaway. flores_916atmsndotcom
i just became a google follower. so thats another entry. I love your giveaway. flores_916atmsndotcom
I simply love your style Becky! You are so creative with the way you display things. I too have Scotties. They are the most awesome of dogs. Thanks so much for sharing all your ideas and beautiful things.
I simply love your creative spirit. You are awesome! Thank you for sharing your decorating style.
I too have Scottie dogs. They are the best kind of dog to have.
Happy Halloween!
I love your blog!! I am a scottie mom too as well as loving vintage stuff.....I visit often!
I love your blog!! I am a scottie mom too as well as loving vintage stuff.....I visit often!
Please enter me in the giveaway. I read your blog quite often.
Hi! I am following via Linky and GFC. Please enter me in your giveaway :)
Hi! I also posted to my Homespun Hannah's Blog sidebar, for a 2nd entry :)
I am also a new Linky and GFC follower :)
Are YOU serious? Please enter me in your generous give-away! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your ideas and creative spirit with us. I have enjoyed your blog for a long time. You inspire me to do more with the things I have.
Thank you for sharing,
Hi Becky! I've been so crazy busy lately that I've barely blogged, and haven't been visiting my favorite blogs. It's such a breath of fresh air visiting your blog today! Everything is so pretty and inspiring. I love your blog makeover! I really need to update mine. Every time I look at it I want to throw up. Well, maybe I'm being a bit harsh. :) Hope all is well with you this Autumn!! x
I love your new header. The giveaway is wonderful. I have been looking for a vintage scale. Keeping my fingers crossed to win!
I am a linky follower and happy to be.
I have added your giveaway to my sidebar.
Holy Schmoley Miss Becky...You took my breath away. What a wonderfully perfect - and perfectly wonderful - giveaway!!! WOO HOO!!! You must have looked into my wish list... much as this pains me (and PAINS me it does!!), I'll (with sad and pouting face) sit this out as I won your lovely "caption" giveaway just a short time ago.... But...for what's it worth, I'm a follower, and have signed on as a new Linky follower (in case those doomsday reports come true) and have posted your giveaway on my blog for others to enjoy.... I think with all my trips to the Wizard of late I've missed several I'm off to catch up. But I wish all the others the best of luck in your amazing giveaway.... (And, yes, I'll pout for a good long bit...) :o) Smiles & November Hugs ~ Robin
And...oh....Oh...I LOVE that scale something fierce! ;o) (Another of my countless weaknesses....) r
looks like there are a great number of people im the giveaway, yippee!!
I forgot to say that I LOVE your new blog dress!!! Sooooo Becky...and Soooo Cottage dreamy!! :o) r
I love your blog and look forward to all your posts. You have a unique gift of putting things together. Thanks for including me in your give-away.
What a yummy giveaway - how lovely of you to edit out such fun stuff!
Keren did a wonderful job with your blog design...I smile everytime I come here.
Thanks for hosting such a special giveaway to celebrate your five years of blogging. I'm blessed to have been reading it for almost four of those years!
I'm already a follower Becky...happily!
I shared about your generous giveaway on my sidebar today.
Love the new header! She did a great job getting your wishlist items there.
Congrats on blogging for this long. Which now makes me wonder how long I've been blogging :)
I'd love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway!
Congratulations on your blogging and I love your new banner, gorgeous!! Count me in, what a generous giveaway!!
Karen made my button for me, she is so sweet and talented.
Thanks, Dorothy
Well I definitely need to get in on this giveaway! Mimi
I've been a follower for years.
I just found your blog on Kathy's Cottage and I LOVE your new look. Of course, I did'nt see the old one, but this is sooo pretty! I will have to look up Keren and see what she can do for mine too! And I thank you for doing a givaway - if I might win I'd make a lamp out of the scale! So please enter my name with the others!
Thank you,
I am not sure if I entered this already but I am a follower (and lover) of your beautiful blog. Hugs, Patty
I love reading your blog and seeing all your beautiful pictures. I don't have a blog - email is
Hi Becky,
Oh yes please add my name into the hat...
Sending hugs, Elizabeth
Hi Becky,
Its me again...I follow....but than you knew that hehehe
Miss you...XO Elizabeth
Love your blog! Love your taste in antiques too :-). Thank you for the opportunity to win such a cool giveaway!!! Yes, God bless those on the east coast...... Thanks again ! Nurse Payne
Count me in!! Oh I hope I'm not too late!!
Will follow you ASAP . Via Tuesdays with dorie.
Thank you
I would love to be entered. What a lovely giveaway !
I have been a follower for a long time but I guess I never joined. I fixed that :).
Congrats on five years of blogging beauty and bliss!
WellI would LOVE to win allthose treasures!! Please put my name in:)
I am following on google under Al my husband:)
What a great giveaway! Can you come with the stuff, should I win, and help me orange it? What fun!
I follow you on google.
I love your blog! You have such an eye for comfy items!
Could I please be entered into the giveaway? Thank you so much!
Heather here again! I am a google follower!
:)More Blessings...
Okay, and I put a link in my sidebar of my blog so that others can find this beautiful blog!
Again, thank you for your generosity! You have picked such wonderful items!
Sorry, I am a follower, but a new follower! I love the Scotties! Okay, now I need to go back to exploring your blog. Sorry, I messed up one of my entries!
Blessings again!
Heather (Who's a teacher but apparently can't read directions. Ugh.)
WOW... great give-away.... I am a google follower!!! Terri
As a fellow Scotty Dog Lover, and follower of your blog, I would love to be entered into the give away for your blog. I am a Google Follower.
Love your heart :-)
Becky, I stumbled upon your blog and as soon as I started looking around, everything reminded me of my mom - you seem to have the very same taste. After looking around a bit I read about Jordon. It was so nice for you to share some of your stories with us. I lost my brother in 2001 when he was 27 - my life has never been the same since. There are five of us kids and we are so close to each other and my parents. After my brother died my Mom struggled so much - she missed him so much. I think if my Mom would have had a blog to help keep her busy - she would've done much better. Seven years after my brother died - to the day - my Mom drown while swimming at her favorite beach on Lake Huron. The one thing that gets me through is knowing how wonderful Heaven is and that my Mom is with my brother again. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing Jordan with us. God Bless you and your family.
I am now a Linky follower also! Love your header and background now!I'd love to win! hugs! Sherri
Simply said, your blog is awesome! Thank you for sharing you with all of us.
What a wonderful giveaway! I've been seeing the scales in so many vignettes and they look so pretty. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I'm your newest follower *_*
Love your give away!! I am so sorry you haven't heard from me in a very long time....been busy moving to Nor Cal. I have missed reading your blog! ~kimme
Love your style and give away goodies. Whoever wins will be a happy gal.... Thanks!!! Amy
Fun, fun, fun! What a terrific giveaway!
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