Preface: No animals were harmed during this post…..
Well, well, well……we made it through another holiday season here at out house. Our home was filled with family and friends - good food and good times. Fiona and I have had a wonderful time entertaining our guests and now it is time for me to have some down time with my new toy – an “unstuffed stuffie.” The poor chap below resembles how my Maw looks today! Shhh…don’t tell her I shared that with you….but the poor gal is wore out!
All of us wish you a very bright and Happy New Year! Do be sure to be good to yourself and get plenty of rest, too!
Happy New Year Becky and family!! I'm feeling a little like that unstuffed toy too! LOL
Now that's just too darn cute:)
I won't tell anyone.
Happy New Year.
Adorable! Happy New Year to you too. :)
Happy New Year to you and your sweet dog too!!!
Wee Rory wants to know if there were toddlers at your house, and if did you deal with them? Rory is worn right out - we find him hiding under chairs, sound asleep. It's hard work keeping the two little boys rounded up, but he takes his job seriously!
Tell your maw, I said get some rest. That is an order or a prayer. Both.
Happy New Year to you all. What fun your little doggie is having! Lots of love Jane xx PS Have not forgot your giveaway prize but did not send it in all the christmas post in case it got lost so it will be on its way to you ASAP.
I won't tell a soul!! I'm wore out too, but am taking all my Christmas decoration down today.
Happy New Year!!
Hey Boy, my grandpuppy got one of these that looked like a fox....with those little tiny razor sharp puppy teeth the squeaker was gone in no time flat! Happy New Year to you and your mom!
So very sweet! Hope everyone is getting much needed rest. Blessings of peace, joy and love are wished for one and all. Tammy
Happy New Year! Have a wonderful and RESTFUL day! ha ha
How sweet is Fiona ;-) Happy New Year - I was up waaaay too late and I look like the stuffie.
So cute!
Happy New Year to you too!!
Happy new year to you Becky et al!Now that is one well-loved toy! Can we just think of ourselves as well loved when we look like that? hehe! I am so glad to see your post and to hear that everyone is healthy and doing well.
Yep, we're all feelin' it. Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful pic of your Scottie. It brings back wonderful memories of mine. This was my first Christmas without Buddy. Your blog design is wonderful. - Amy
Happy New Year to you, Fiona and your Maw and the rest of your family. Maggie Mae said Hey!
Jean in Virginia
What a sweet post...glad everyone "made it through". Thank you for stopping by my heart is always full after I visit yours.
Best Wishes and Happy New Year!
At my house, the dogs have had a swell time tearing up the cats' toys and ignoring their own!
Happy New Year Becky! I hope this coming year brings you many blessing.
Big Hugs,
Oh my dear me when you have time..tried to reach you hoping you get to check out "the butterfly video"...Happy New Year with love to all of you!!!!
Have fun with your stuffie, Fiona, and Happy New Year to all of you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
So cute! Happy New Year, Becky!!!
Doogs: Thank you for being such a perfect little gentleman the other night. The girls were "Scotties Gone Wild!" We won't even mention what Maggie did.....
Love to all!!
We had our 3 granddogs here for Christmas, for a total of 5 dogs in the house. yikes.
Your doggies are too cute. An unstuffed toy would be great for our dog who loves to destuff and spread it all over the house.
You can see her next to the angel on my blog post : ) That dog looks sweet, but her theme song is, "Wild Thing"
~Happy New Year Becky~!
Hello Miss B and Happy New Year to all of you!
Happy New Year, Becky! Have a wonderful 2011. I'll be contacting you soon about getting a pattern for your wonderful ruffle bag...I LOVE it!
Too cute. Hope you get some rest. You deserve it for sure. :)
Poor little thing!
Wishing you all the best in the New Year!
Happee New Year!!!
Benny & Lily
Our pup has that one and for Christmas she got the fox. She brings them onto our bed. LOL Sometime during the night I woke to her "fighting" the fox and "squeaking" his tail. LOL They are toooo funny!
Hi Becky,
I think we all feel a little "worn out" after the Christmas season. Rest, relax, and Have yourself a happy little New Year! January is for doing as little as possible;>)
Oh poor Dougie boy. He must be tired from all the festivies and playing with his new pal. BTW I love the background music when I visited Dancin' with Wolves right? Daisy enjoyed a fun holiday. She now goes with us every Sunday to the boys ranch and waits till we're done with church. Then she gets a 30 min. run around! Apartment life isn't much for doggies! Glad to see you guys back. And glad you had a great holiday.
Happy New Year friends.
Love ya, Sherry and Daisy!
Happy Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Becky...I hope this is a wonderful year for that brings you all the joy you deserve.
I'm sending you a big hug.
I just finished watching Toy Story 3 and was surprised at how it affected me. I cried when I watched this cartoon! I've been in that melancholy mood ever since.
Take care, sweet girl.
Dear Becky, Thank you for taking the time to give words of understanding and encouragement to our family, when you have suffered through so much yourself. I am so very sorry you all have had even more sorrow to bear this past year. I pray with all my heart that this year will bring you joy and comfort, hope and love in God's word and in His heart. I love you my friend, and I will keep praying for you. ~Debbie
You're so cute!! Take good care of Maw!!
And Happy New Year to all!!
Deborah xoxo
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