Wednesday, May 5, 2010

happy in red


I am participating in Sue’s Rednesday post.

Thought I’d share this little red postal scale. They are fun pieces to use in a vignette as you can elevate the display by putting something on top, like this sweet bird that my friend Kathy Sue gave to me.

A thought for today:

Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate.
So practice happy thinking every day.
Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit,
And life will become a continual feast.
~ Norman Vincent Peale

note: Blogger has a new "search this blog" feature. I think this is wonderful and have added it to the top of my blog. The other day a reader emailed me asking for the caramel recipe I had posted ages ago. Now all you need to do is enter the word (ie: caramel, or whatever) and it will link you! voila! love it!


Emma said...

i love your true

Im off to think happy thoughts!!


Adrienne said...

So cute! I love little things, especially little, old things.

Stacey said...

Adorable! I like the petite size of that scale. Of course the bird is perfect too.

Love the quote!

Anonymous said...

Oh what preciousness. I just got a thing for little birdies resting on olden thingys!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

The Tattered Cottage said...

Love your scale and little bird. It makes for an adorable display. I so believe in this quote and try to live my days doing just that...having happy thoughts :)
♥ Toni

Claudia said...

I love the scale. And thank you for the reminder about happy thoughts. I truly believe that.

Maybe I should add the search feature...hmmm.


Susan Freeman said...

Hi Becky! Your little bird is so sweet and the postage scale is too. I love that quote by Norman Vincent Peale. My Mom is a great fan of his and has saved many of his pamphlets. She used to read them to me when I was young. Thanks for the blogger tip! What a great feature. There are many blogs that I enjoy, like yours and it's fun to go to older posts. It's a bit like browsing through old beloved magazines. Happy Rednesday!!

Susan and Bentley

the wild raspberry said...

sweet picture...
love the quote.

happiness is a choice.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love the vintage scale....just enough chippiness to it!

Anonymous said...

Sweet birdie and scale and I like your crocheted piece under them. Your Scotties are sooooo cute! Love them :) Happy Reds~

Brenda Pruitt said...

A most wonderful quote! I think it shall be my new mantra.

marie said...

This is the sweetest picture and what a wonderful quote too!

I love that Google feature ~ I already have it on my blog. But I like how you have it up at the top ~ i think I'll move mine.

Julie said...

Yay for the search this blog feature! Sometimes I want to go back and look for a recipe too!!!!
Love the little bird on the scale!
Enjoyed visiting. Love the quote. Reminds me of Proverbs 15:15b "For the happy heart, life is a continual feast." :-) Hugs.

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Becky,love the sweet little bird on the scale...makes for a wonderful little vignette. Love the quote as well...I am following along with Rednesday myself this time...come by and visit my reds if you like.
Hope everything is wonderful with you....blessings

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Becky,love the sweet little bird on the scale...makes for a wonderful little vignette. Love the quote as well...I am following along with Rednesday myself this time...come by and visit my reds if you like.
Hope everything is wonderful with you....blessings

myletterstoemily said...

sweet little bird, sweet quote, and very
sweet recipe!

Ann said...

What a great little scale. I love it!
Thanks for sharing with us~
The Tattered Tassel

Duke said...

What a cute scale and a sweet birdie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

That little birdie is so cute and sweet. Love it. :-)
My first Rednesday is up:

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hi Sweetie,
I'm makin' the rounds again, it's been a while so I had to come and see how you are doing. Cute little scale and the bird also.
Do you live near the Redwoods? They just fill me with awe every time I see one. Such a wonderful place to be.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

The little postal scale and bird are adorable! And I loved your saying. I added it to my journal book I keep with verses/sayings in it. Hope you had a happy day!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Lisa said...

Very lovely!!

Charo said...

So cute!!!


JG said...

What a beautiful thought!

Elsie said...

Cute scale and love the little bird. That search thing is kinda neat and it will make things easier
for your readers.THANKS.:o)

SueLovesCherries said...

They look perfect together! And I just love that house from your previous post, too!

CACHANILLA73 said...

Beautiful blog... You are a great inspiration. Blessings...

Sue said...

Becky, what sweet little vignette items the scale and birdie are! And the quote is food for thought, that's for sure.
hugs, Sue

Kathy Sue said...

Becky,, how sweet that picture looks. I knew that bird would find a new spot at your home. Great quote to. You always have a great post and I love the way you can get to things faster to go back to our favorites. love to you dear sweet friend. love Kathy Sue

Pondside said...

Do you know that there is now research that shows that happiness really does spread?....that a happy household has a positive effect on the households around it.

Unknown said...

That little bird belongs atop that fun vintage scale!!!! I really like the quote you have, I think that is 100% true! I am going to check out the new blogger idea!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

What a cutie that little bird is!

Angela said...

Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate.
So practice happy thinking every day.
Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit,
And life will become a continual feast.
~ Norman Vincent Peale

thank you SO much for sharing this.

craftyles said...

Ehat a cute display. I've loved following your blog for a long time. Your house is beautiful.

Mimi Sue said...

Love that quote. Truly a way to live your life. Your scale is adorable. Love your inspiration home from the last post. Just beautiful. Mimi


Hi Becky, I love your "TWEET" bird and the red postal scale he is perched on! Your vignette is so darling, I have never heard of Rednesday. Now I have to join in that party, I'm in trouble now! See you at the next Rednesday, hopefully!

Unknown said...

Awe! Tweet Birdie, and sweet thought! Why is it so hard to automatically be happy? Doesn't it seem silly that we even have to be told that?

Love that new feature.... very useful.


ChaChaneen said...

LURVE your little birdie! Oh my stars, it is adorable and perfect for the red post!

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Like air mail! Too cute!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I've been looking for a scale similar to that. So many I see are too big or too expensive. Your is just right, and the little bird is precious. Loved that quote. laurie

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Great quote and my favorite color!!

Love you gal,

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love your little red scale & the quote! It does make a wonderful addition to your vignette.