Sunday, April 11, 2010


P1010002y3 FP’s FTP ….. finished projects from the past. Taking a “break” from sewing today and revisiting some photos of things I have designed and made over the past few years. I actually had forgotten about making some of these. Do you ever do that? To make something and forget you had done so? I also have WIP’S (works in progress) that I know I have forgotten about…… but that is another post…..if I don’t forget about it!

For now….happy to have finished SOME things! :)

That would be FNHTHFST’s!




















(translation from a seamstress with sewing delirium: have a good day everyone!)


Unknown said...

OK....I need to talk to you about making me about half of things again! Or are you willing to part with some of them, no seriously please email me if youa re!!!! I just lvoe all of it, but I have a red house and it is 40's vintage!!!!! Let's talk! :) Youare an incredible artist with cloth!!!! Just love it!!!!!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I love all your things that you have made out of old vintage linens. So beautiful!! You do such beautiful work. I wish you lived closer and we could sit and sew together. What fun that would be!!! I need to get back to my sewing, as I have not sewn in a while. You are an inspiration!! Love & blessings from NC!

Kathleen Grace said...

Agh! You are torturing me Becky! I love all of these so much, and I even see things made with vintage fabrics that I know I have so I could make something like this for myself (hope you wouldn't mind!) but I don't have time to sew anymore! I love every. single. thing. you make! I am marking this post with a star on google reader so I can just gaze at these gorgeous things any time I want. Love you. Keep sewing~!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Everything is just beautiful, Becky.

Sandy said...

You make the most beautiful things. I love your bags, pillows and the hearts etc. I especially liked the Day of the Week pillows. They are so cute.

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

bee'nme said...

Wow Beck - I remember some of these glorious creations, but some are new to me - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them all!! You are such a talented designer and skilled craftsman (and just one of the nicest folks on the planet!) The Lord has truly blessed the work of your hands!

HAGWF: (Have a great week friend!)

Hugs & Blessings,
Becky S.

Crea-Nette said...

OOOOhhhhh, so sweet and soo many things, so wonderful.
I love this colors.
LG Janet

P.S. I know, my english is bad.;-(

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always use such beautiful fabric ...and lots of reds! I REALLY love the tote bag. Would love to know what pattern you used if you want to tell! And your them all! WOW!!! ♥

Vee said...

I've so enjoyed looking at all your beautifully created linens, pillows, wall art, etc. You're one talented gal. I think I must tuck the last one...the tooth fairy pillow away for future reference.

Duke said...

What beautiful projects! You stay busy all the time just like our mom does!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I really enjoyed seeing all your past beautiful creations. Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves that we have created and completed some lovely things.

I too, often forget what I have made.

Great post and photos.


Kristin said...

I heart everything single thing pictured on your post!!!

Cathy M said...

I love the cherry bag. Very cute!

Lori Lucas said...

I think you have been keeping a BIG secret. Who knew you were SO talented in the sewing department? I have loved the shirts you have turned out recently, but these creations are so lovely and creative! Excellent job. The way you put fabrics together is beautiful as well. AND not to mention your gorgeous photography. Keep sharing your amazing talentSSSSS!!! Lori

Lynn said...

I am really enjoying my vintage hearts and daily bread pillow still. Love them! You are so talented.

Elsie said...

Becky I have a lot of the same
fabrics and have made things
similar. I love yours and you
do a wonderful job. I take pics
of my creations too,if not I
forget what they looked like.
When I finish smocking a bonnet
or bib or whatever,I have to take
a picture,because I work so hard
on it and if I give it away as a
gift I always like to look back
at my work,so yeah me too.:O)

Michle said...

Absolutely love your work. Would you be willing to share your patterns?


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, everything is sew cute!! Little sewing humor there. The vintage pillows with the red and white stripes would be so adorable on my front porch. Are you going to be making any more of those by any chance?


molly said...

I love all the ways you have used vintage tablecloths and needlework. Isn't it a great feeling to look at finished projects! Way to go! Love it all!

Charo said...

So magic thigs you do!!! Love them all.


fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

oh dear.. i want all of the beauties you share in this post! hehehe.. all so pretty and I am drooling!.. seriously lovely.. are you going to sell them?

Pondside said...

OMIEOYT - or Oh my goodness, I'm envious of your talent!
Beautiful things!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Wow Becky, such lovely treasures! I love the stamping you did on the pillows and the embroidered pillows!!! Wow! Such nice eye candy to wake up to today, thank you for sharing!

Thimbleanna said...

Such GORGEOUS projects Becky!!! I especially LOVE that adorable collection of embroidered pillows!

Anonymous said...

Your style is so fun and colorful- just charming! Your pictures always make me smile!!

Jean came for tea yesterday on her way home from Col Springs.We has such a fun time and oh my, she just loves you!

bee blessed

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Good Morning Becky!.
It's still raining,even in the bay area when I arrived to work.
Wow, I really enjoyed seeing all your sewing projects!it makes me want to sew all day long!. You are so right we do forget what we have made. I sometimes will go over to a family members home and say, hay I really like that and then they reply you made that for me, LOL:)no wonder I like it, hehehe silly me.
I packed all weekend long, can you believe Gary and I have 60 boxes so far and we need more! just crazy.
Take care and keep warm today a great day to sew!
Big hugs, Elizabet

Susan Freeman said...

You have really inspired me to get back to sewing!! Your things are so very lovely Becky!

Susan and Bentley

Helen said...

Becky - you are truly gifted as a seamstress. Your creations are gorgeous!

Heidi Ann said...

All of your creations are beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing them again!

Sentimentally Me said...

U R SUch a funny little thang!! xo P

Anonymous said...

very cute! I love your style! I especially love the totes!

scottylover said...

Love them all, but especially love the scottie embroidery "Monday" pillow and the bag with the cherries on it (pink and white.) Great job on everything!

Sandy A

Cindy said...

Wicked Cute! I especially love that 3rd pic, that bag is ADORABLE! I do so envy you gals that can sew!

yapping cat

addie373 said...

Oh my goodness! You are so talented girl! I love every single thing you've made. My heart skipped a beat when I first saw the embroidered pillow. I thought you were announcing new items in your Etsy Store. My hot little finger was ready to click on over there too. Everything is just beautiful!
I absolutely love my Daily Bread pillow that you made. I will treasure it always.


Char said...

I like it all! Lovely!

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Oh, my...where do I even start, it is all so adorable. The pillows are just, love, love the fabrics and all the gathered ruffles. Way cute!!!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

All of my favorite from my favorite Scottie Mom ;o)
Love ya doll!
NEBBY & G-dog ( and Becky to Be here by May ;o)

Anonymous said...

Everything's beautiful!! Love it all!!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Such lovely things!! Oh I wish I could sew as beautifully as you can :)

Sewn With Grace said...

Oh, oh, oh! I love them all! So pretty and so me. Couldn't you just part with a few? :) You are one talented lady. Be blessed!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love all of your beautiful projects. I really love that first pillow!

Donna said...

You have created many beautiful pretties! I love them all :) You have inspired me to go sew!
Blessings & Big Hugs,

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

I love the cherry pillows and tote!
And heartssssssss.

Oh Becky you are amazing darlin!
So creative and talented!

I am with everyone else...I want them all!

Hugz, Dolly

come visit

Mimi Sue said...

Truly love all the things you do. Adorable bags! Mimi

Sassy said...

OH MY STARS!!!! You are amazing...all of them so beautiful...have to say I love the cherry things the best....and the vintagey things the best...and the embroidery the best...I LOVE IT ALL!

marie said...

Becky - you are so very talented!
I love all your color combos & fabric choices. The addition of vintage matrials adds just the right touch too.
Your bags are so beautiful and those pink wool hearts are so sweet. I'm so glad that I own two of them!

Signs and Salvage said...

Goof Grief...I am soooo impressed!! You ROCKSista!!!



Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a wonderful collection of fabric lovliness!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Oh, I do love your work. You sew the most beautiful things...the details are just so perfect...whimsical...sweet! Thank you for inspiring me.
♥, Susan

fiberdoodles said...

OMG!! (oh my gosh)
Someone pluuu-leeease pick me up off the floor! I can't pick one. They are all so very pretty! Good job Miss Becky ~ I love it all!!!

Lallee said...

Becky, you have made so many beautiful things. I keep some of my 'made by you' items out in my studio where I can enjoy them often. I get so many compliments when I carry my cowgirl tote.

Let's not talk about 'need to finish' items. I'm not ready to work on mine yet ;-)
