Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Don't you love a good challenge? I sure do - especially when it
comes to personalizing something to make it JUST how you want it.
I just have to tell myself to be "patient!" (insert a yeh, right here!)

Here is just a glimpse of the "after" shots...
I will share the dining room re-do soon.
Let me introduce my challenge to you.....Just call me Dr. Becky.
I found these wonderful Italian chairs for 25.00 each at a thrift store.
For many months I have been in search for some sweetly carved chairs to paint creamy white.
LOVE the look of the dainty cabriolet legs and carved ladder back, but I don't like the dark
wood or upholstery. So here we go......a long project.....

A project that you just cannot worry about what your fingernails are going to end up looking like in the end.
These are the "doctor" tools to remove the upholstery...and the 800 plus
tacks. (I had flashbacks of working in the operating room...minus the help).

I could have paid someone to do this, however there is more gratification in saying, "I did it all on my own" as Miss Fiona supervised.

Any projects going on in your home?


Dawn said...

Ohhh, I've only shown the tip of the iceburg of the projects at our house!

Your chairs look beautiful. Can't wait to see the whole room.

I couldn't remeber the theme song to Petticoat Junction so I found a clip on you-tube to watch. OMG, when those ladies popped out of the water tower I laughed so hard. I remember the show a little bit but had forgotten about the opening. I sure miss those sweet old shows. I think I'll see if they have them on DVD.


Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to see. It's going to be beautiful i'm sure of that. Love the shape to your chairs. Best of luck and don't keep us waiting too long now, ya hear? :)

Heidi Ann said...

No projects here - not like that one, anyway! Can't wait to see the end result.

The Tattered Cottage said...

Oh my gosh....those chairs are beautiful!! I hope you share the pics of your dining room re-do soon. I have been working on a couple of projects this morning. A couple of pieces that will go to the shop for sale.
Miss Fiona supervises very well :)
Have a great day,

the wild raspberry said...

calling Dr. Becky...come in Dr. Becky...

that is such a job...but from the tiny peek~they look fabuloso!

i am ready for a project...


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

You did a beautiful job on a difficult project. But I'm sure Miss Fiona supervised well too! Great accomplishment!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Ohhhhhh! Those chairs are going to be marvelous!!!

I am just planning.....and planning....and planning for our move. Then I will have TONS of projects :-)

ScrapsofMe said...

Nothing so ambitious...but I must say, Me n Fi would look oh so lovely perched on those pretty creamy white chairs.

Bonnie (i promise to wipe my feeties first)

Dena said...

Oh Becky, I love your chairs! I know how hard those tacks are to remove so my hat is off to you! I have not had a project going in while but I have a few ideas...and now that I see your project I really want to get one started :)


Mimi Sue said...

Can't wait to see the finished project! Looks like Fiona is a good supervisor too. Mimi

Vee said...

Not really. I love your project and I'm glad that you're a gal who doesn't worry too much about her fingernails. (I do note that you're not showing them. ;D )

Claudia said...

Can't wait to see the end result, Becky! I'm starting to think all things look better when painted white - especially carved wood furniture!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Becky! I'm so glad you at least had one cute little fuzzy faces helper! :) I love these chairs and can see how pretty they are painted white. Can't wait to see your dining room.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to see these when they are all done. I bet you already have the fabric picked out...don't you Dr. Becky.


Anonymous said...

You did an AMAZING job on these... They look so beautiful and have a whole new life now!

If you get a chance, stop by my Blog for a visit and say hi! I JUST put up a New Post...
Have a great day,

Kathleen Grace said...

The chairs are gorgeous Becky! I looks like about a zillion tacks to pull though, ugh! When ISN'T there a project going on in my house? Sewing, painting, rethinking, it is a never ending project. I must like it that way. If my house were ever finished what would I do with my time?

Skoots1moM said...

they're did an awesome supervising job, too!

Tanya said...

Those chairs have great "bones" for some creamy paint! I have so many projects going on in my house that I often feel overwhelmed. Eventually it will all get done. At least that's what I keep telling myself!

The Green Pea said...

Dr. Becky,

Yikes! You removed a million nails. Do you have any finger nails left? I can hardly wait to see your finished room.....It is going to be beautiful I am sure. Sandi

PamKittyMorning said...

Wow Fiona looks so grown up there! Love your projects, can't wait for the reveal!

roseylittlethings said...

Ooh, can't wait to see the whole finished project!

Holly said...

As a matter of fact, I've spent the ENTIRE day going through all of my recipes that I've written, or collected or given to me by friends and family.

Some now gone, so I visited with their handwriting and thought of them.

Put them in protective sleeves even though some of them are dotted and stained by being out during the fabrication of the dish.

But, it's something I've been meaning to do for years, and today, I finally did.

Rory & Fi only stopped by to check on me, as opposed to your sidewalk supervisor, Fiona who did a much better job!

Patina said...

Ok, if I could make the font bigger I'd put a big "WOW" right here. What a big project but from what I can see (o: the results are FAB-U-LOUS! It looks so fresh and pretty!

Tracey said...

Can't wait to see the finished project! I bet you and Fiona did a beautiful job!!


It sure looks like it's going to be pretty!!

Mary said...

The chairs are gorgeous...beautiful style with the darling floral engraving...I can't wait to see the completed re-do! I know it's going to be beautiful, from the little peek you gave us. Those tools look frightening...glad they're not coming my way! Many blessings are being sent your way!



Brenda said...

Good job it looks great.I know you fingers must hurt.
I have been wanting to paint the coffe table and end table in my living room.I would love to do them in a distressed off white but I really don't know how .Do you have any pointers on this subject?


P.S. I am on pins and needles waiting to see the finished room .I know it will be beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Little miss Fiona at your feet reminded me of my beloved Bailey and the way she liked to be "included" in my projects....can't wait to see the room when it is done.


Janean said...

The chairs look great in white. I like finding "captain" chairs to dining sets b/c they're comfy enough to accommodate extra guests.
You have a great site.
My blog is old sweetwater cottage, so when I saw your sweet cottage dreams, I just had to visit. Yay!
Come by and say "hello" sometime.

Thimbleanna said...

Ohmygosh -- all those tacks -- what a job! I can't wait to see the finished project -- I love painting and furniture re-dos!

Amy said... projects yet but I have had a lot of inspiration lately. I feel a project coming on soon. I can't wait to see you chairs finished.

Sinta Renee said...

I just bought a sweet little rack to put doll sized quilts on and it needs a paint job. It's still in the back of my car... maybe I should just come over!

Duke said...

Your chairs are going to be gorgeous! We can't wait to see how they're coming along next time we visit!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Alison Gibbs said...

How beautiful they will look once you have finished

Marilyn said...

800 tacks?!!! Oh my. Can't wait to see the room when it's finished.

My next "maybe" project is deciding if I can cover a very old "modern" sectional sofa that belonged to my mom and dad when I was a kid.

Colleen said...

I can imagine how gorgeous the chairs will be after all your hard work. Can't wait to see them finished!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a lovely project with a beautiful snoopervisor.


Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
What a fun project. I can't wait to see your chairs all painted pretty white.
I have a few projects, for the last two weekends I have been working on our bedroom. I always run out of time on the weekend, so this weekend I will start painting the walls. I also ordered 8 yards of Tolie to make chair covers for my dinning room.
The phone is great! and you had fun playing with it. I have been looking for a antique phone for some time now.
Take care and keep creating.

Julie said...

Oh I love the chairs and what a great price. I can't wait to see how they turned out and it looks like you have some help there!

Unknown said...

EWWWWWW!!!! I can't wait to see the big reveal! I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it!


Poppy Cottage said...

What a lovely supervisor you have there! I can't wait to see them finished I bet they are going to be gorgeous!!


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh Becky this is so exciting! You are doing a great job "doing it yourself"! Can't wait to see it all! I know it will be beautiful and cheerful! I have a couple baffet tables I will be painting white very soon to! Wish me luck!

Thinking og you!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

wow, pretty. I like your pup!! She's a cutie.
♥ Rebecca

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a project!! Love the way the curves of the chairs look with the creamy white!
I look forward to seeing more!

trish said...

Your chair looks beautiful! You really did a nice job.
I just posted about a "project" I am working on, yesterday. Even seeking ideas from others. :o)
Have a nice day.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Lallee said...

Oh my. Are you still having nightmares about tacks???? You need to treat yourself to a special manicure after that work. The chairs are so wonderful--love, love, love the design on them.

Fiona looks like a grown up. How did that happen????

Can't wait to see the whole dining room redo.


Esther Sunday said...

Love it, Becky! Love ya, E

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

The white paint on the chair looks so pretty. But darn! I wanna see the whole chair! You are being a tease! It's working. I can't wait! laurie

Kay said...

Lovely. lovely pictures...I have just finished a is good to do things yourself but in my instance i was just too mean!!! xx to the scotties from my boy!!

Daisy Cottage said...

ooooh, I can't wait to see!!!
And I just LOVE Miss Fiona! Oh she is a doll!!!

Hugs & Kisses to you both!!!


Anonymous said...

I made the wonderful peach cake which you showed us. I can never make
it again though. I couldn't stop eating it. I must have gained five
pounds on this cake. It was fantastic
and made with wonderful California peaches. Would love to enter your contest for a magazine. Thanks, Goldie

Anonymous said...

I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

Modern Furniture