...tone on tone..crisp, clean and simple. I dream of having a dining room with a big table with shabby white chairs and a toleware chandelier.....

For now here is a glimpse of the hutch that I painted a creamy white and placed my Ironstone pieces inside. It is a simple style that I have admired in other homes for a long time.

What do you think, Miss Fiona?

Do you like the room so far?

You know, the little chair you are napping on may have to be moved to another room.

She is thinking about that.......

...and dreaming of creamy whites, too.

I bought these wonderful white curtain panels at Ikea. They are called "Matilda" and were pretty inexpensive at 19.99 for a package of TWO 98" panels. I ironed them up and put them on the rods and draped them on top of the hutch till they could be hung up over the windows. However......I kind of like them on the hutch for a beachy cottage romantic look.
..but for now...they are over the windows.
Hmm...I feel another trip to Ikea coming up!!
What colors are YOU dreaming of these days?
I just love your hutch. I'm jealous that you have an IKEA. I NEED those curtains!
It looks lovely.
I'm always dreaming of hot, bright colours! ;-)
I have always loved white ironstone. But for now, I need to reorganize and declutter some of my other antiques before I add any other collections. I like the curtains on the cupboard, too.
Would you believe black? Yup, I've just been visiting Melissa at The Inspired Room.
Gee, forgot to say that your curtains, Fiona, and the hutch with all the ironstone are wonderful!
As much as I love your cupboard, I think i'm in love with your ms. fiona!! She is quite precious.
How clever of you to have a colour co-ordinated Miss Fiona in your lovely room!!!
Your creamy whites look glorious to me!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I just love all the white ironstone pieces! I have a good bit of color in my home, but I also love this look.
love your pics...
the ironstone is so nice, too
fifi, cuteypie!
My Bonnie wee lassie agrees with Fiona...lets dream of creamy colors with a splash of wheaten in a nice fluffy arm chair. I'm liking taupe with white trim, solid white dinner ware in different shapes so it would sort of match. Maybe some olive greens for accent.
I love your hutch with those curtains hanging on it...looks really cool.
I see you have a lot of little ironstone pitchers..maybe ever more than me! :) You should have a SHOW US YOU PITCHERS meme with Mr. Linky...bet you'd get a lot of traffic!!
xo bj
Hi Becky,
I can never stop dreaming of decorating and using so many of my favorite colors, but I have been dreaming of blue and white lately, I have always used a hint of blue but have been introducing it more lately into my home. Your whites and cream are soft and so relaxing. Your homes looks so pretty.
Take care and enjoy your day,
Ha, here we are, the DREAMERS!!! I love creamy whites. Always love them. And of course, today, dreaming of black walls. Now how random was that? :-) But it worked!
Lately I've been dreaming of fresh colors like Spring Green.
Love Miss Fiona too, what a sweetie!
Well, Little Miss Fi matches the room so she'll have to use it as her lounge. I can't wait to see the finished room. Did you see the white ironstone pitcher that Denise has? It may still be there. Ikea? Sounds like a field trip to me!
Love your hutch. The metamorphosis is amazing. I DO like the sheer curtains panels framing it. Love the white ironstone. Now just a shot with Miss Fiona laying at the base of it. What a "still life" shot. :-)
I said a prayer for your family this morning. I just checked in for the first time. I mourn your loss. God bless you with His comfort. I will continue to think of you, truly. By God's grace you are going to be a blessing to others....
Thanks for sharing your lovely blog and ideas. (and recipes!) Going to try the cherry one.
Love your cool whites! The curtains certainly do add great character to the look.
The hutch looks beautiful. You surely acquired the look you were going after. Very nice Becky!!
Great collection of ironstone, I love the little butter pats and your hutch just looks wonderful....I like the curtains on it. hugs, Linda
Your home looks so fresh and breezy. Miss Fiona..oh my, she is just the best. Love the color on the walls too! Good job!
Love your Ironstone peices and the way you have them displayed, the curtain is a wonderful accent! I love creamy whites, the funny thing I don't have too much in my house, but I am working on it! **wink wink**
Fiona looks pretty cozy right there, perhaps the chair move should wait a little while til she is done napping? :)
It is a soothing spot of perfection!
I love the whites, too but I think I am dreaming in a soft terra cotta red this summer! I must feel hot already! lol
I love the look you have going on here! It looks like some of the wonderful Swedish/French decorating I have been admiring.
Fiona belongs in that room!
Oh how beautiful. I love the softness the colors you have chosen, create.
Just lovely.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I love Ikea. They have such fun things! We are not close to one anymore.
Very pretty, I love the color coordinated dog too. I love your new design of creamy whites, now don't go taking your red stuff to the shop without telling me though! xo
A totally dreamy and lovely post. I dream of so many little things throughout my day...I can't seem to name just one or two. You have one of the prettiest blogs in blogland and I just adore coming here.
Hello Becky,
I love your bead board cupboard with the sheers. I am liking the color cream and gray lately. Of course I always like a little green too!! I do think that Fiona likes cream since she can blend in with the room and sleep, sleep, sleep and no one will notice her there....Sandi
I love the curtains on the hutch. Yes, you need to make another trip to Ikea!
Miss Fiona isn't worried. I think she knows her mommy will put her chair wherever she wants it :)
Blessings, Misha
Oh cute FiFi! I think she thinks that she is blending..... Give her a hug!
Love your new creamy dining room and hutch! My colors are still creamy white and blues... then I break it up with yellow or red.....
As always... cuteness abounds on your blog! : ) Have a nice week!
miss fiona and i are so loving the curtains on the hutch. it all looks AMAZING and quite dreamy so off to ikea you must go -- but you can reward us with a cinnamon bun. :)
Dreaming of white too. I like the curtin idea. Fiona looks adorable. I am working on turning one end of my living room white. It is slowly coming together. Thanks for sharing yours.
Have a Blessed Week,
Me, I'm likin' your creamy whites and it's makin' me wish I hadn't passed up a deal on creamy white dishes at the last garage sale I went to! Hmm...but these days I'm leanin' to the red, white & blue!
I have an IKEA about an hour and a half away, and I'm plannin' to go there before summer's over!
Talk about dreamy, creamy whites. . . ! I think Miss Fiona fits right in! (She's such a cutie & its growing up so fast!)
Thanks for the info on the drapery panels! I love the dotted swiss look . . . & these are perfect!
xo, Bren
So dreamy Becky....i love the look! I've been wanting to paint my mom's old wood hutch i have in my sun room and this post of yours has pushed me in the direction of going ahead with it - now i just need to find the time! :)
Have a great day!
Love the creamy whites, especially against that wall color. It is similar to one of my feature walls.
Aw of course Fiona loves the whites lol. Your hutch is beautiful!
All the best,
I enjoy seeing your projects, collections, and your scotties. Thanks for the inspiration.
I am just loving whites lately! Maybe becasue it's summer, maybe because I need a change. I will always love my bright colors, but maybe as more of an accent. I may see if my daughter wants to take a little trip to Ikea, those curtains would look great in the living room I think. Fiona matches your white's so well! Even your sweet puppy looks good with this room:>)
Becky, first of all, I love little Fiona lying in that comfy chair. She has the face of all times. I also love all your white pitchers. They look great in that cupboard. I visited Ikea for the first time last Nov. when we went to northern Va. to visit the kids. What a huge, did I say huge place. It was amazing and the prices were wonderful.
You have a beautiful day,
Jean in Virginia
That hutch looks beautiful!!! It looks like a pic from a magazine, especially with the curtains draped over.... So pretty.
It turned out soooo good Becky!!!
I love your ironstone collection.
and Fifi is a perfect match for the room :)
Have a wonderful day...
Your hutch turned out beautifully. I spy several pitchers that we have in common. How neat another pitcher collector. I really like the curtains with the hutch. How clever.
I think it is all gorgeous...well done. But the best thing is Miss Fiona...and she is so colour co-ordinated!! Im dreaming of azure blue.. im want a holiday its just i cannot afford one, hence the dreaming!
Enjoy your lovely room and your even lovelier doggies!
Love, Emma xxx
Miss Fiona is creamy white, too!
Creamy white, just like Miss Fiona.
She's a color inspiration.
Oh you are so right! I thought those curtains looked sooo dreamy on the hutch. I was shocked when you said they weren't supposed to be there. The hutch looks so charming. laurie
oooh, it's looking SO pretty! I love the creamy white peaceful look too, but I'm so enjoying the more colorful tidbits you've been parting with!
How did I miss those curtains? I'll have to go back to Ikea, too...
Your whites are lovely! I do love whites too. My kitchen is a creamy white, with white curtains, countertop, and tiles. My everyday dishes are white too. But.... Charli is not white like your beautiful little pooch. She's gray :>)
Miss Fiona and the ironstone cupboard are both very cool and creamy.
Just beautiful! I love how Fiona matches the color scheme ;-). I dream of pastels these days.
Hi Becky..
I have curtains over my hutch too..I hate my Hutch though(sorry Mom).
It is from the 80's, I think...and I just have it because it was my MOM's.
Hope to see you soon and your space too....maybe sometime this summer:)
So clean and dreamy and sweet...your ironstone is so lovely!
Of course, the loveliest thing pictured surely must be Fiona!!
Her nose is so cute :) I love doggie noses, which is good because Sugar has a huge one!
what color are we dreaming off.... lovely blues :)
xo sugar & martine
I love the creamy white look. Even up against a stronger color, it is soothing. Your cabinet is beautiful!!! I love those curtains!! I never would have thought of that!! ;)
I understand your desire for soothing white. I love my white bedroom. With the light filtered through white sheers, it is so restful.
Becky; I love waht you have done with your hutch.
Fiona is a DOLL!!!
I am very excited to have discovered your wonderful blog today. It is very inspiring and just looks like my kind of thing. You now have another follower!
Ooooh, I love how Miss Fiona fits right into the creamy whites! Perfection... I adore whites!
Your cabinet redo looks great! While you have moved towards the softer gentler color cabinet, I have been doing the complete opposite. My Heather Bailey fabrics arrived and they are BRIGHT! I think it's the influence of summer that has drawn me to them. Come next fall I will probably be longing for gentler colors. Fiona.......well those pics just melt me into a puddle. She is just beautiful and you captured all her best sides. Well, she doesn't have a bad one, but great photos just the same!
Happy 4th to you and your family!
yapping cat
Your hutch is nice but I get too distracted by the ADORABLE pictures of Fiona!
I want to nap with Fiona. Really, in a big comfy chair, and look at breezy curtains and pretty ironstone....sigh.
Actually, the color that is really making me happy lately is a soft aqua...I think my kitchen is in for a new look!
Smiles, Karen
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