My sweet little
Dughall Piper is THREE (21 years old in "dog years") today! A day to celebrate this wonderful little lad who brings us love and sunshine to each and every day. Oh, I suppose he is now of "legal age" to have a
Guinness - his favorite adult beverage (just like Jordan's).

His calm and kind demeanor warms our heart and we are so blessed to have him as part of our family! He is like a little man....just with a lot of fur!

His friends,
Baxter and Teresa, just sent some
doggie treats the other day (homemade I might add by the talented Teresa herself).
Doogs and Fiona are enjoying them....can't you tell?

Even Miss Fee-
Fo-Fum has learned to "sit pretty" for a treat. She is
sooo smart, just like her big brother!

Of course, the doggies must have their Scottish attire so that they don't get any pinches today.
Little Maggie Dear gave
Duhgall and Fiona some very special presents the other day and one of them are their St. Patrick's Day
Doogie is sporting his scarf that we gave to him. Let's just see how long he will want it on - OR how long it takes for Little Miss Fiona to tug on it. Oh, and if you noticed,
Doogie's beard is looking a little less full these days as Fiona has a beard
fetish. She thinks it is to pull on. Poor

Party animal loves to get down and busy with his presents!!!

Where is
This was a really sweet post!
Loved the pics, and their green wear.
Both dogs are just beautiful....they look so smart, and happy.
Many happy returns Mr. Doogie!
Those two little dogs are absolutely adorable, Becky!! I can tell your sweet Doogie and Fiona are keeping you busy. Mele is scrunched up under my desk chair. They add so much to our lives.
I loved the Irish music. I wish I had music on my blog..but I will take some time and learn soon. I think of you every single day.
Happy Birthday to Doogie!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! How cute he is in his scraf and that baby girl Fiona. You have got two precious babies there. I know you are enjoying them.Give him a kiss from me for his birthday. Love to you,Kathy Sue
Happy Birthday Mr Doogie! Happy St Patrick'a Day. I'm Australian, but my mother was a Flanagan and her family was Irish (originally), so we do tend to celebrate(any excuse for a party).
Aw, Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!! They are so adorable and I must tell you i'm a bit partial to ms fiona's little face. You can Mr. has a curiosity streak in him! Look at him sniffing away for his present. Cuteness.
They are the sweetest dogs!! I am not a dog person, and they make me want to run out and get one!! And they look so sweet in their Irish attire. I bet it would be easy to make them their own kilt... that would be too funny!! I love your blog and wanted to say: Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
My Stanlea is also sporting his St. Patti's collar today.
Adorable pictures of those cuties.
Oh Sweet Doogie! Happy Birthday lil' man!
Hi Becky!
Oh what an adorable post! I was shocked at first when I saw "21", lol, I thought you might have had the oldest living dog :) But then I saw "dog years" :) Well Happy Birthday to your sweetie pie!! and the St. Patty's day attire is simply smashing :) And the puppy is just so sweet and adorable! Awwww, I'm so glad they bring smiles to you and your family!
Have a wonderful St. Patty's day today sweetie and may you be filled with warmth today knowing how loved you are!
Big hugs! Cynthia xoxo
The Top O'the morning to ya,Becky! Happy Birthday to your sweet little fur baby,Doogie....
Happy Birthday Dughall!!!Oreo says you are very handsom in your green Bandana.
Brenda and Oreo
happy birthday little buddy.
are you gonna go to a parade today?
watch out for horses feet, if you do!
chas and the girls
Happy Birthday Dughull! Boy they both look pretty smart all dressed up on this fine St. Patrick's Day!
Love the bagpipe music, it just kind of gets you in the mood for today.
Bentley says Happy Birthday to Duhgall. Their birthdays are just 2days apart. Bentley too loves Guiness, of course one drink and he sneezes!
Enjoy your day.
Bentley's Mom, Patti
Happy Birthday!! I picked up that cute shamrock collar for Pippi too.
Happy Birthday Doogie boy! I just love Doogie. And little Fiona - she is toooo adorable. They do bring such love and joy to our lives.
Happy St. Paddy's day to you and yours Becky. . .
Happy Birthday to Sir Doogie and Happy St. Patricks Day to you.
Fun! Love the dogs~Jacque
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Your dogs look wonderful in their green finery and Happy Birthday to Mr. Doggie!
Happy Saint Patrick's day and Happy Birthday to Dughall.....doggie kisses from Sophee-a.
Although she is betrothed to another bloggy doggy....she can appreciate a handsome man when she sees one~LOl
What a sweet post, loved all the photos of the sweet puppies.
Still holding you in daily prayers.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
from Raggedy Girl/Roberta Anne
Happy Birthday Mr. D - you are the cutest! -amy
Happy Birthday Mr. Dughall! They look so cute in their finery!
Happy Birthday Mr. Doogie! You sure are handsome. Top O' the Mornin' to ya this St. Paddy's day!
Top O' the mornin to ya Mr. Doogie!
Fabulous post! I love the doggies in their St Paddy's gear! Happy St Patrick's Day from Pam, in Ireland.
I am having a big give away to celebrate St Patrick's Day. Bye for now....Pam
Happy Happy Birthday Doogs!!! We hope you have a super great birthday....how cool to have your b'day on St. Patrick's Day. You look so dapper in your special holiday attire.
Mary Lou, Shelby, & Jiggs
I think most of us are a 'bit' Irish! Looks like everyone's enjoying a birthday today! How cute and dapper they are!
What a sweet post :-). Even Sweet Cottage Dream puppies are in the "luck of the Irish" spirit.
Hmm, dressed our cottage for St. Paddy's Day, but did not think of having our border collies, join in the Irish spirit.
How fun it that his birthday is St. Paddy's Day. I think it would be fun...then everyone would be celebrating with you :)
Happy St. Patricks Day.
Janet http://itisanevolution.blogspot.com/
Happy Birthday St. Doogie Patrick! The dogs look so cute. Isn't Miss Jean just the sweetest???
I love your doggies! I have tons of scotty dog things, yet I have mixed breed shar peis instead! Someday...
Happy Birthday to your pup.
Donna Lynn
Happy Birthday to Mr. Doogie, and Happy St. Patrick's day. I just read about your loss and my heart is just overwhelmed. You are in my prayers. God Bless. Hugs, Marty
He is so lovely. well they both are gorgeous but as it is his birthday, thought I should mention him first. dogs are the best!
Happy Birthday Mr. Dougal!! (I know I probably spelled it wrong...again)
I can't belive the size difference in Fiona and Doogs. She's just so sweet! Happy Un-Birthday to you, Miss Fiona!!
Patricia :o)
PS: I'm not Irish, but I AM lucky enough to know several beautiful Irish ladies.
So very precious! Happy Birthday Mr. Doogie!!
Happy Birthday Doogie! Enjoy your special treats and day!
Happy , Happy birthday Doogie. You are so handsome and stylish in your St.Patty's day attire, and sweet Miss Fiona is a cutie pie too. Doogie I hope you have sweet dreams tonight of special doggie treats.
Love and hugs from Jean in virginia and Miss Maggie Mae
What a handsome birthday boy. The other day I was thinking about his birthday being so close because of the bagpipe player he had on I believe his first birthday. I would love to have been there for the celebrating. Miss Fiona is catching on to things quite quickly! Handsome lad, beautiful lass!!
Happy St. Patrick's day from all of us to all of you!!!
Teresa, Jon and Baxter
Tell Mr. Doogie happy birthday from Dublin...Georgia, that is! He's such a wise lad! And Fiona looks so cute with her new collar. We just love St. Patrick's Day around here. May the blessings of St. Patrick surround you and yours...
Happy St. Paddy's day to you..m..
OHHHH Doogs and Fiona are so adorable. I love them both so much. Happy St. Paddies Day to you!
Happy Birthday Doogs!!! You look so handsome with your green neck scarf...Fiona better watch out for the other girls...Your a real looker.
Oh, my goodness. Our little boy is all grown up! He certainly is the best little man! I wish everyone could meet him in person. I love the teeth showing!!!!
Little Miss Fiona looks just darling in her little collar. I'm so tickled to see her with it on. She's looking up at her big brother with such adoring eyes. She is so cute I could just pinch her cheeks! Do dogs have cheeks?
Not much celebrating at our house as I've had jury duty and have to report back tomorrow. But the corned beef and cabbage are calling from the kitchen.
A Happy St. Patrick's Day and a year of peace and love from our home to yours, dear friends.
:) Tracey
Today is my doggie's birthday as well. He is a Boston Terrier and he is 8 today. After yesterday's mud fiasco he is lucky he made it to his birthday today. LOL I have to keep reminding him that he is no longer a puppy.
Happy birthday to sweet Doogie! Today is Winston's birthday too, we just had his little party. He is 14 (ooo, so I guess that makes him 98? whoa).
Your pups all look so precious, what fun they must have together! I had two little maltese poodles when I was a teenager and they got into so much mischief as puppies! Oh, they were a riot!
Blessings to you, sweetie.
Oh they are SO cute! Love their "wearin' of the green"! laurie
I am 1/2 Irish..... My grandfather on my Dad's side was born on St Patrick's Day in Dublin! Mercy,,, now that is Irish!
Your sweet Doggie is tooooooooo cute and does not look a day over 18.......... hahahha
Dear Becky,
You're lucky to have such adorable dogs.. Oh yeah and he's wearing green too.. Have a nice day..
best regards,
loida of 2L3Bs
Just dropping in and I had to send birthday wishes to Mr. Doogie!
Your pups are precious and I can tell they give you joy. We are empty nesters and get so much love and giggles from our pups too.
Blessings today and a little lightheartedness.
All Things Heart and Home
Happy Birthday (belated) to sweet little Doogs! He is the most precious little guy, I love his cute sweet little face:>)
Happy belated St. Paddy's day and birthday to the pup. Your puppies are so precious and they look so festive in there gear.
Awww Happy Happy Birthday Doogs!
Hope your day was filled with doggy fun!
What a sweet sissy you have there too!
Back Porch Blessings,
Happy Birthday Mr. Doogie! You and miss Fiona are just the cutest!
Happy St. Patty's Day too!
I love how distinguished he looks! Happy Birthday to Doogie!
i cant even stand how cute those doggies are! Their cute faces made me smile as Im sure they make you smile every day!
i cant even stand how cute those doggies are! Their cute faces made me smile as Im sure they make you smile every day!
what a cute little post!!! they are so cute together....
Ms. Fiona sits so pretty for her treats...
Happy Birthday to Mr. Doogie...and he does look like such a little man! Too cute.
What BEAUTIFUL sweet furry kids you have. :)
I adore your doggies.
A belated happy birthday to dear Doogie!!! Teresa mentioned to me that she was considering baking gourmet doggy treats to sell. I had no idea she was already hard at work in the kitchen! Good for her!
I love your doggy posts, Becky!
Well look at the handsome birthday boy! I hope I'm not to late to for birthday wishes. He was a good boy to share the treats.
Hugs to Doogie and aroos from the fellas.
Deer Doogs dude. My Mom was late lettin me on her puter so I m late wishin u a happi birfday. Sorry dude. You looked rilly cool and that sis of yurs is a pistol! I dun no what pistol means but Mom says it abut peepul who r cute. Fee is cute! I now u had a gud birfday Doogs an I m glad u did!
See ya later Dude!
Your buddy in Ohio,
Your pups looks so precious. Happy St. Patrick's day to them (and you).
Happy Belated Birthday Duhgall! You and Fiona are so polite in asking for your treats. x
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