One cool and sunny fall morning I stepped out on the porch to do my usual business. Now I have to go outside to do such business as my parents would frown on such tidy leavings on the floor.

As I mosey over to the lawn I pick up a strange and foreign scent.

All of a sudden I forgot about having to tend to my business. I was distracted by a noise and an unfamiliar smell. I recognized the smell, however it wasn't a smell that my radar nose usually detects in the yard. Suddenly it dawned on me - I remember that smell from when I walked in the woods. So my search began to find the stranger in my yard - MY yard!

Oh, I am so easily distracted...

look at that hot number running down the street with her master!

Ok, back to figuring out this mystery. "Hmm..," I say, "I do believe the chap was here before - I can smell him!"

Could he be down there? I don't see any clues of digging a hole in my dad's yard.

What would Sherlock do? Let me think a moment. Wait! I think a scent just wafted from over there!

Could it be? No, it was just a worm.

Ahhh HA! There you are!!!!

Don't you know you that I have teeth like a shark and am trained to attack furry creatures like
you? Now don't make me hurt you, just run along and be with your family. Afterall, I am a
nice guy, dontchaknow!

The squirrel told me that he is so grateful that I am a Scotsman with a loving heart. He was just gathering some berries to take back to his little family.

So I tell the squirrel, "Hey, ya know that I have to save face with the other dogs on the street, so I will just turn my head and you run away, ok?"

The ol' guy thanked me for sparing him and we did the old head nod thing and parted ways. I just hope he made it home safely to his family and in time for dinner.
Yeh, life's tough sometimes, but I do think that we all need to share a little kindness and understanding. So off I go to tend to my business and then go and dream of chasing those mountain squirrels up the tree.
Oh how I love Dugs!!! Jackson really would like to have Dugs over to play!!!
P.S. Glad you liked my zebra rug!!
I loved your post, Duhgall! You're a great guy. And so kind to Mr. Squirrel and his family. ~Adrienne~
This is great. I am laughing so hard. Duhgall is so adorable I can hardly stand it.
Dear sweet Becky, you just made me teary eyed! I am still in Georgia and it has been a long week. I am really missing my Scottie babies. Thank you for the fix--just what I needed. Two more days to go!
i love your doggie. too cute.
Duhgall, it surely is a good thing you are on top of things there. My, we could use a pup like you here; we have soooooo many squirrels. I'm sure you could reason with them and tell them to leave the birdseed alone.
would love to have him running in my yard!
Adorable! I think my two adoptees would love Duhgall!
Check them out at!
Thank you for sharing your day with us, Duhgall!
I love Duhgalls sweet little face, and that bit about the hot number down the street just made me laugh out loud! What a cutie:>)
What a sweet scottie baby Duhgall
is! I have 2 scotties named Dolly
and "W"(bet you can't guess who
he's named after).They add so much
sunshine to our lives as I'm sure
Duhgall does to yours.......
I am in love with Mr Doogs and wish that he could come have a playdate with Otis, Grizzie and Chuck ~ I so heart Dawgies!!!!! xo P
Duhgall, I have lots of Squirells and Bunnies too in our little yard. My three furry Friends would Love you to help chase them around the yard. He is sooo Darn cute
Becky, have you ever thought about becoming an author??
I love your short stories, very entertaining :-D
Becky, your little Duhgall is so cute! We're having a few of those pesky squirrels hanging out around our house and they drive my little chiwheeni, Toby, crazy. He's always hunting them but I do think he wouldn't know what to do with one if he caught it.
Duhgall is just so cute!
Golly Miss Molly, the picture of him with his head buried in the flowers in my absolute favorite!
Go Duhgall Go. We love you man!!!
What a fun little story and Dugs is such a cutie!!
Too too cute!!
Awwww! Such a sweet gentleman and that is one lucky Mr. Squirrel ;)
Duhgal is always doing his part to get along. Now if only we could get the Dems and the Repubs to do the same! He is a fine example!
: )
~Liz ~
Brought a smile to my face and heart!!!
LOL I loved your post. Your dog is such a cutie!
Duhgall is adorable! Sweet post!
what an adorable dog!! sue in Atlanta
Oh Duhgall..I just love you!
This was the sweetes, finniest thing I have seen a long time and just made my night!
Doogs? You tell your Mam that she is a hoot!
Ah Doogs! You are still top dog! But I think you need to have a little talk with Mommy. I see she added a photo of the beautiful Socks on her sidebar. Now I have only seen a faint photo of two of Socks and feel perhaps it is her time to shine. Could you share the limelight with her Doogs? Dagi would appreciate it as he thinks you are dapper but just not his type. Now a sweetheart like Socks...VaVaVoom! :)
Hugs and kitty kisses ~
Heidi and Dagi
Oh if Doog's ever comes to my house I will give him enough squirrels to make all his chasing rodents dreams come true.
Funny and clever.
Your dog is so cute! I miss all the squirrels we had in Chicago. They were fun to feed. Here in Florida, I hardly ever see a squirrel.
I've been lurking a list of blogs for a long time and I finally started my own. Come visit when you get a chance.
Debbie in Florida
Hi Becky, I enjoyed your sweet little story,and Duhgall played the perfect part.Well,the squirrel wasn't to bad either......(smile).
Blessings, Shelley
OH~~~~~ How sweet!
ha, ha, ha! Too cute!
Becky, you and dugs are too adorable. I feel like I just read a really cute bedtime story. Too bad it's only 3pm.
Love ya sweetie girl,
Duhgall is so adorable. My Maggie Mae love to chase and sniff out squirrels, chipmonks and anything that moves. She has never caught anything but she works hard at it. What a cute tale you spun starring Dugs. Have a wonderful evening.
Jean in Virginia
Hi Becky ... your photo of the guy jogging with his dog looks like it was taken on *my* street, which led me to your flickr pages to do a little sleuthing. While looking through your pics, I discovered your adorable black-and-white chalkware dog.
I own the same dog, but mine is brown-and-gold. Her name is LuLu, and I took pics of her on Monday for one of my blog posts this week. And now you and your little doggie are both an important part of that post :o)
I hope you'll stop by and meet LuLu, she's very excited about her new found friend. And I'd love to hear what you know about the history of your chalkware pup, and how closely related our little doggies might be.
Awww, that was so cute!! Duhgall is sooooo handsome!...Donna
What a adventure you had Dughall!!!
Duhgall could NOT be any cuter!!
Magggie is swooning - I think she is in love.
Awww.... That little face just makes my heart melt :)
Duhgall, what a gentleman you are! Not to mention just down right gorgeous.
I just posted something I think you will really like... come check it out! :-)
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