Update before reading my post: Please look at the left on my sidebar. I am donating a bag for Nie. To read more about it or bid on it to raise money, click on the tote bag that is on my sidebar for more information. I am number 71 in the auction. The money raised will go for Nie and her husband who were terribly burned in a plane crash a few weeks ago. They are a wonderful family who are going through some very difficult times in their life. Please pray for them.
Thank you.... Becky
One warm and sunny morning not too long ago, Duhgall and I sat on our front porch to watch the sad affairs going on so very near to home.

"Momma," says Duhgall, "Can you hear that? Listen..."

"Yes, Duhgall," I whispered, "I hear them. Those are the city workers and their noisy trucks."

I then walked over to this marvelous green giant in our front yard and apologized and said so long and thanked him for giving us shade....

...and for providing a place for my boys to climb up on and play...

...and for keeping many watchful eyes on our children as they played in the street years ago. I thought I saw these eyes weep as I said my goodbyes.

So long, dear friend, we will all miss you so very much. I am so sorry that your strong roots reached under the house and caused damage - like your brother across the street. Both of you will be missed by all of us.


"Duhgall, this is a sad day. Let's go in now as I cannot bear to watch anymore."

"Momma," Duhgall gently says, "Don't cry....we will grow another tree that maybe your grandchildren will climb in someday."
"That is a wonderful idea my little man. Time to go in..."
Becky: That is so sad! You made me cry! Today as I'm getting my trees trimmed and hope that we can stop time from marching against them. I'll think about your's and how it watched over your family with strength and honor.
Dughall, don't forget to remind your mum to plant a tree with less invasive roots! A new tree, a new generation, something to very much look forward too. x
How sad. The "eyes" are amazing. These trees obviously hold so many lovely memories for you. Take care of yourself...love Pam
Awww, so sad :(
Planting a new tree is definitely the thing to do!
Dughall is a doll!!!
Dougall is so wise! While its so sad to see it go, its time for new memories to be made.
It is always a sad day when you lose a tree. Bummer.
I'm sorry about the tree...I LOVE trees. I spent most of my childhood in a few favorites. I understand tho, sometimes trees and houses can not be that close. I'm sure you feel kinda exposed now..no fun.
This is so sad. I would have been out there chained to it :) You must plant a new one at once- one that is a little nice to your poor foundation.
PS- Dughall is so cute I can hardly stand it.
Dughall is so cute! Yes, plant a new tree. One that's a better match for the location
Oh no, a new tree must join your family soon. Just like losing a family member after all this time. Dughall is simply adorable.
one of my dogwood trees recently died and it was hard...
i have a new one though and it is thriving.
roots can really be a big problem when they're in the wrong place...hope the damage wasn't too hard to repair
OOOOOH! Beckers, I'm so sad for you. . . . such memories for you & your family. . . . Give Mr Doogs a big ol' hug, he'll make his mommy feel betta . . . . I always hug my hounds, and give 'em a big ol' kiss when I'm feeling blue. . . xoxoxoxoxo P
Oh how aweful! I love mature trees and they are so hard to replace. Sorry you lost such a beauty:>(
Awe sweet Duhgall.... what a wise little man he is....
So sad about that tree! That would break my heart!
Oh Dugs, I wish I was there to give you a big hug and a kiss. Jackson and I are sending one you and your mama's way.
Ok great. Now I'm sitting here in a hotel room crying! That's SO sad -- I hate it when that happens. Why can't trees know that if they get too pushy they'll have to go???
Sniff. {hugs}
Too cute.. love your dog. sorry about your tree, it was pretty!
Maybe they will replace them with something that flowers. I hate to see a tree taken down, too.
Tell me, does Dugh speak with a Scots burr? Or does he have a high, squeaky small dog voice?
Becky, it always terrible when you loose a tree. It also changes your garden environment, lets in a lot more sun. I hope you have fun picking out a new tree to plant. Dughall, you help Mama pick out just the right one.
Jean in Virginia
Oh Becky that is so sad :( I have to say that there are several palms around here that I would not shed a tear over! We used to have a huge Jacaranda in front of our last home and we dealt with the roots in the plumbing lines at least once a year. As beautiful as it was, we would have done the same eventually.
You should ask them to mulch it and then you can still "keep " the tree around your flower garden...LOL.
Hi Sooz....Duhgall has a low voice and with a bit of a Scottish brogue. He is all boy, too!!
What a wonderful post! Such a touching way to share such a sad moment...
Becky, I am always sad when I see a tree cut down.We have two huge Oaks that grow in the fence row right behind our house and I know one day we might have to cut them down and it always makes me sad to think of that day.
On a happier note Doogs is so cut.
Best Wishes
AWWW That's so sad :(
OH~~~ Becky that brought tears to my eyes! Mature trees are priceless! I am sure you will find another tree that won't do any damage.
Oh, I'm sorry about your trees :o(
They are living, breathing things and they do become a part of our life. You and Duhgall will have to plant new ones to take their place.
Hugs, Karen
p.s. We have a big maple in our front yard that was beat up pretty bad when we had to replace our water/sewer lines a couple years ago...and I just noticed that it is slowly starting to die. I feel so sad...so I can relate to your story very well today.
oh no! they were so big and beautiful! Your street is gorgeous. i want to live there!!
julie xo
Becky I am crying with you...I wish there could have been something they could do. I am reading a book right now about a man who hikes the full extent of the Applachian Trail..and he talks about the different types of trees that have gone extinct..it is quite sad and rather scary. That was a beautiful tree and I am glad it sheltered you and your family for many years. cherry
Hi Becky, I have an award over on my blog for you. Enjoy!
Oh Becky that is so sad. We had beautiful old trees in our subdivision. Two years ago the city came through and cut them all down. Every last one of them due to a potential beetle disease. I was very upset about it. Last year the city planted flowering trees that are starting to flower and grow. I know how you feel though because everything looked so bare and empty for so long.
That is sad. The trees were so beautiful,but when they cause damage there no choice.
Oh...that is so sad....I hope you are able to plant a new one this fall....
p.s. thanks for the tip on Briwax!
Very sad, but a new tree means new beginnings and lots of new stories and adventures to come:-)!
awwww...Dughall is right, you should plant a new tree. He is such a cutie pie!
Oh Becky, I know what you mean. We had the same thing happen right next door to us. In the end though, they are building a lovely new house, and they really were sorry to have to take down some of the trees. Change can be so sad for us, but hang in there, something new will grow in its place. Big hug...Susan
Oh my, this is sooo sad. It makes me want to cry too. I don't think I could've even sat on the porch. Bless your heart.
((((Becky and Duhgall)))
Sooooooo sad.
And your story so sweetly and lovingly shared.
The circle of life - but I know your new tree will bloom quickly and beautifully with the gift of your nurturing care.
Love you Becky!
Oh no...that's what happened to me: few weeks ago send my mother some fotos. The forest where I grew up, behind the house of my parents, is no more.
They take a lot of trees and when I saw the pictures I can't stop crying...
So sad!
But a little smile...Dughall is so cute...
Love, Anja
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