Nothing is better than Fall. I love the colors....

and the flavors of all fall foods, especially anything pumpkin. These are my last push of peppers from my garden and because they made me smile all summer, I thought they needed to show their face! Hi Peppers!!

Fall is about being outdoors and enjoying the cooler temperatures and taking in the beauty that Mother Nature shows off in her palate of reds, oranges and gold.

Fall is also the best time of year to gather up acorns, but be sure to save some for the squirrels!

The season is also about family ~ to gather over a hot pot of stew with a crusty baguette for soaking up the last bit of savory sauce.

Lots of pumpkins in every shape, size and color can be found for sale on busy steet corner lots in hopes of being selected by a kids, big and small, to take home and carve into something whimsical or scary for the porch.

This little chicken is happy amongst little pumpkins and gourds. He is nesting under an old chicken or turkey food keeper. Farmers would put these over the bowls of food so the birds couldn't sneak a bite.

The morning light and the coolness of the air is best in the Fall and I love how light streams in through the windows in the morning.

I love little squirrels and these fellas hang our with some white ceramic pumpkins on the foyer table. Shhh...I think he is saying, "I want an acorn!"

Wherever you are in this big world of ours, just take a little time to enjoy the season!
Simply beautiful!
Oh sooooo pretty. Great decorated cage. I really like how you mix white with golden colored woods, so nice.
so pretty! I love all the warm colors and combinations of things you do. Nobody can primp a house like you:>)
You know I love the colors you've used! Everything looks warm and wonderful and elegant!
Oooh, such beautiful pictures. You're really putting me in the mood. I need to get off of this computer and get outside!
You have such a lovely dining room and a beautiful blog. I'm so sorry that I've been missing it.
Thank you for visiting me and for leaving a comment. I can see that you love autumn well yourself!
enjoyed the so pretty!
Hi sweet Becky :)
Your home is so beautiful. I'm ready for Fall too, at least in spirit ;)
I just finished catching up with you. Congratulations on all your awards. You truly deserve them :)
I loved the post about how you're only going to buy old things! I was green and didn't even know it. All I ever buy are old things! LOL
Have a beautiful weekend!
Your pictures look so soft and beautiful! I love Fall and your decorations are just perfect.
Ditto ditto ditto... I love all these things too Becky..
It has to be my favourite time of year.. these beautiful golden mellow days that slowly slip into winter are always the most poignant...
Henny Penny aka Chicken Licken is enjoying her life in Bath..Pickles has a friend at last.. a feathered friend!
Hope all is well with you.. please forgive my absence.. I have not forgotten you and promise to stop for five minutes one of these days to say a proper hello!
With love
Michele xx
I love your photos. Thank goodness for the seasons! Each brings its own beauty.I hope that you have a wonderful autumn! ;-)
Becky your Fall decorations are great. I love the rooster with the pumpkins under the cage. Of course I am partial to roosters. Its wonderful when you use what you already have out by simply adding some fall touches. Fall is a wonderful time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of autumn with friends and family. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in Virginia
Hi Becky,
Your fall decor looks so pretty....I love fall, I love the smell in the air, anything pumpkin, the colors...I only wish it lasted longer. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Your home is so lovely! Love the touches of fall! I would love some precious little squirrels... I have some oversized acorns that they would love.... : )
Hello there,
I just stumbled across your blog - what a lovely lovely blog! Your fall decorations are simply beautiful!
Love squirrels and acorns. My daughter works for a newspaper called the Acorn, so we are always looking for squirrels and acorns.
Your home looks very pretty!!
I love your fall decorations! You have such a beautiful home! I'm enjoying your blog! Patti
I LOVE the display on your foyer table!!! Beautiful!!!
What pretty Autumn eye candy Becky :) I'm really enjoying this season and there is nothing better than the warmth it ushers in :)
You just made me think I need a squirrel in my livingroom too!! Love the pics.
I love the pepper picture. You have a good eye for photography. :-)
Those peppers look so pretty that I think they are smiling. have a great coming week. Wendy
Just a wonderfully sweet and heartfelt post dear Becky! I enjoyed it so...
What a pretty little nook! I could just sit there all morning and watch the birds or whatever is out the window. LOVE the chicken!
All I can say is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!
Hi Becky, its all very sweet.
Blessings, Shelley
Hi, I adore your autumn light and elegant. Cute little squirrels, you have made me think to look out for anything squirrel now!
Priscilla x
Everything looked so pretty. Your chicken in the cage was darling.
Happy Fall. I will see you soon
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog, because now I have another talented person to "visit". I'll be back to visit your lovely cottage!
Heather B.
Your house looks so pretty for fall. Now if we only had the fall weather to go with it!
Thank you for your prayers for Sandy.. I spoke with Sandy and I told her that there are many beautiful ladies praying for her.. She is in good spirits, her husband is not doing as well as she is.. I spoke with him and he has to take the baby home today..... New Father with new baby and wife facing open heart surgery is a tough pill to swallow........ Remember David when you pray.....
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your pictures. I especially like your brownstone platter. I bought a similar one from e-bay and it was broken when it arrived. Yours is soo pretty.
Your home looks lovely and I really like the white pumpkins.
Your foyer is pretty and your dining area looks so inviting.
Thanks for stopping over :)
Wow - beautiful pictures and love how you've added fall to your beautiful home.
Hi Becky
What a wonderful post about fall. I love all your fall decor. All the warm colors look great. Love the acorns and pumpkins too.
Hugs, Rhondi
Wow! Your fall decorations blow me away! I love it all! And your chicken centerpiece...goodness! Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous fall pretties Becky! As always, so inspiring and I'm drooling!!
I just want to say how much I love your decorating. I have a side table with oval mirror in my dining room too. I have not hung anything on the wall above it because I am scared to try. I am so encouraged to see how you've placed your pictures and clocks above yours. Your cute lamp and all of your other fall decor are so inspiring. Kathi
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