Many years back I went to a garage sale and found a sorry looking piece of furniture. I didn't know what to call it other than a receptical for garage what-nots. It had paint can stains, oil stains and well, it was a sight for sore eyes. At the time I wasn't sure where it would land in the house, but I could see it had good bones and potential. There was even an old crackle finish on the sides. After a good scrubbing, sanding and several coats of paint, it was alive and pretty again. Even though my kitchen is not really large, I thought it would be great to hold cookbooks and other tid bits. It has been at home in the kitchen since.
One day I was looking at it and thought, "A vintage towel bar would be great mounted on the side so that I can display some of my vintage towels." After having no luck at finding the right size towel bar, a light bulb went on in my head. Why not hang the old red vintage ladder that I already have on the side? So, I got it out and it fit perfectly. I now have a place to hang some of my towels without having to worry about one of the guys using it to wipe mustard off of the counter with. I know that some of you know what I mean!! smile.
Oh1 that's so cute! I wish I had a spot for something like that in my kitchen.
Perfect this time. That is totally awesome. I love it.
Becky, that ladder is so adorable placed there. And I love how you accessorized it. Did you make the crochet flower basket and hat? They are so cute. I would love to make something like that.
For my stuffed Scotty you asked about, I used regular embroidery floss. I think I divided the thread from 6 strands to three. Hope that helps. They are fun to make once you figure out that darn gusset. LOL
I LOVE your red ladder! And the help wanted towel is wonderful. Your blog decorating ideas are great! I've enjoyed my visit.
I have a very OLD wood ladder, sound like yours before you painted it. I brought it up from my basement just last week..I've moved it from room to room (getting splinters from it along the way) I've been thinking about painting it pink.. Maybe?? Thanks so much for sharing, you have inspired me. Have a lovely day ~Mary~:-}
Thank you, ladies! The ladder is actually from a child's doll crib and just painted red. Lallee, I didn't crochet the potholders...but I'd love to learn to crochet and knit. My Nanny tried to teach me a long time ago, but it was only a chain stitch. I am going to attempt the scotty dog soon. Will let you know how it turns out. Hand sewn???
Mary..a pink ladder would be fab! I think the Help Wanted towel is a cry for help!! lol!
take care! becky
What a wonderful idea! I adore the cupboard and the ladder is just perfect there. I've been wanting to use a ladder but didn't have a clue where I'd put it. Hmmm . . . now all I have to do is find a cupboard like that. Hope you don't mind, I'm going to add you to my links. xoxo
That was a very clever solution. I love those *lightbulb* moments, when I think of something I already have in my home that would be perfect!
Oh, and I looooooove vintage towels and linens!
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