Monday, June 6, 2011

Just Like Grandma's

P1010071k As a little girl, my grandmothers would always make delicious desserts when our family would come over for weekend visits. Upon entering the front door, the aroma of something wonderful being baked in the oven would tickle your nostrils and beckon you to venture into the kitchen to see what delectable treat was lovingly created for the day. Sometimes the smell of chocolate permeated the air and other times it was the hint of cinnamon dangling from the vents of the oven door. “Come hither,” the oven would say, “Look in the window to see the special treat being made for you!”

P1010066j Because today is one of those cold and rainy days, the idea of making some homemade rice pudding just sounded plum good. Just like the kind my grandmothers would make – custardy goodness with a hint of nutmeg and cinnamon. It just doesn’t get much better than this.

P1010069k A heaping spoonful goes on the plate – hot, steamy, plump and sweet….

P1010072h …with just a smidge of cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Making the first spiral down – right into the hot center… so hot, it steams up my camera lens. MMMMMM… delicious! Plump bits of rice nestled perfectly amongst the warm custard.

Just like my grandmothers would make.

It is one of those dishes that bring back a flood of memories – so much in fact, it makes me miss my grandmothers even more. Flashback, 1965: I am there in the kitchen, legs swinging from the aluminum dining room chair – napkin draped over my lap, spoon tightly held in my right hand, and my mouth watering in anticipation. As the plate of rice pudding was gently placed in front of me, grandma’s eyes were filled with love and her heart with immense generosity. A food hug from someone who loved her family so much, so much. Bite after bite, pure delicousness! Always able to have a second helping, too.



Now we will see how long this pan of rice pudding will last in my household. I hope that my family knows how my heart feels when I make this for them. Just like my granny’s hearts. A sweet treat for my sweet family.


Rice Pudding:

1 cup uncooked white rice

2 cups water

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp butter

8 eggs

4 cups milk, heated

1 1/2 cups white sugar

dash of salt

2 tsp vanilla

a dash of nutmeg and a dash of cinnamon

Bring water to a boil and add the rice, 1/2 tsp salt and butter. Stir. Reduce heat and cover. Steam the rice until done, about 20-25 minutes. The rice should be tender. While the rice is steaming, beat eggs slightly; add sugar then the milk. Add vanilla, cooked rice and a dash of salt. Stir all ingredients together. Pour into large pyrex baking dish (9 x 11) and sprinkle with a little nutmeg and cinnamon.

Set the pan into a larger baking pan and add hot water to the BOTTOM pan. This will create a steam bath for the rice pudding. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45-55 minutes. Bake until the center is firm and an inserted knife into the center comes out clean.


Rose Garden Romantic said...

What sweet memories! I have those same sort of memories from my sweet mama's home cooking! I miss living close to her so that I can eat her delicious cooking on a regular basis! The rice pudding looks so delicious! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!!

Kathleen Grace said...

Becky, you have brought back memories of my own dear grandmothers special treats. Sugar cookies like no one else can make, pies and yes, rice pudding. Grandmothers are always the best cooks:>) Must be all the love and experience mixed together. I can't wait to try this!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Yum. Thank you for sharing such a special dessert. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful memories.

Vintage Gal said...

Ohhhhh Yummy ~ that just looks delish ;-)

Claudia said...

Rice pudding was definitely a part of my childhood, as well. And bread pudding. Mmm mmm good1


Lululiz said...

Oh my goodness, it looks so delicious. I love rice pudding.

Vee said...

Ohhhh, I shall have to try this one. I have a crock-pot rice pudding recipe, but not a good old-fashioned one direct from Grandma's kitchen. Loved the description of little Becky in her grandma's dining room. Perfect!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I have never had rice pudding! It sounds fabulous...I am going to file this recipe away for a cold winters day.

Cindy said...

Girl you brought tears to my eyes!
The story of your granny..I hope my little ones remember me "Nana"..and what I serve them and how I serve them with love!

Now for that rice pudding..I was 3 yrs old in day care at East Grand Baptist Church in Dallas..we were served meals in the rec room in the basement...Thursdays we always had rice pudding...oh made my week!! My mom thought it was such a cheap food she wouldn't make it.Fast forward 30 years..I got the nerve to call up the church and asked them about their long ago day care..and who did the cooking.I finally tracked her down..Mrs. 93 years old she vaguely remembered cooking all those years before..but she had fond memeories of her momma's rice pudding..and she had probably used her recipe...she just couldn't remember it..and her recipe books were long gone. I told her that was okay..and how much that had meant to me as a child..her cooking and her love behind it!Flash forward 4 years...I received a letter from her nursing home..they had wanted me to know I had made her remainder years so happy..all she ever talked about was her day as a school cook for such sweet chldren..and the foods that had made her happy as a child had made the children happy.AWWWWW!!!
I have always looked at rice recipes and wondered how to make them..I will be trying this one this week..I will let you know how it turns out.Thank you for sharing!!

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Pondside said...

There are some aromas, some tastes that take one directly back to childhood - no stops!This is one of them. The other, for me, is the smell of tea biscuits just as they come out of the oven. Lovely memories. Save me a scoop?

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Pondside (Honora), there is a smmmmallll scoop left - just come on down!! xxoo

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Cindy, I so loved your story of the school cook, Mrs. Rabe. Thank you for sharing it and making me smile! xxoo

marie said...

"I hope that my family knows how my heart feels when I make this for them."

I love that you said that ~ I often think the same way. Sometimes my heart feels like it will burst from the happiness of doing things for those I love. I never quite put that feelinginto words and I really love that you did!

Thanks for the sweet memories Becky and for the yummy recipe too!

becky up the hill said...

Well you are finding the silver lining to our weird cold rainy weather. Lovely.

Sunny Simple Life said...

I am about to eat my computer screen. I HAVE to make this today!!!

pajudie said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy!!! I've got to make some rice pudding up right now!!

Kris said...

Oh my, that looks fabulous! I love rice pudding! My Peruvian friend makes it all the time, and is so nice to share it with me. For us, the Southern ladies always made banana pudding. When a baby was born, or someone hurt themselves, or was a little under the weather, it was always banana pudding. Complete with vanilla wafers and sliced bananas and a sprinkle of real nutmeg on top. Aren't those comfort foods the best?! Have a great day!

Susan Freeman said...

My Grandma made rice pudding too. My you have just brought back some happy memories!!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Elsie said...

Becky you tell your memories so well. I felt like I was there with you. Your rice pudding looks so good. Mom used to make daddy rice pudding but I never ask how to.
I will have to try yours, it looks so darn good. You and Tina are killing me with these recipes that have so many eggs in them. She has a post on a pound cake and the recipe.(5 eggs) I sure hope my cholesterol meds work.

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh yum -- it looks delicious Beckie. I LOVE food memories -- and grandma food memories are The.Best!

Gayla said...

That looks delicious... My gramma could make the birds sing with her rice pudding and her custard. Mom's is just as good... I have to try your recipe! It looks so fluffy and comforting...

Deborah said...

Everything is so sweet here Becky!
Your love to please your family and your love for your grandma...and this sweet dish.
I love, love, love rice pudding.
I will have to make some now that I've been reminded of its yumminess again!
Yours looks heavenly sweet friend xo

Deborah xoxo

Ricki Treleaven said...

This recipe (and your photos!) looks absolutely scrumptious. Now this is what I call comfort food. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us. :D

Your grandmother would be proud!

Dandy Duke said...

We'll be right over!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh yum! This just sounds delightful!

Diane Mars said...

Oh my hubby LOVES Rice pudding, I think I should give it a try, I just know he would be thrilled. oxox, Diane

busyascanbe said...

Oh my Gosh I haven't thought of rice pudding in years ...I will have to make this! Thanks for sharing1

Jocelyn said...

Oh Becky this is wonderful. My Mom used to make the best Rice Pudding and Bread Pudding, but I never learned how she made it. She's been gone now for over 30 years, but I still remember how delicious her special desserts were. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will give it a try and see how it goes :-)

Jocelyn @

Jeanette said...

I can't wait to make this for my dad. It's one thing he always talks about from his childhood, his mother's rice pudding.

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Linda said...

Wonderful memories and my own memories of my Grandma came flooding back...she made the best cinamon rolss, sugar cut out cookies...and tapioca pudding. Yummy! I do love rice pudding...I am going to have to try your recipe! Thanks for a stroll down memory lane!!

Kathy Sue said...

Well dern girl, that looks good.Really good. Hope mine comes out that good. I like that plate under there Kathy Sue

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
My Mom always made rice pudding for us when we were kids..I love rice pudding. Mom would use left over cooked rice to make her pudding. Umm Umm Good...any leftovers, I'll be right over LOL :)
See you soon,

Simple Home said...

I need to make this. My husband loves rice pudding but I've never made it. I guess because my mom never did. My dad grew up in Arkansas, where they grew rice. It was depression time, and they had rice for breakfast, lunch and sometimes supper. He grew to dislike it very much so my mom rarely made it :) I do remember the wonderful smells at grandma's house though.

Cindy said...

Becky..I need you to send me your mailing address and of course name to
I need to get you on the mailing list asap for the traveling bag.

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

The Green Pea said...

Becky, two of my favorite goodies to eat. Yummy