Monday, January 17, 2011

Some Hot Stuff


A favorite family candy….



good and cinnamony……


…can’t eat just one either.


Oh how I HEART you……you hot stuff, you!


Tins and Treasures said...

Good evening,
I just love Hot Tamales with coffee! Sooo yummy!

Have a terrific Tuesday. ~Natalie

Pondside said...

I don't think I've ever had those!

Tanza said...

Hi Sweetie,
Gotta LoVe those HOT TAMALES !! I get myself into trouble tho, cuz I almost eat the whole bag at one time .. Makes my tummers yuck, and my toungue ouchers !! Do you EvEr notice that some are actually hotter than others ?! BeSt movie candy EvEr !!
Thanks for sharing, and making my mouth water !! hahaha ... hoping all is well and wonderful with you sweet friend ~
BiG HuGs ~TeA~ xo

Jaclyn said...

Ok, now I'm craving some!!!

Blondie's Journal said... make me laugh, Becky. It has been a LONG time since I've had these!!


Vintage Gal said...

Ohhhh tooo hot for me ~ but they look lovely in a dish!
Have a great day!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

One of my favorites too!! Maybe hubby will take me to the movies - I always have them then.

Have a great day.


Claudia said...

Oh my gosh, I haven't had those in so long. I used to LOVE them. Now I have run out and get some.


Mimi Sue said...

They are yummy! Have you ever eaten them with buttered popcorn? A new taste treat. Mimi

Elsie said...

Ooooo Becky I could eat the whole bag. Red hots too. Now ya got me
wanna some Hot Tamales.....:)

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Thats my sons' favorite candy! I put a bag in his stocking every Christmas!

Smiles, Dolly

La said...

I bought several boxes of Hot Tamales for V-day decorative purposes. I can't tell you how many I ate.

I love the heart on your pretty. La

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Oh Becky you "Hot Tamale" girl...
Gary has hot tamales in his candy dish all time, unless he has eaten them all...Aleena loves them too..
I can only eat a few, cuz I'm middle aged now and they give me the heart burn LOL :))))
Another foggy day to work..
Big hugs, Elizabeth

Duke said...

Our mom loves those!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simply Shelley said...

I like them too :) Thanks for posting my Give Away.....blessings

GranthamLynn said...

Cute yummy

Denise said...

Now that is cute...... You just come up with the cutest things! I love those Hot Tamales.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh yummE
Benny & Lily

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Tee! hee! Too cute and yum yum!! ;) XO,Jenn

Simple Home said...

My hubby picks these up when he's at the store...just for me:-) I may not be a big chocolate gal, but cinnamon...well, that's another story!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

So cute!! That picture would make a great Valentines card.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought those were old hot dogs. :/

Sue said...

Back in the days of CB radios.... Hot Tamale was my call name! I am from New Mexico, so we thought the name would be very appropriate. Unfortunately, I think the truckers all thought I was a hooker, with that name. Hadn't thought of that for years... ha ha I love these candies- they were the standard candy that we bought at the movie theater even up until high school! ♥

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I haven't had those in ages! Now I really want some too.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I ♥ hot tamales! Such a cute post!

Deborah said...

I guess that means Valentines Day is on its way!!!
So cute and yummy!
Ill send you a photo of Bellas tummy soon..its getting bigger every day it seems..she has about 19 days left!

Deborah xoxo

Lallee said...

Such a tempter you are! Those are yummy. I usually eat red hots until my tongue is numb. Thank you for showing us we can create art with these too ;-)

ChaChaneen said...

Oh yea honey, I lurve me some Hot Tamales! Actually I lurve all candy but these are on the top 10 list! Seriously, I'm so sweet I'd give you a cavity. ha ha

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh my gosh! I haven't had any of those in years. I have to get some tomorrow...Yumma! :)
Love and hugs to you!