Monday, August 2, 2010

just peachy…


Just peachy!



Beautiful any way that you look at them.



And they are pretty on the inside and out!

Have a “peachy” day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, and YOU have a peachy day too!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Now my mouth is watering! They look luscious!

Debby said...

Love the pictures. Makes me want to get in the car and find some peaches. Maybe later....


They look pretty yummy to me (;

NanE said...

I have heard the SC peaches are smaller this year than usual but because they are smaller are sweeter too. I might have to buy some this weekend. Your pics are yummy!

Loui♥ said...

beautiful photos..
and I'm already ahead on having a "peachy" day..
bought some last nite..
will have today..
warm sandy hugs..

marie said...

We live right down the road from a peach orchard. They have bushels of them for sale ~ seeing your wonderful photos has my mouth watering. Guess I'll be stopping by to buy some. Yum!

Tins and Treasures said...

These look amazing...there's nothing better than fresh peaches in the summer.

Take care, ~Natalie

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

This looks so delish!! We will be making homemade peach ice cream for our family reunion this weekend - everyone loves it.

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

YUMM!! I'm not sure if MI peaches are ready quite yet or not~~~but will have to check it out!

Vee said...

They are making me want a peach, a juicy, sweet peach, very much! The power of your photography!

Susan Freeman said...

Beautiful photos Becky!!

Susan and Bentley

Elsie said...

Becky sweet Becky I can't believe
you would dangle those beautiful
California peaches in front of me.
I love,love,love peaches and especially California peaches.
Please eat one and think of me.:)

GranthamLynn said...

Yummmmmeee! I won't show to Daisy. She loves peaches!
Have a great week,

Patina said...

You're making me hungry for peaches!
Hope your day is going real good Becky!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Peach Day to you too Sweetie.


Miss Jean said...

I think I'd rather have a "Peach Cobbler Day" than a "Peachy Day". When I saw the beginning of the post I thought, "that darn Becky is baking again and I'm not getting any, yet again!" LOL!!! So, are you going to bake, are you, huh????!!!??? I have homemade vanilla ice cream little girl....

Deborah said...

mmmmmmm mmm good!
They look "peachy"! :)

Great photos too!
How about peach pie, or cobbler, or peach jam!!!!

Im getting hungry!

Deborah xo

Duke said...

We can almost smell the peachy aroma!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

I actually bought some fresh peaches at the grocery store today. I'm thinking about making a peach pie.


Lallee said...

I can't believe I haven't bought the first peach this summer. They are always hard as rocks at the grocery. I must get to the fruit stand! My mouth is watering.

Mimi Sue said...

We won't get any peaches until Sept. Yours look delightful. Mimi

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I love peaches. In our area, the farmers have had a bumper crop this year and they have been delicious! Love & blessings from NC!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Those look yummy! We've been on a plum kick here lately....they have been just perfect and we've been eating them by the bushel!


The Strawberry Mallard said...

Everyday will be peachy here dear fiend with the bushel of white Georgia peaches we bought today....
Love to you, Nancy

JG said...

Oh, yummmmy! Our local peach season will soon be here in Western MA and I cannot wait.

Such nice photos!

FHCS said...

MMMmmm! Nothing like a I want some peaches! We grill them too....they're sooo yummy!
Thanks for sharing!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Good afternoon Becky! These look yummy! Hope you have a peachy day too! I went to my girlfriend's house for a luncheon yesterday, and she made the most yummiest peach cheesecake! I will have to share the recipe on my blog when I make it. I will let you know. Easy peasy.


the wild raspberry said...

such beautiful photography.
the perfect embodiment of summer.


Signs and Salvage said...

Delightful!!! I could actually Taste them!!! Thank you for stiopping by my blog...your blog always makes me happy!!!

Take Care,


Brenda Pruitt said...

Positively yummy photos! Love that pitcher too!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

You know my mom used to take me and my 6 siblings to Ferndale growing up. We lived in the San Fernando Valley. We would go and wade through the streams and hike all around and catch was so much fun. We would usually go in the late afternoon and stay until just dark. My mom would bring a picnic dinner for us. It was a free way for my mom ( a single mom of 7) to bring some fun into a summer day! You brought back some wonderful memories for me...thanks!

Thimbleanna said...

Beautiful pictures Becky! You're so lucky to live where the produce is so fabulous. My mom used to give us big bowls of fresh peaches covered with cream and a sprinkling of sugar when we were little -- Yum - oh - Yummy - Yum!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I have never seen pink peaches before. How pretty!

quiltingnana said...

fresh peaches...what could be juicier and better!

Elyse said...

mmmm ... and let's not forget their awesome pals, nectarines. my mouth waters just typing this! (is that sad or bad?) i LOVE nectarines.

sweet post, sweetie


Moore Minutes said...

Delightful post. :) You did some excellent photos of peaches. We have a peach festival here every year and I am SO looking forward to it!

Bren said...

I so love peaches, I bought a bunch at the Farmer's Market on Saturday; I am going to make a pie today out of some of them and then eat the rest. Not all at once, of course.

I was reading your blog and noticed that you have my old blog on your list of "rays of sunshine"; would it be too much trouble to include my new blog and delete the old one?
The old one is Bren's Coneflower Cottage, the new one is "Finders, keepers, losers weepers.
I added you to my blog lists and etsy favorites. Thanks so much,
:) Bren

Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness Becky, the peaches are making my mouth water. They are beautiful :-)


Herbgirl said...

My mouth is watering! I LOVE fresh peaches! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs N Herbal BLessing, Mandy

Eileen said...

Love the peaches! I wish I had some in the house right now. Don't forget that the Peach Festival is Labor Day weekend in Romeo! They have several orchards in the area that sell peaches and apples (among other items)!

AntiqueChase said...

Yummy... did you grow these? If so, I'm so jealous! Thanks for visiting me the other day!!

Daisy Cottage said...



