I love going into a store that has wonderful displays and inspiration for decorating, especially the mixing of old with new. It is a real treat to visit such stores and to take in the artistry used to make displays unique and interesting. Not every store is like that – and that is ok – but I love going to those that are. I could spend hours just studying vignettes and merchandising techniques.
The other day I toted my handy camera along and took some photos of the antique mall that I sell at. So let me start with my friend Cheryl’s space. Cheryl has been in this business for many years and has such a keen eye for decorating and finding beautiful items to sell. She plans for months in advance how her space is going to look and collects items to use for her “themed” décor. The next eight photos are just a few corners of her space. She is my “neighbor” at the store and it is so nice to have a neighbor with a beautiful space!
Above, Cheryl added an architectural salvage piece to the top of her cabinet and nesting on a ledge is a faux owl. Below is an old glass incubator that she added a doll head to. Kind of creepy, but hey, it IS Halloween time.
If creepy isn’t your thing, then perhaps this sparkling chandelier suits your fancy….
…or this pretty French chair.
Isn’t she intense? If looks could petrify….She looks like the Ice Queen of Narnia.
These antique pharmacy bottles are super cool…and I bought a few for moi. 
My other “neighbor” at the store is my friend Barbara. Not only does Barbara have a terrific eye for finding cool old stuff, she is also an artist and makes beautiful hand stamped/hand colored cards. These are just a sampling of her Fall and Halloween cards. They are really magnificent! See the wreath below? She cut each leaf out, painted it and then glued them one by one on the wreath. The pumpkin below is also painted with water colors.
In between Cheryl and Barbara is my corner. Here is the Farmer’s Market sign that I made. It looks at home with the flea market basket, jelly jar cabinet and old trug.
Majolica looking corn plates in fall colors rest in old bread bowls.
This little guy is trying to make a break from his basket! I don’t blame him, the weather is perfect outside here in California.
Have a great weekend everyone!
...and cheering for our SF Giants!!!