…..when I see things of mine pinned by others on Pinterest. It is kind of “pinteresting”…sorry…couldn’t resist.
What is even more fun is when a photo makes it to someone else’s “cover” for a “board”. That is like the icing on the cake….not quite like making the cover of a famous magazine, but pretty cool nevertheless.
So without more chitty chat – it is the weekend and we need to roll with that – here are some of the pictures that are the most popular “pins” from my Pinterest boards. Most are things that I have sewn, but a few are snaps from our home and a few foodie goodies, too. I tried to link most of the pics to the original posts…hoping it is successful. Not all are linked, but they are on my Pinterest and there should be links from there back to the original blog posts. Did that totally confuse you? It did me…

And about these chocolate chip cookies…they are DA BOMB! Best taken with a glass of cold milk. (If I didn’t have 10 more pounds to lose on my diet, I’d go for making some up! I have lost 13 pounds to date and hubs has lost 22!!! He is better than me….just sayin’).
Enjoy your weekend!!!!! Make it a good one. Grab a cookie. Or an iced cold beer. Or both…but yuk, not together. 
Beyond adorable! Your stuff always is.
I recognize most of those photos but the little utility apron is a new one to me and I'll have to go check that out. It is just not fair that men can lose weight faster...those cookies look mighty tempting.
Hello Becky, this is my first visit to your lovely blog and I find myself being both inspired and a little sad. I'm so sorry to have learned of your son and his wife's passing.
Your pillows are simply beautiful! So much so that I looked around to see if you have an etsy shop but it doesn't appear that way.
I see you're friends with Kim from Daisy Cottage. She had the most wonderful blog and was one of the first I started reading. I think your styles are quite similar, and that is indeed a compliment!
Your beautiful pictures are so pin worthy. I still love that sweet cottage style, all the pillows and such.....its what first drew me to your blog. Am I ever glad I made that first visit......I found such a sweet friend :) Have a wonderful labor day. By the way I'm going to go pin some of your pictures to my Cottage Style Pinterest board....hehe Blessings
My favorite is your Pretty Is As Pretty Does mirror. If you ever want to sell that please let me know. :)
I must say it's rather neat to come across one of your own photos while crusing Pinterest. Pet peeve is when they don't link them back to you. Adorable pics of your pillows and those cookies look so delicious.
xo Danielle
Becky you should've had your ruffled purse in there. You are super talented and I love looking at all those beautiful things you make. I'll take the cookie, but yuck to the beer.
I love Pinterest to pieces! I too have pinned many of your prettiest over the years. Have a wonderful weekend Becky! xox
I remember some of them. I always enjoy visiting and seeing your lovely work. Those cookies look so good!
Have a wonderful Sunday.
That apron is getting pinned...I'll repin from someone as I am certain it's there even though I have never seen it. How is that even possible for all the time I spend there?!
Your pillows are just adorable, Becky! I recognize all but the red ladder hanging on the side of a cabinet. It's so cute! Your sewing skills are quite impressive, so I'm not surprised that those photos are all over Pinterest. I hope you enjoy the long weekend!
I LOOOOVE all your handmades! That apron is to die for and those pillows are so adorable! Keep on creating! karen....
Those are the cutest pillows! I agree it is always a compliment when you see some of your own stuff pinned.
So much cuteness becky.Love that little tool belt! :)
Congrats on the diet. I've lost 20 as well. Just cut back on the white stuff (potatoes, flour, sugar, bread).
You could say we are going green around here. :)
I have a pinterest board but have no idea how to make it attractive...still working on my blog.. so I don't go there much.
My little wheelbarrow pillow in red is still in the big chair in the family room. I love it as much now as when I bought it from you.
Your pillows are absolutely adorable. I love all the red.
I always, always, always love your style and designs Becky!
I love your laundry room...I love it all!! The scottie wall gallery is so ,so cute!
I love your laundry room...I love it all!! The scottie wall gallery is so ,so cute!
I just came about finding your blog.
Such a beautiful place to sit awhile and visit.
Somehow I missed this post. I'm liking your pillows and of course that's another project down the road for me. I have some drop cloth left over from the the curtains I just finished and I will probably use some of that to make pillows. I think I am now following you on Pinterest. I need to go there and play around. Have a great rest of the week :)
I always love all of your creations!!! That apron is on my pinterest as well as a few others.
Amy Jo
Hello Sweet Becky,
I am so happy when I see a pin from someone like you and your blog. Especially when it is something handmade, or a part of lovely decorating. As long as they give credit to you and link back to YOUR blog as the original source. This is not always the case, as you well know. It was fun to see these pretty images directly from you. :)
Happy Weekend!
I definitely think you should consider advertising! I think the style of your blog would do very well. You might hop over and visit Edie at www.lifeingraceblog.com and look up her post on how she began monetizing and all kinds of useful information about it.
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