Thursday, January 26, 2012

Farmhouse Finds

OTM Porch Pillow

Today I did a little window shopping and wanted to share with you some wonderful finds as well as some lovely blogs that offer a lot of inspiration. You may already know Beth and Linsey, but if not, you are in for a treat.

Let me first introduce you to Beth – an avid junker who has an eye for cool vintage items that are perfect accents for a farmhouse or cottage style home. She made the pillow above and the next two items are available on her etsy site. I made it easy, just click on the photos to drive you to your desired destination! The gas is cheap, too!!

OTM basketI realllllllly like this old egg crate! Super funky-fied, huh? otm egg crate OTM got junk Beth has an ETSY shop and sells at a store in Marshville, NC. She also maintains a lovely blog titled Old Tyme Marketplace.


The next lovely lady that I would like for you to meet- if you haven’t already had the pleasure of doing so - is Linsey, the beauty behind the blog: The Farmhouse Porch. Linsey is a young momma to two adorable daughters. She loves vintage items and uses them to lovingly decorate her home.

She has a knack for adding a punch of the unexpected to her vignettes – like the tree branch and the bird’s nest below.farmhouse porch blog 2 LOVE those chippy metal shelves!! What a great find! If you think this is cute, just stop by Linsey’s blog for more eye candy!!

farmhouse porch blog 1

decor for farmhouse 1

Today's etsy finds are some wonderful vintage accents for farmhouse or cottage style decorating. Click on any photo for the links. This jar and holder is $17.50.

decor for farmhouse 2

Vintage galvanized bin is $22.00.

decor for farmhouse 3

Vintage wire egg basket $28.95. Every farmhouse should have one of these!

decor for farmhouse 4

Old wooden tool box used for display – totally cool! $219.00.

Off to take care of getting items tagged for my own spaces! I’ll share with you some pictures later of what I’ve been working on.

Till next time…..



Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom loves everything
Benny & Lily

Vee said...

Ohhhh, sweet, sweet things. I really could use an egg basket, I'm quite sure.

Susie said...

Wonderful finds! I love the pillow!

Victoria said...

I have the Welcome to the Porch pillow, I purchased it from their Etsy shop last year and I love it!!! It sits on my deck and let me tell you, that pillow has been rained on many times, had the sun shining on it and it still looks amazing!

Elizabeth said...

Losing my mind over all the lovely photos--which just happen to feature pretties in the colors I'm now looking for. Go figure :) Miss you, Becky!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those are some wonderful goodies you have found. Love the porch pillow.

Duke said...

We love all of the antique goodies!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Love the goodies you've shared.
Could you imagine how long it would take to make a batch of canned tomatoes if you could only do one jar at a time.( I'm sure they had multiple holders but still it must have taken forever.)Now that was dedication.
This is my first visit to your lovely site. I was deeply moved by the dedication to your son. Thank you.

Elsie said...

Becky I love those finds. I do have some of them but I sure would like
more. Thanks for sharing this and
introducing me to them.

Kim said...

i could look at your images forever.
i could read your words forever.
i WILL be your sister forever.


Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Oh my goodness! How sweet of you to feature some of my items! I was thrilled to be introduced to Lindsey as well!
Many thanks for wanting to take the time to devote attention to my little corner of blog land and my etsy shop. I appreciate it so much. I wish I could give you a hug!
You are one in a million!
P.S. My little Scottie girl Ally says A-rooooooo!!!(That means thank you in Scottie dog!)

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

Love that all of it!

TheCrankyCrow said... you've found Beth too - love that girl's style. Just wish her shop were closer....She has some amazing things....Am not familiar with Linsey - but looks like someone I need to check out (if I ever get caught up with the folks I already follow....) Whew! Robin

White Lace and Promises said...

I sooo love your vintage basets, jars, and everything! Can I go with you? I am your newest followers. Visit me sometime.