Sunday, November 14, 2010


P1010151d Awhile back a dear friend asked me if I would be willing to teach a class on making an apron – Challenge #1. "Geesh!" – was my first thought as I have never officially sewn an apron. I have many books about how to make them and have had great intentions to do so, however I’ve just never got around to doing so.

So what kind of apron do I want to make and teach? Challenge Number #2. After mulling it over in my brain for quite sometime, I came up with a work apron, more specifically a sewing apron. I don’t know about you – but when I am creating something, there is nothing more frustrating than having to stop what I am doing and go on a search for that specific tool that I need. It doesn’t matter if it is a particular spice in a cabinet, a spoon to stir with, a scissor to cut with, a trowel to dig with…..whatever! – it just really takes away my “moe-joe”. Are you with me on that one?

P1010160d This is my handy-dandy sewing apron – a four pocketed piece that has a lot of pockets here and there for my sewing tools. It is kind of a hodge-podge of mixed components – scraps of laces, vintage linens, buttons, denim pockets, ric rac and trims. I downloaded graphics from The Graphics Fairy blog to use on the apron. "Nanny" is in memory of my grandmother who was a talented seamstress and crafter.

P1010159d The part that I enjoyed most about making this is that it is imperfect – crooked lines, mixed stitches and raw edges. I love imperfect! There is just something very free and easy about not having to be so accurate for once.



Now I don’t have any excuses for not being able to find my gadgets. At least that is what I am hoping for next time I sew. Next project: Challenge #3 - a very special tote bag….inspired by two very important souls in my life.



Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I......LOVE.....THAT....APRON! How cute!!!!

Pam said...

I love this great little apron. It is "sew" perfect for the crafter. Did you teach the class? Good luck with the tote.

Donna said...

Adorable and so creative! I love everything about it :)
I adore your new bag pattern also!

Denise said...

OMG.... I need one of those.. When I am working in my shop I loose my scissors and then my marker pencil and then my cell phone..( I usually have my cell phone tucked in my cleavage) hahahahh but sometimes I lay it down and lose it! hahahha That little apron is just as cute as it can be..... I may just have to make me one.....

You are such a talent my friend...

Debby said...

That is the cutest apron ever.
And it is so useful......I love it.

Cindy said...

This is so darn almost needs to be framed!! lol
Thanks for sharing.

Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham

Unknown said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cute! :)

Mom of 3 Girleighs said...

adorable! great job.

Lori Lucas said...

Just adorable. Oh my goodness...the Nanny and the pic with it....I LOVE it! So many memories of a grandmother too! You are so talented. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas. Can't wait for the tote. Lori L

Barb said...

so cute....Barb

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh how cute that is! I don't sew, and I want one! Genius! laurie

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love all the trims..and little details. HOW I love details!! SO cute!
Sending you a hugs just cuz!! :)

fiberdoodles said...

Bravo Miss Becky! And what a great job you did!! "Geesh" may have been what you thought but it sure wasn't what you said (giggle)

I absolutely LOVE this apron and so can't wait for you to come and show us southern gals how its done ;0) And maybe we can get Miss Laurie from BHWL to come down as she is not to far away. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving this daunting challenge a whirl! You're the best ;0)

Gayla said...

So cute!!!

jane and the happy crow said...

What a beautiful apron, really gorgeous! I must have a go at making one. Thanks for the link to the graphics fairy just what I am looking for a the moment. Pop over and see me as I am having a give away. Love Jane xxx

Miss Jean said...

Believe me, this is a great idea! When I go on my sewing retreats I have lots of tools that I need on hand, but not lots of room to lay them down. This would be the perfect solution. I like Denise's idea of adding a cell phone in one of the pockets. That and room for a candy bar!!! Perfect!!!!!

Duke said...

What an adorable apron!

Susan said...

That apron is so cute~~ I am going to have to try to sew me up a sewing apron like that!! I love all the denim and lace!!

Claudia said...

That apron is adorable. Simply adorable. LOVE IT!


Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- that's ADORABLE Becky!!!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Becky,
Awww! I love it so clever girl you..and all those colors, my favorites..How did the class go, have you taught it yet?. Is the next apron for when your walking the pups..(did I guess)...LOL
Hope to see you soon..
Love and hugs, Elizabeth

Elsie said...

Well my goodness for a first time
apron ya did pretty darn good. I
love it, it is soooooooooo cute.
I think you did a fine job as you
always do. At my age I would forget
to put it on before I sew.LOL. It
kinda of reminds me of my daddy's
nail apron, but his wasn't that

Mimi Sue said...

Adorable! You really put together things well. Mimi

Lululiz said...

Fabulous apron! Reminds me of my husband's tool belt, but about 100 times nicer, of course. Really great idea.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is just the cutest! Wow, it looks amazing...and FUN! ♥

The Cutest Cottage Lamps said...

THAT is one of the cutest aprons I have ever seen! I LOVE IT! You are so cleaver! I think I will do something like that with my Levi's jacket! (I don't wear aprons!!)

Cindy said...

Oh so cute and so very functional!!! I want one! I wish I lived closer so I could take that class! :-)
Oh, just had to say how much I loved the photos of your pups in your last blog post...they are irresistable!

GranthamLynn said...

Love it. And I love the "I" have a few winners post. Very cute photo of "Fi".
Have a great week,

Brita said...

Adorable! I don't think I'd wear it -- I'd hang it where I could admire it.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

What a sweet apron, it's perfect! It looks adorable but then it's functional too, love that.

Amy said...

Becky...Absolutly cute!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

This is so adorable! And colorful! You may have found a new career making aprons.

Huncutkacérna said...


I just find your blog, and I would like to say to you, that I like it.
I am a hungarian patchwork blogger, if you have got a little time, please look at my blog:
I just finished my new bedcover!

Best wishes: Ágota

Anonymous said...

Love this! Exactly my type of apron...I've made regular aprons but when I saw freestyle aprons I knew that was more me. I hope this will be in the next Apronology magazine as it would be perfect.

Moore Minutes said...

A working apron is such a smart idea and you're the perfect one to create this! :D Also, I just linked to your etsy store in my recent blog post. However...I didn't steam my runner yet...ahhh lol. ;)

Kathleen Grace said...

I absolutely adore this apron. You should send it in to Somerset Studios for their next issue of Apronology! I see some red fabric with white and blue daisies. I have an old feed sack with that exact print on it. Love the ticking and just everything about this. I always adore the way you put colors and prints together Becky!

PamKittyMorning said...

COULD NOT BE CUTER. You have such a gift with this kind of project. Seriously. Love it.

Daisy Cottage said...

