Saturday, August 7, 2010

an old salt



Old salt -




and perfect in an imperfect way.

I love these old tins with the old graphics and chippy white paint! This one reminds me of one that may have been in an old mercantile shop. Now it sits with other old favorites up on top of an old white cabinet. Home sweet home for this old salt.


Miss Fiona thanks you for all of the wonderful offers to come and play with her and for the kind words left in her behalf!! You are all so sweet!!


fiberdoodles said...

Oh I just love old treasures. And you have such a gift to make them look so lovely!

Biscuits and belly rubs for Miss Fi-fi and Mr Doog's ;0)


Connie said...

Just my kind of thing: old, chippy and gorgeous, sugar! Oooooh, it is lovely.

The Tattered Cottage said...

I love your new treasure!! It looks right at home with your other treasures. Have a great weekend :)
Toni ♥

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Oh Vignette Queen you are oh so inspiring! Love to see how you put these disparate things together. Clock? Salt tin? Rulers? Silver cup? Who would have thought these things would go together? I am so glad you did and you shared it with us today.

Tins and Treasures said...

The looks so quaint in among your other treasures. Thanks for sharing with us.

Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie

Teresa said...

Love this SALT tin!
Wouldn't you LOVE to go back in time and see it all shiny and new in the country store.
Amazing that they use to have SALT in tins like that!
Snuggles to Fiona {Doogan can't stop DREAMing about her} and Wags to Doogs!
Happy Weekend Sweet Girl!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Love your old salt tin. Tell Miss Fi and Mr. Doogs hello. They are the sweetest little things. I always love hearing about them and seeing their pictures. Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said... know how to make this old guy look good! I love it! So chippy and rust and yummy!



Connie said...

I love your old treasures that you collect.
I just saw a picture of Fiona in between the railings on the staircase. She looks just like my Sadie (Welsh Terrier) but the face is the same. Sadie always climbs the stairs and than puts her face between the railings to look down at you.
Love your fur babies.

Duke said...

Mom just loves coming to your blog to see all of your pretty photos. You do such a wonderful job!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

the wild raspberry said...

what a nice little assortment...
i love the old trophy!!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

Love that tin!

Kathleen Grace said...

I love the serenity of the old white things you have grouped together. What a lucky find:>)

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

What a sweet vintage tin. I love it and it probably feels at home on your cabinet.


Brenda Pruitt said...

Yum! Pretty pictures to gaze at!

Kristen said...

I love it. You did a great job with the picture. It looks like a magazine photo.

Robin said...

I just love old tins too Becky!
I loved the tour of homes and gardens you did recently...the photos were stunning!
Thanks so much for dropping in to visit me recently! It means so much!

Unknown said...

A very cute tin! I never can make them look that cute though. :)


Vee said...

"Perfect in an imperfect way" What a great way to describe such treasures. I have a few and they are packed away because of their "imperfections." I need to go look for them.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I love chippy, and old I gravitate to all things like that. It has been way to long since I have stopped by, I don't blog like I use to. My work hours have changed and my husbands as well. I love your new blog look it's so pretty.
Take care of yourself,

Elsie said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE IT!!! Oh how I am
a sucker for those kinda things.
That is a wonderful find.":O)

The Green Pea said...

Those pancakes look so good...also love the little face of Fiona on the stairs...Cleaning your house must seem easy to you now.....thank you, dear. sandi

Nancy said...

Love this picture. I have a collection of old measuring tools like this. When I settle in the new house I am going to display EVERYTHING that has been packed away for the last 14 years!! Yeah!