Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Just sitting here thinking about this beautiful photo that my husband captured through the lens of his camera. This diligent spider had intricately spun his delicate web in our Japanese Maple Tree.
Amazing creatures, these little spiders that stroll around our yard.
Just click on the photos to see how each strand of the web glistens in the sunshine.
Truely breathtaking!
For something so small, they have a huge amount of perseverance.
A little blessing for the day. Thank you, Mr. Spider.
"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child and the smiling faces. Smell the rain. Feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential and fight for dreams."
.....Ashley Smith


Holly said...

Lovely. You and I are running is similar thought circles today!

trish said...

Good Morning Becky,
Thank you for your beautiful words and images! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Mary said...

That is very good! I have a little booklet about the ant, with very similar thoughts about perseverence...if only some of us had that! Great photo your hubby took...I can actually see that little guy!


Miss Jean said...

Amen, dear Becky, Amen!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

We have many of those spiders too. Sometime I will walk through the garden and not even see their web until it is stuck to my face. Yuck!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

GwendolynKay said...

I don't care for spiders...but I know for everything there is a purpose. great photography!

Deborah said...

Isn't it is amazing what spiders can do! Lovely post and great photos! Thank you.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Becky, we are so blessed!! And most days we take if for granted. Thank you for reminding us to be thankful.


Loui♥ said...

Simply stated..
beautifully presented!
Live life, Laugh loud and strong..
and Love unconditionally!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love photographing spider webs. They are industrious little critters that spin those webs craftily and expertly. To me artwork to behold!

Poppy Cottage said...

Beautiful post ~ beautiful picture!


Jocelyn said...

Such a sweet post. Thank you for the beautiful words.

Skoots1moM said...

it is definitely AMAZING how they can do that so perfectly :)

Kathleen Grace said...

Life IS full of beauty:>) Thanks for sharing this little miracle. I'm not a big fan of spiders, but you have to admit they make some amazing, delicate webs.

Julie said...

What a neat picture! I don't like spiders but it is fun to watch them weave their webs!

Duke said...

What a wonderful post!
Thank you!

Unknown said...

beautiful post!

Esther Sunday said...

It's funny how something so common suddenly stops and makes you think! There was a huge web outside my kitchen window and I huffed outside to "swipe it down". Getting ready to strike with the broom, I suddenly got a really good look at the web. The spider was sitting on the web, and the web itself was absolutely perfect! All that work it had done, just to catch its next meal, the poor wee critter. Knowing how much work I put into crafting or decorating my home, I could suddenly relate! (And the only thing that catches food in my home is the the frig!) So, there it stayed with strict instructions to Artie not to swipe it down. He was convinced I was on the verge of a breakdown or something!

Brighid said...

Beautiful mother nature. Thanks for the reminder to be always observing and thankful.

Mimi Sue said...

Wonderful picture, wonderful quote. Mimi

Amy said...

So true....just be still, look and listen. Amazing the beauty that is right in front of us!

Emma said...

a perfect post ~ Thank you

Cherry Hill Cottage~ said...

Hello sweet Becky!!

I listed your wonderful blog on my "Top 10"...



Barb said...

Hi Becky, I have always said it is the small things in our lives....isn't it?

Barb ♥