


Everyone know who Jim Carey is? For those of you who don't...he is the zany actor who I so adore - my favorite funny man! A line from one of his movies (my favorite - "The Mask") is, "Somebody STOP me!" Well, my head is twirling around, just like his does in this hilarious movie! Why? Oh, I don't know...because I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off with this-that-and the other....Physical therapy appointments for me, Duhgall's vet appointments and then the cherry on the week was a wee hour emergency room trip for my youngest son - at 2 AM this morning....yawn!!! End result is that he has tonsillitis that is accompanied with a nasty headache and back pain. Our worry was meningitis - but thank God it wasn't that. Okay, I will quit with the pity party and go on with this post....
Little Doogie update: Trip to a new vet (an allergy specialist) this AM revealed that he may be allergic to the yeast that his body has. Ok, what do you do about that? Did you know that us two legged creatures can be allergic to the yeast that we all have on our body? That was news to me. And no, this is nothing like the yeast infections that women can get ( I know, gross) but it is just the natural yeast that our bodies have.
My honest intentions of blogging was really to be about domestic things - decorating, recipes, antiques..you know, the fun girly things. BUT, because I am learning all about my little Scotty, I thought it would be beneficial to share our journey in hope that it may benefit those who have a Canine member in their family. What better way to share things than blogging? Ok want to hear another thing that I call a "drop in the lap" moment? (like Oprah's Ah-Ha moment). Well, as I was walking into the vet this AM, there was a lady walking out and she stopped at her car before getting into it. I made eye contact with her and she said, "I have a Scotty." So, of course, I had to ask where she got it. She bought her dog from the same breeder as me and she told me that he was born on St. Patrick's Day. Ok, chills up my spine... I told her that that was my dog's birthday and come to find out, she has Doog's brother! And, what is even more strange is that the dog she got is the one that I was really thinking about getting!! He is a Wheaten Scotty and he was the biggest pup in the breed. But, I didn't pick him because I had my heart set on a black Scotty...hence Doogs. Now come on, is this weird or what?!!! Come to find out, he licks his paws, like his little brother - so we will be in touch and sharing what the bro's are going through.
What I really want to tell everyone is that the entire time we have been going to our vet - and trust me, I don't want to disrespect them at all - but they never did a culture on my dog's feet. Now, keep in mind, the reason we went was because of the incessant licking and the skin in between the paws was red and irritated looking. The vet that we saw today swabbed his paw with a slide and viewed it under a microscope. That is when she found the yeast. SO, if this ever happens to you, see if your vet can do a culture test to find out what EXACTLY it is that your pet HAS before prescribing meds. I am not an expert in this, but this is just what I am learning along the way - and perhaps it can be of benefit to you. Oh, before I forget, Doogs is on a special diet of pork and potatoes. Nothing else! This has to be for an entire month. This will rule out if it is a food allergy or environmental. Dogs typically don't have allergies to pork because it is not a food that is relatively put into dog food products. (more new news to me).
~~~Ok, are y'all still with me? Has anyone started decorating for Christmas yet? Not me, I just can't pull myself to even venture down that path yet. Although, Jennifer's contest does seem rather tempting. Not that I have any drop-dead, over the top decorating up my sleeves. But, here is a picture of the Santa that I recently bought. Each year I buy a new Santa for my collection and then put the date on the bottom. I was also playing around with lights on the mantle and decided that I didn't like it. Pictured is also an old chalk ware Madonna that I recently picked bought from a friend. She is so pretty!!
For those of you who may not have read the Nov. 11th post, there is a little giveaway there. You have to leave a comment on that day to enter to win. I will announce the winner some time on Saturday.
Smiles to everyone!!!
Oh yea! I get to be first to comment this time. I love your Santa. I have one like him in red... Have I started decorating!!!Oh my gosh I'm at least half done... I hope. I like to get everything in the right room and then go around and "fine tune" crazy I know but I can't help myself. I wish you were close enough to come to my open house.It is a week from Thanksgiving, that is why I start so early but I love when it is all done.
Glad to hear you found out what was wrong with your puppy and your baby!
I"m glad I'm not the only one that loves Jim Carey. I can't help it he is sooo funny!
I have to say a BIG THANK YOU for this allergy info! My Paris Fifi has allergy problems too, and licks her toes & feet all the time and the vet has never done a swab test on that area. I will be mentioning this for sure next week when we take our cat Julietta in for her vaccinations. The things you learn through blogging! Also, my dh loves the Mask movie too!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Christmas decorating is at the bottom of a very long list these days!
Love your Santa...
All the info about your experience with Doogs is very interesting. What an amazing coincidence about meeting the lady who has his brother. Wow!
I don't understand everything you wrote but this: you and your family have some worries at the moment. I sympathize with you!!! By best wishes for your youngest son and of course doogs ;0)
And although Jim Carey is not my favovite comedian, I think he's very cute guy.
Love, Anja
I sure hope your son starts feeling better today. I am sure that was a scary moment taking him to the emergency room.
You know, I was always told when dogs licked their feet incessantly it was a sign that they were bored....guess I'll be watching a little more closely if our little one starts the licking. It is a good idea for them and ourselves to get that second opinion.
Christmas decorating....sigh......I have no idea what I am doing this year. I just know I wasn't happy with anything last year. So, it will be starting over. ((hugs)) Rosie
Oh, yes, I've been feeling this way lately myself. I thought I would relax in November before starting the x-mas decorations, but it never slows down.
Love your adorable blog! (your doggie is so cute, too)
Thanks for a very interesting post! Now, off to look at your Santa!
OK, got to look really good at the Santa and I just love him. I, too, try to get a new Santa each year. I haven't found one as yet for this yr. but am sure he's out there.
I have not started decorating! I think we may start this weekend though. My family is itching to put everything out and I have to admit that I am rather anxious this year as well. My hubby won't be here next Christmas so we are trying to make the most of this one! :) Glad to hear that you son will be ok and Doogie too! God Bless!
That's so cool that you met Doog's brother's Momma! I'm glad Doog's is on his way to better health.
Cute Santa, and YES I'm decorating for Christmas!!
I'm starting in the living/dining area, where I decorate in a more romantic/Victorian/shabby style with soft creams and pastels. I'm having fun!
What a wonderful Santa you bought this year! He looks so oldie worldie. I too am not allowing myself to be tempted with decorating for Christmas yet. I want to enjoy the autumn yet and wait until after Thanksgiving. I will do the first bit on Thanksgiving Day.
I really hope Doogs will start doing better now that you know what he allergic to. I agree that vets are not always thorough. I had one that tried to make it all much worse without even checking if he was right or wrong. I no longer take Dagi as they charge three times more for his yearly shots than for me to visit my doctor. There is a controversy here as to whether the shots are okay and a friend of mine's cat died after his shots so I stopped. Dagi is an indoor cat too.
How exciting that you met the owner of Doog's brother. That is not a coincidence that she was there.
Back to work on cleaning the house but it was fun taking a break to visit you.
Hugs ~
You are such a good Doggie Mommy.....is Doog and his brother going to be having play dates now?? I don't have a dog but that was great info that you passed on...it's amazing when you get great info like that....reaffirms getting a second opinion on everything doesn't it?
I am almost fully decorated for Christmas...I just need my tree.
Is Doog's brother having any similar medical problems?
My concern about the pork and potatoes diet- if they don't normally use pork in dogfood production, why not? My first instinct is that pork is a potential problem- because they feed pigs everything! And I do mean, everything! There is a book you may want to check out (it's for humans, but it may have application for doogs)- Its called The Maker's Diet.
I'll be praying for you all!
Glad you are finally starting to get to the bottom of what is bothering Doogs. Having 5 Pugs I know how frustrating and expensive it can be trying to find out what the problem is. I can't even think about Christmas decorating right now! lol.
Pattie :)
No I haven't even thought about decorating for Christmas yet!
Interesting about the yeast infection. Although I always though dogs couldn't have pork?
Hi Becky,
I can't get over that...yeast huh? Well, Gigi is still having the same problem so I am going to ask about a culture. Her vet had made mention of doing a biopsy if it didn't improve but now I am wondering why he doesn't swab it. Thanks for the good info and I hope your son feels "smokin'" (in my best Jim
Carey voice) soon ;)
Hi Becky, hope your son is feeling better ! How neat you meeting your dogs brothers Mommie ! I haven't done any Christmas decorating yet, but will just after Thanksgiving. Bet your home is so beautiful at Christmas time, but then your home is beautiful at any time.
Becky, I am going to have to call my friend who raises greyhounds. He also licks his paws till they are raw. I don't know if different breeds can have the same allergies but, it is worth looking into.
That meeting with Doog's 'aunt' was truly uncanny.
Hate to tell you this, but I think Jim Carrey is awful. Sorry! He's just too over the top. (I am constantly told I have weird tastes, so maybe it's just me!)
I'm so glad you are getting to the problem with Doogs. What a small world with the lady who has his brother..are they going to have a get together?
I love your Madonna figurine..she looks so magical.
Hi again Becky! When you get a moment, would you mind popping by my blog please. I have a little something waiting for you there.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
You have been a little crazed lately.
So sorry about the baby.
Very weird about meeting the lady with your dogs brother.
Love your new Santa, by the way.
Hope you are all doing better.
Enjoy decorating your home for the holidays!
Hi Becky. I'm so glad your son didn't have something more serious. No fun going to the emergency room in the middle of the night! I hope he feels better soon and all of you get some rest.
I'm hoping you get some definitive answers for Doogs. Emailing you with more info there.
Lallee (thinking about Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber)
Hi Becky, oh that is amazing meeting that lady!! Absolutely amazing !! Hope your little boy is well now, such a fright they can give us Mom's! You have had your fair share of medical dramas, you need a hug! And we love Jim Carrey too, the Mask is the BEST! Jenn and Jacqui
So neat that you met your doogs sibling...a serendipitous moment if ever there was one. Has the vet checked the little guy for diabetes? In humans, yeast infections can be a sign of this. On a lighter note..my brother in law totally resembles Jim Carey, and he is just as zany. Have a great weekend, Susan
Oh you poor thing! What an ordeal of a week! Poor Doogs, and poor son & poor you!
I sure hope everyone gets on the mend here ASAP!
My son is back on his antibiotics, a stronger form now, because he cannot shake that cough! Since August 1!
Off to do a holiday bazaar today! Better run! Take care of your boys!
I don't have a dog (anymore) (yet) but I will keep that in mind for when I do and for those I know with one now. I certainly hope he starts feeling better soon. I'm starting to love this little pooch!
Your Santa is cute. Reminds me of the traveling gnome!
Hey Becky! Thanks for stopping by my blog - hurry up and buy the "make-do"! I would love to see the pic!
What a coincidence about Doogs and meeting up with his brother's owner.....I was wondering...why was the bro's owner at the vet....does Doogs and his brother have the same symptons? May be a family thing?
Hope your baby is doing better. Jim Carey is one of my all time favorite funny actors, too. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for visiting me and adding me to your sidebar. i will do the same. Thanks for the cloche ideas.
Ok, this is weird. More things in common.....
I saw one of my oldest son's friends from high school, and we starting talking and catching up. We got to talking about our dogs. Ended up we got them from the same breeder. Then we found out that it was the same litter. He has Maggie's sister! Her name is Abby (which was one of the names on our list). I thought that was sooo weird! We said we will have to get them together for a play date. LOL I showed him a picture of Maggie and he said his Abby looked exactly like her!
Anyway, so glad that this Vet finally figured out what this could be. Good luck with Doog's special diet!
On a decorating note, NO, I haven't started decorating yet. I just saw some Christmas lights in the neighborhood, and it really made me want to start decorating! But I am going to hold to my tradition, and start the day after Thanksgiving.....if I can hold off! LOL I love decorating, and Christmas is my FAV!!
Love your Santa!!
no decorating yet for me.. just cooking, or baking rather... but I love to do that.
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