When I was a little girl, my Nanny once told me that idle hands are the devil's workshop. Huh? What in the world did that mean? Well, it is an old Scottish Proverb.. If the Devil finds a Man idle, he'll set him at Work. (J. Kelly, _Scottish Proverbs_, 1721). We just did not want that to happen now, do we!? Like my Nanny, and my other Grandmother, you will usually find me stitching something if I am in a chair for very long. Call it hyper or just bored, I just have a hard time just sitting...just sitting...passing the time with nothing to show for it. The sampler above took me two baseball seasons to make. I carried it with me to my youngest son's baseball games. What? Of course I watched the game, but in between warming up a new pitcher or changing "Ups" I got a few stitches in here and there. (Pardon the glares...)
The little sampler below was a lot of fun to make. I am fond of anything with berries on it and even found a wonderful custom frame pattern to frame it in. See the little berries along the side?
If you haven't already noticed, I have a thing for samplers with houses on it....Like here...
I realize that so many of you who read my blog aren't from California, but for those of you who live near the Central Valley, here is a deal for you!!!!! Many months ago I met Beth at a quilting shop and we sparked up a conversation about fabrics and sewing. Come to find out, she is a blogger as well and so we traded our blogging addresses. When I visited her blog I was astonished over the photos that she takes. Beth is a true artist and has the gift of being one with her camera and capturing the essence of those who she photographs. Please stop by her blog (click here) and read about her Portrait Promotion. She is looking for new faces for her portfolio. Check it out!!!! As the commercials say, "Do it today!" I just know that you will love Beth's work!
Look at those precious little babies sleeping so cozy together! These photographs, and models, are as sweet as can be.
You've inspired me on more than one occasion to start stitching during my son's games or while watching TV (if i had time for TV I would do that one!). Now I am convinced I must start going on this if I could have lovely things to show for it created by my own efforts! I am like you, I hate sitting without accomplishing something.
I want to learn to embroider, and other sorts of stitching work. I think it is so lovely!
PS. Your bag in your last post is SO CUTE! I don't think I mentioned it, I was so enamored by Doogs I might've neglected to comment on anything else. Your bag is beautiful, and your house looks so pretty!
Becky, I just love all of your samplers. I can't imagine how sore my hands would be after that. But, it would be worth it.
I tell my kids all of the time that the devil sits on an idle horse. Boredom creates such problems. My MIL always says an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Same a ting!
And BTW, At Last was my wedding song. I love it. Came out singing to my husband. All caught on video.
OH! They are so pretty, you are very talented, even the frames are pretty. Do you get blisters when you cross stitch for a long time? I have never cross stitched but a long time ago I embroiderd some pillow cases. I would like to try that again. And I have been wanting to make a quilt with old hankies( I love old hankies ) I thought if I start now maybe they would be done before my grandsons get married. ( they are 4 years old and 9 months) so I guess the odds are pretty good. I have been trying and trying to do my banner but it is just beyond me. That is neat that we are the same age I did not know that. I had my daughter at 17 thats why I am such a young grandma. But I have been blessed. Thank-you for stopping by and saying hello.
What beautiful stitching work you have done. Thanks so much for sharing it ! I love that cute tote you showed in your last post as well. Blessings,Shelley
I am just thrilled to see more of your stitching Becky! Most people who love samplers love two elements of them ~ houses and alphabets. Now as far as saying you are either hyper or bored.....nope! Neither of them. I think you are completely normal. You have to be or that makes me abnormal.....nahhhhh! :)
To answer your question on CelebrateTheSeasons, yes I was the one who could not find any cloches. I was so pleased to find the two I did. I want to have at least one more and for it to be in between the other two in size. I will simply keep looking. I may be going to look at some antique cloches a friend of mine's husband has. I still need to call them about it.
Hello Becky! The sample is SO cute! I Love your crossstiching works, they are amazing...I wish I would have the time for something like this, but there are so much other things to do...;0)
If you want like to know, what in the parcel for my sister was, I show it now! She recieved her present today :0)
So nice to come here for a visit while I'm killing time with my hubby out of town and hear "our" song, At Last playing on your blog. Thanks, I needed that!
Hi Becky, I came over from Sharon Kays blog...your blog is really neat.....I wish that I could go to my quilt shop and find a blogging friend....I wish there could be a blogging convention, for it would be so much fun to meet everyone... I am just starting to quilt... I use to do cross stitch too, but now I just leave that up to my friend Mary....she has made a couple different sampler's and had them framed for me for gifts....it was nice meeting you...judy
Becky, I love your dog and I am not a dog lover. Yours is just too cute. Your samplers are very nice and I really love that tote you made. I agree with your Nanny, as you know, everyone in my family has to be doing something. I cannot just sit ever. Nancy
What a talent you have Miss Becky! I have some lovely pieces that my mom made (no samplers), but I never learned how to do it. What few I tried as a kid had a back that looked like a tangly lump of thread...there'd be no way to frame such a thing!
Hope you are having a good day. Santa Anas are blowing like crazy here :)
Becky you a very talented ,your needlework is excellent.You remind me of my sister she always does such perfect work for me it is a struggle .I admire anyone that can do this work. Best Wishes Brenda Tell Doogs Hi
You've inspired me on more than one occasion to start stitching during my son's games or while watching TV (if i had time for TV I would do that one!). Now I am convinced I must start going on this if I could have lovely things to show for it created by my own efforts! I am like you, I hate sitting without accomplishing something.
I want to learn to embroider, and other sorts of stitching work. I think it is so lovely!
PS. Your bag in your last post is SO CUTE! I don't think I mentioned it, I was so enamored by Doogs I might've neglected to comment on anything else. Your bag is beautiful, and your house looks so pretty!
I just love all of your samplers. I can't imagine how sore my hands would be after that. But, it would be worth it.
I tell my kids all of the time that the devil sits on an idle horse. Boredom creates such problems. My MIL always says an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Same a ting!
And BTW, At Last was my wedding song. I love it. Came out singing to my husband. All caught on video.
Beautiful samplers Becky and I just love that bag, it is gorgeous. As for Doogs, what can I say, he is just adorable!!!!!
Take care,
Sandi x
OH! They are so pretty, you are very talented, even the frames are pretty. Do you get blisters when you cross stitch for a long time? I have never cross stitched but a long time ago I embroiderd some pillow cases. I would like to try that again. And I have been wanting to make a quilt with old hankies( I love old hankies ) I thought if I start now maybe they would be done before my grandsons get married. ( they are 4 years old and 9 months) so I guess the odds are pretty good.
I have been trying and trying to do my banner but it is just beyond me. That is neat that we are the same age I did not know that. I had my daughter at 17 thats why I am such a young grandma. But I have been blessed.
Thank-you for stopping by and saying hello.
What beautiful stitching work you have done. Thanks so much for sharing it ! I love that cute tote you showed in your last post as well.
I love your samplers.. beautiful work! I've started a Blackbird Designs sampler and will share when complete!
I am just thrilled to see more of your stitching Becky! Most people who love samplers love two elements of them ~ houses and alphabets. Now as far as saying you are either hyper or bored.....nope! Neither of them. I think you are completely normal. You have to be or that makes me abnormal.....nahhhhh! :)
To answer your question on CelebrateTheSeasons, yes I was the one who could not find any cloches. I was so pleased to find the two I did. I want to have at least one more and for it to be in between the other two in size. I will simply keep looking. I may be going to look at some antique cloches a friend of mine's husband has. I still need to call them about it.
~~ Heidi ~~
Hello Becky! The sample is SO cute! I Love your crossstiching works, they are amazing...I wish I would have the time for something like this, but there are so much other things to do...;0)
If you want like to know, what in the parcel for my sister was, I show it now! She recieved her present today :0)
Love, Anja
I love your samplers Becky. Isn't it amazing how many different looking houses you can find in needlework? Yours are beautiful as well as the frames.
I can't stand to just sit either! If I do I usually fall asleep. I always have to be doing something.
So nice to come here for a visit while I'm killing time with my hubby out of town and hear "our" song, At Last playing on your blog. Thanks, I needed that!
I love your beautiful samplers. What talent you have!!
I love samplers too! Mine are ones that my grandma or mother in law did.
Yours are just lovely..
Beautiful work Becky!
I must say I love the house ones too!
Hi Becky, I came over from Sharon Kays blog...your blog is really neat.....I wish that I could go to my quilt shop and find a blogging friend....I wish there could be a blogging convention, for it would be so much fun to meet everyone... I am just starting to quilt... I use to do cross stitch too, but now I just leave that up to my friend Mary....she has made a couple different sampler's and had them framed for me for gifts....it was nice meeting you...judy
I love your dog and I am not a dog lover. Yours is just too cute.
Your samplers are very nice and I really love that tote you made. I agree with your Nanny, as you know, everyone in my family has to be doing something. I cannot just sit ever.
I find myself crocheting every time I sit down now. Becky, your stitching, in whatever form it is, is so impeccable. You are a true crafter!
Beth's portraits are amazing. She has a true gift of capturing children with her camera. Does she do dogs? Doogs would make a good model ;-)
What a talent you have Miss Becky! I have some lovely pieces that my mom made (no samplers), but I never learned how to do it. What few I tried as a kid had a back that looked like a tangly lump of thread...there'd be no way to frame such a thing!
Hope you are having a good day. Santa Anas are blowing like crazy here :)
Becky, the samplers are just beautiful...so are the frames!
love you prints. what beautiful work. thanks for sharing.
Love your samplers! Samplers with houses are a favorite of mine.
Becky you a very talented ,your needlework is excellent.You remind me of my sister she always does such perfect work for me it is a struggle .I admire anyone that can do this work.
Best Wishes
Tell Doogs Hi
Becky you are so kind to promote my photos!!
It has taken me a long time to comment here - I don't know where the time has gone!
I LOVE your stitched sampler!!!
Hope you're having a great week!
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