Could Valentine’s Day be right around the corner? It was JUST Christmas, for Heaven’s sake.
When I was in elementary school, I was a hopeless romantic. I had a few crushes on some boys in school, but I was super shy - and, might I add, a homely freckled face little girl that was usually taller than boys of my age. I was always the "friend" that the boys would ask if a girl thought they were cute or if I thought they liked them. Silly grade school stuff. And it was those "friends" that were usually the ones that I thought were awesome - and a few of them were my secret crush. Heart broken when they weren't "interested" in me as a girlfriend, but rather just a friend.
Remember grade school Valentine’s? The ones that we would fill out for each classmate and leave them in their handmade card receptacle. I had a crush on a very cute boy in the 4th grade and was giddy in anticipation to see what kind of Valentine would be from him. Would it be one that read I think you are cute or special or I like you..or..or..or.
On Valentine's Day our teacher read us poetry and delighted us with homemade cupcakes with pink frosting on white cake. On our desks were other special treats of heart shaped chocolates and heart cutout cookies. Along one stretch of the south wall of the classroom, our handmade heart envelopes (with our name visible) were taped and ready to be filled. After we devoured the sweets, each student distributed their Valentine cards and ...and..and... would he have picked me out the prettiest Valentine in the dime store box his mom bought for him? My card to him was simply signed with my name..not love Becky..but "from Becky". At the end of the school day, we removed our bevvy of Valentines and took them home. I RAN home! At home, I spilled the Valentines on my bed and read each one. They were so cute and so sweet and..and..and..nothing from the boy that I had eyes for. I saw him pass his out, but he didn't have any "Valentine Thoughts" for me. My heart was broken. I didn't understand why. There are things in life we will never understand or never really know an answer to. And my crush ended there.
Over the years I have made a variety of hearts – to give as gifts and to sell. I have a few on file in my computer and revisited those. I am mulling over in my mind what kind of hearts to make this year. The ones in the first picture were for last year and I sold most of them.
These little hearts God made. I found them on the beach during a most difficult time in my life. I like to think that God was sending me HIS LOVE and giving me something to smile about. He fancies making us joyful. We just have to pay attention and take notice.
The following photos of hearts were found on Pinterest. If you click on the photo, you will be guided over to the source. I think all of them are so pretty and all were handmade by some very talented ladies! Such inspiration!
Update on the remodel: Earth to mother ship, the floors are IN! HOWEVER, a third of the floors in the smaller room were scratched. Yes, you read that right. After the installers left, I was wiping them down with BONA and found the scratches. I simply could not believe it. They came back to look at them. I used blue painter's tape to mark all of them...over 30. Needless to say, they will be removing the laminate and replacing it. I cried. The only thing the installer could think of was that there must have been something on his employee's knee pad, like a piece of metal. (Laminate is very, very difficult to scratch..so go figure.) They put in our other floors and did a perfect job. I felt bad for him, but maybe they will learn from this. I don't understand how this went unnoticed during the install? One was over an inch long!
And while I was banned from my upstairs today, I got my fix today by catching up on my FAVORITE HGTV show, Fixer Upper. I love those two!!! And I found a lamp on their website that I am thinking about purchasing for the guest bedroom.
Till next time....