Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spa Therapy

P1010034 The cool weather over the weekend made for a comfortable day for hubby to work at digging away at the defunct (love that word) spa and filling it to the rim with DIRT. Yup, dirt. Duhgall’s favorite drinking bowl is now a planter bed. Why? Well, the original owner to the house put this spa smack-dab in the middle of the patio – a very unsafe place for a spa.


A white Crepe Myrtle tree was planted in the center of the planter. Around the tree we planted white Impatiens and pink and white Dianthus. Of course, who do you think was the supervisor for the job?

Can you dig it, Fiona? Well, not DIG it, but do you like?



In the other flower bed, the red Penstemon is showing off quite nicely this year. I think it likes living with the Begonias and Queen Ann’s Lace (aka: wild carrot – and yes, it looooves to reseed itself!)

How does your garden grow?

addendum: I am linking up with KIM at Savvy Southern Style blog for her Wow Us Wednesday Post! Check out her gorgeous bookcases that she just repainted and redecorated. Her home is amazing!


Lisa Johnson said...

Oh Becky, your garden is so lovely. Mine is so neglected. Wish it looked like yours. Thanks for sharing your new flower bed. Happy Spring to you, dear friend!

Elsie said...

Becky your garden is looking good. Hey a girl's got do what a girl's got do, the supervision I mean geez
louisz somebody's gotta do it. That is a girl's job, the diggin' is the man's. LOL. Your flowers are beautiful. My garden looks good right now but soon it will be way too hot for it.

Stacey said...

Everything looks so pretty. I bet you will really enjoy that new flowerbed.

Musings from Kim K. said...

I've been helping weed the flower beds while my husband finishes up the big treehouse project but we are behind on planting anything new. Your flowers looks so lovely. Your red Penstemon is just gorgeous.

Simply Shelley said...

Your flowers and plants are lovely...great idea turning that spa into a garden....blessings

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh I bet Fiona, and Dughall too, can dig it alright! lol. Beautiful garden Becky. I love Penstemon. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies:>)

Ricki Treleaven said...

I think we have too much lawn. We have three Natchez Crepe Myrtles and they are not budding yet....

fiberdoodles said...

What a lovely new spa treatment! And your assistant is quit attractive as well ;0)
Your garden is just beautiful! Mine needs a life preserver for all this rain we are receiving.

Vee said...

Great idea for repurposing the spa. Wonder if you'll put another in somewhere safer.

Julie Harward said...

How sweet and how fun! There will be no gardening here until the middle of June! I have to enjoy all you bloggers who are having fun! ;D

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

So much better than a spa!! I love what you did.


Vintage Gal said...

Becky ~ love your spa garden. Just lovely and it will work like a spa. Just gazing at the blooms. Your supervisor is perfect for the job ~ woof ;-)

Simple Home said...

Oh, how beautiful your garden is! Mine doesn't grow nearly as lushly as yours does :-)

Two French Bulldogs said...

your yard is beautiful butt the umbrella pole sure is tempting to water
Benny & Lily

Susan @ Pink Portuguese Roses said...


Love your new flower bed! I've got a square foot garden growing in mine.

You know I planted Queen Anne's lace last year. It grew big and tall and I took the seeds and put them everywhere.

Not a one has grown, sprouted or reseeded. I wonder what I did wrong?

Miss seeing you!

Diane Mars said...

Beautiful garden, I could never have a spa in the middle of our yard with all the grand peeps. I would be in constant fear. I can see your concern. oxox, Diane

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

How gorgeous! I can't believe you can grow all those in our climate. They are so beautiful. We have had the best weather for working out in the yard and I just haven't gotten a lot done this year. I'll enjoy yours!

Pondside said...

My garden grows very slooooowly.
Yours is looking lovely!

ryanrolls said...

How Beautiful looking very peaceful!! You can use it for Natural Spa Therapy. Nice &…Cool Cool 

Lallee said...

What a lovely solution. All your blooms are showing their glory. You've created a beautiful spot--that's where I'd be hanging out.

Susan Freeman said...

Your garden is so inviting! Don't you love how our fur babies enjoy supervising!!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

What you did with that area is just beautiful! It's going to be so gorgeous when it all fills in.

JG said...

Oh, such a pretty garden! This afternoon we purchased some plants that will find their way into our garden near the perennials.

Duke said...

Your garden is just beautiful, Miss Becky!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

It looks great! I love the red Adirondacks. That was a good idea to just fill it in.


Susie Q said...

I am having the best time catching up with you! And Winston agrees that your furbabies, and your garden, are just perfect!