Thursday, March 10, 2011

beautiful hearts

P1010063 Today I sit here at my computer thinking about what I am going to post about and I am thinking about all of you. Each one of you who take the time to visit, leave comments – or even visit without leaving a comment. It doesn’t matter to me how many comments I get; just the simple fact that you took a moment out of your busy day to visit is enough for me. So thank you for that. From my heart – thank you.

P1010052 Through the past four years, I have made beautiful friendships with so many wonderful women from all over the world – and I could never have done that without this blog. Each one of you are so special – special in your very own way. Like a rose – similar yet so uniquely different. Beautifully layered with talents, love, inspiration and life.

The other day I was looking at the stats on Site Meter because I am curious to see who is visiting and where visitors live. I found several referral links from a blog that was unfamiliar to me. I clicked on the blog and I froze. I said out loud, “Oh my goodness” and as I read the post, I just wept. A total stranger did a post about me.

I was so, so, so honored to say the very least! Totally caught off guard by a total stranger’s act of kindness! And there was Duhgall, front and center of the photos she had shared of my home. That made me giggle! Little Doogie boy – sitting there smack dab amongst vignettes of cottagey do-dads!

What took my breath away at the end of the post was this photo that had written below it “For Becky’s son, Jordan.” (Constanza, Jordan is smiling down on you right now!) Pardon me as I wipe my tears off of the keyboard right now……

angel for jordan The beautiful blog is written by Constanza – a vivaciously spirited woman who now lives in California but once called England and Chile her home. Her blog is titled Por Amor Al Art and there Constanza shares about her passion to paint, travel, create and garden. She has two gorgeous children, Tatiana and Jon, who are the center of her universe.

Constanza’s home is beautiful and full of wonderful collections that she has gathered in her travels and time living abroad. She has an eye and a heart to collect beautiful vintage treasures that we all love so much.

Constanza, thank you for touching my heart so deeply. You are a beautiful angel! I am blessed so richly today because of you.


I have said this before, yet I will say it again..

and again…

and again.

You are precious rays of sunshine. Each of you. The world is better because of you.




Shining rays of light.

Full of life and love.

Perfect in your own way.

sepia roses

May the sun shine on you a little brighter today.



  1. What a lovely post and how wonderful to see that your blog affects others enough for them to want to spread your sunshine even further. It really is so precious to see that among all the problems and gloom this life sometimes throws at us, that a friendly voice can mean so much.
    Jenny x

  2. You always have the most beautiful pictures. Love the puppies too! I've found that bloggers are a special sweet and generous! There are angels among us!

  3. What a lovely thing for Constanza to do. I am constantly amazed by the love and generosity among woman in this world we have created online. it is as if we are taking care of one another's needs. Thank you for such a sweet post today, Becky!


  4. Like draws like Becky. Your beauty and kindness and love can only draw those who share those qualities. We visit because you are someone special who reaches out and draws us in:>) We are blessed by what you show here.

  5. Wonderful post! I know you have touched my heart in more ways than I could tell you. I remember reading your blog for a long time (before I began blogging) and remember when Jordan went to Heaven. I cried for you. And then when Amber went to Heaven a few months later you came to my mind and I knew I could go on knowing that you had survived losing a child. I know we are not alone because I have had other mothers share their story with me.
    Thank you for being a friend to me!
    Now I am going to read her post about Jordan!

  6. What a wonderful post....and I feel very blessed to consider you a friend of mine. I alway get a smile on my face, when I see you have posted....
    off to read Constanza's blog...

  7. I will go and see for sure .. You are so special as well my friend. The emails we share always brings a smile and warmth....... Hope you are feeling so much better.... Weather here is beautiful and I am out in the yard...... It is so good for me........


  8. your blog is so lovely to read and always beautifully written. your dogs are adorable. god bless you x

  9. The interconnections are incredible. I'm going to go read the post about you and I know that I'll love it already. I appreciate your post, too. It's not too often that a blogger takes the time to thank the people who visit and are interested in her life. (I am a bit snoopy that way.)

  10. it is me who is wiping a tear from her eye right now. i can only bond with you from afar. as you know, my eldest son christopher, is also with jordan. he died at five years of age with my father in law in a terrible private plane accident. he is my little angel in heaven. i have run into so so many women who have lost a child in one way or another. june of laughing with angels has raised a handicapped child and has turned that negative into a thankful heart, burying the bitterness until it is barely visible or audible. i thank you for posting about this, i truly believe my finding you was meant to be. blessings

  11. dearest Constanza, my heart breaks for you.....Christopher is with Jordan in Heaven.....they are probably hanging out together and saying something like:

    Geesh, I was wondering why it took so long for our mothers to find each other.

    In God's Speed, my friend.....


  12. We love you too, and I so admire your strength you have to endure such a loss. Unspeakable loss... oxox

  13. Some people are just meant to be a blessing to others and you are one of those. Everytime I come on your blog I feel enveloped with love and such a good feeling. You have been through so much and yet, you make the rest of us feel so much better each day. God bless you.

  14. I love unexpected kindness that comes out of the blue. I'm going to go pay Costanza a visit.


  15. And a special thank you to you...your posts are inspiring and give me strength and courage to face every day with light and love. I'm sure Constanza has your spirit.

    Peace be with you.

  16. What a lovely post. How sweet of her to write are about you. And what a beautiful Blessing I am sure it was to you to stumble over it. But I kinda think you didn't really stumble by there. I am sure God directed you there. Thanks for sharing the sunshine with us. BTW we love Doughal and Miss Fi around here too. Give them a hug and a kiss from us.

  17. That was so touching. This virtual friendship business can be wonderful!

  18. It is amazing, isn't it? All these 'strangers' becoming friends on line and being interested in each other's lives.

  19. This is a very touching beautiful post!

  20. Beautiful! You are a treasure.

  21. What a beautiful gesture of pure friendship and compassion!

  22. Thank you Becky for the most beautiful post. You always make
    me smile. (((HUGS GIRL)))

  23. The blogging community is second to none when it comes to being supportive. I'm continually amazed by the kindness of strangers.

    Kat :)

    P.S. Did you happen to get several emails I sent to you recently?

  24. Said with love....I feel the same way. I have met so many great friends in Blog-land.

    God Bless!

  25. A beautiful post! I am not surprised your blog was featured on Constanzas'. You also inspired me to start my own Blog. Please carry on with everything you do as it brings so much pleasure to us all. Love from the UK. xxx

  26. What a wonderful person and a kind soul she is! Thanks for sharing her blog. She is so right about your blog. and I love her little tribute to Jordan. Bless his heart.

  27. It was so wonderful that you found her post, it's amazing how bloggers can touch one another's lives without ever meeting! I don't always comment but I'm here, reading and being inspired. Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Hoping you have a sunny weekend!
    xo Cathy

  29. Love your blog and having been reading a long time!!You bring some shineshine in my day!! Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us:)

  30. Hi Becky,
    How kind and loving of Constanza.It too amazes me that there are so many beautiful and kind hearted ladies that share so much love and compassion for one another.
    A beautiful post!
    Big hugs and love, Elizabeth

  31. Hi Becky,

    This is such a touching post! How wonderful to find such a lovely post from a stranger. It is indeed touching. You have touched others lives as well. Thank you for sharing your life with us.



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