Thursday, January 27, 2011

Upcycled LOVE

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I thought that you might LOVE these precious handmade creations that are just as adorable as can be! I found these the other day whilst perusing shops on ETSY and asked the artist if I could do a little feature on her shop – and I am so glad she said YES!

Meet Teresa! Here is what she shared with us:

“I am a wife and stay-at-home mom with three kids. I minored in fine art in college and have always loved doing crafty things. I was an antiques dealer for 8 years and have always been drawn to vintage decorations, supplies and anything that strikes my fancy. I have decided to put my vast supply of vintage goodies to use making fun, whimsical items. I love anything that is vintage inspired including spun cotton, chenille and paper mache.”

note: by clicking on the photo, you will be linked to where you can purchase each item.

valentine 1

valentine 3

valentine 6

valentine 4

Isn’t this couple adorable? Just look at the way he is looking at his Valentine!! *so sweet!* For more of Teresa’s works of art, please visit her ETSY shop, titled Teresa Tudor. You can link to her site by clicking HERE.

Thank you, Teresa, for allowing me to share YOU with all of those who stop by for a visit!!!


  1. This post made me smile. They are all just darling.

  2. Just too cute! Don't ya just love crafty people...

  3. I love her creations, I think I will have to request a Spring Girl! Thanks for sharing her shop with us all. She is already one of my favorite Etsy Shops. Hugs, Diane

  4. How cute are these?~ They are absolutely adorable.

  5. These are just precious! I am so glad you found Theresa...I have to check out her shop. Don't you love Etsy?!


  6. Darling! They make me smile! :)


  7. How fun! So Cute! Some people are so cleaver.

  8. Love these cute creations...makes me want to get more crafty :)
    I will go take a peek at her shop....thanks so much for sharing the link...blessings sweet Becky....

  9. What a happy start to my day!!

    Susan and Bentley

  10. Cute stuff... love the little people!


  11. Cute crafts Becky. Thank you so much for your encouragement this morning. I will stand strong and lean on the Lord. Kathi

  12. Hi Becky,
    Wow! now these are truly orginal! How creative and fun. I love the little people "Upcycled"..very very clever!
    I am going to visit Teresa ETSY.
    Realy big hugs,miss ya! Elizabeth

  13. Aw so sweet. There is a little treat on its way to you, at last! Jane xx

  14. Cute! We love those Valentines peoples
    Benny & Lily

  15. Hey you :)

    I was thinking about you and wanted to you give my love. I know next moth is coming quick, so please know that I remember and you're always in my heart.


  16. Too adorable! I'm starting to get into a Valentine frame of mind!


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