Friday, January 21, 2011

Button, Button, Who Has Cute Buttons?

My friends, the answer is:

Tessa Ann does!

tessa ann pic 2

I discovered Tessa Ann’s ETSY shop by linking from one thing to another and I am so HAPPY that I did! Just look at these buttons she makes? They are just too, too, too, too, too, too, cute! Sooooo cute! Can you tell I am gushing over them? :)

tessa ann pic 1

Colorful, whimsical, fresh….

tessa ann pic 3

little farm funky…

tessa ann pic 4

and a smiling little monkey!

It just doesn’t get any better than this!

Who could NOT resist a stash of these to pick from for a sewing project?

Ya know, they just make me smile!

To find Tessa Ann’s ETSY site, just click on this word: HERE!

Happy Weekend, y’all!!!



  1. oh, how adorable! all a gap sweater needs
    to become an anthropologie one!

  2. My son loves Sock Monkeys. These are adorable. La

  3. These are adorable! I love that little tractor, and I'm not even a tractor collector :-)
    Congratulations! You won the giveaway over on my blog. I've sent you and email about it too.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Oh my, oh my, oh my...... Look at those buttons...... they are JUST what I want...... I have a project and I went looking for "cute" buttons the other day and came back empty handed......... I think you found them just for me...... when I finish I will show you!

  5. What adorable buttons! I love those cinnamon candies too ~ can't leave them alone!!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Did you see the buttons with the cherries!!!!! Oh, my goodness!

  7. What adorable buttons! We'll be checking on the link. Thank you!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing the button love :) You have *the* most adorable blog I've seen!

    What a honor this was. Thank you :)
    Tessa Ann

  9. Becky those are the cutest buttons.
    She does wonderful work.

  10. Good Morning, Becky,
    These are so cheerful. Thanks for sharing the link to her shop.

    Happy Weekend. ~Natalie

  11. We love those buttons. So cool!!
    Benny & Lily

  12. Oh how wonderful these buttons would look on a handknit sweater...makes me want to go out immediately and but some yarn. Have a super-duper day!

  13. They are really cute! I might have to join on some of those giveways over on your side bar. Looks like fun stuff!.
    BTW can I use your hot tamale heart? Have you noticed all my snowy photo's? I am planning to put all hearts up! Can I use yours?
    Have a great day and give a couple of doggie's a hug for me!

  14. I've never seen cuter buttons!
    Happy Sunday sweet Becky.

    All my love,
    Deborah xoxo

  15. Ooooh, I so must rush right now to check it out. First I will click your follow button!
    Have a happy Monday xx

  16. Thank you for entering my wee Giveaway. I just threw the 3 sweet Becky notes in the big hat, fingers crossed for YOU.
    Enjoy your Tuesday, Becky. I'm enjoying my evening tea ^_~

  17. Could those get any more cuter? No way!

  18. Those buttons are so, so cute! They look like yummy cookies. :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my give away. I wish that I had enough aprons to give to everyone who entered!
    I love you blog and and going to go take a look areound,

  19. I was thinking how cute until I got to the monkeys...oh my, how completely adorable. Love the whimsy of these buttons!

  20. Becky, I love your blog. I just had to tell you that I received a catalog today from and there is something in there I think you would love. It is called Puppy Love Coir Mat and has a Scottie and a Westie for $29. Check it out!

  21. Really wonderful...!! Thank you for sharing with us :-))!
    Best wishes from Germany!

  22. I just checked her etsy shop. I want them ALL!

  23. These are so cute! Amazing works of art. Thanks so much for the link.

  24. Those are really something!! Each one is a little mini work of art...and so cute and whimsical!
    Smiles, Karen

  25. Hi Becky,

    I am a HUGE button collector and have MANY apothecary jars full of wonderful antique buttons. They are amazing. I love these and they would make a cute addition. Thanks for sharing. I saw the Scottie Mat that the other lady referred to at and it a must have for you. It is really cute with a black Scottie and a white Scottie. Take care,


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