Saturday, May 22, 2010

Welcome, Little Becky!


Today is a very special day for Nancy and Lynn! Not only are they getting to meet for the first time, but Lynn is delivering Nancy’s precious Wheaten Scottie puppy, Miss Becky, to her.

Isn’t she just adorable? She looks a lot like our Fiona when she was a puppy!

Lynn and her husband, Gary, are Scottie breeders. Their last bunch of Scotties were ALL Wheatens! All 8 of them!!

puppies_on_a_bench-2 Nancy has a black Scottie, Mr. Gus, who is the boss of their house. Well, not for long now!!! Mr. Gus, you are now going to have a little female to give you a run for your dog money!

Becky 2


Congrats to all! Enjoy your very special day!

May you be blessed with sweet puppy breath kisses, tail wags and lots of hugs! We love you and would be there if we could to celebrate the day!!


Remember me posting about making the quilt for a special little girl?

That little girl is Miss Becky. I hope that plenty of doggy naps will be taken on your little quilt. I wrote her name on it, too - not that she can read, or anything like that.....but you know, Scotties are pretty stinkin' smart!

Nancy blessed me with the gift of being Becky’s God Mother and even named her after me. I am honored, to say the very least. Thank you, Nancy, for your love.

Nancy made a tiny little pink chenille blanket for Fiona and sent it to her when we brought her home. Fee sleeps on her blanket each night and expects me to lay it down on the bed for her.


elsies quilt

Lastly, I would like to share the above quilt with you. A very sweet friend, Elsie, (who happens to be a blog reader to so many of you!!) made this out of vintage sheets. She was inspired by Sara’s (Anyone Can Quilt) quilt and made one for herself. Isn’t it wonderful? I love those sweet prints!! Awesome job, dear Elsie!!!


Happy Weekend, y’all!


Anonymous said...

Miss Becky would look reaaallly cute wrapped up in one of your precious quilts! Awww, come on... puppies need blankies too.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

Oh at first I thought you got a new little one but then I realized that could be a little too confusing having two Beckys in the house...LOL! She is precious and I love that you made her a quilt. That is just darn sweet of you:)


Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What a precious little puppy!!! And to have it named after you was quite an honor. I love that beautiful quilt made out of the vintage sheets and your quilt that you made for Becky is pretty too. Love & blessings from NC!

Angela said...

I am so in love. I just showed my son the cutie pie!

Ruthie said...

Oh Becky,I am not a blogger,but you made my day!The quilt you made for Miss Becky is so beautiful!Not to mention Miss Becky herself.She does look like your Fiona.They couldn't have picked a better name.They started this little girl out right.

xo to you,Ruthie

Angela said...

That quilt is beautiful. Love the quilt you made for Becky too. I had to come back and finish off sharing this. I was just enthralled with Becky I forgot to to share this, LOL

Adrienne said...

Such a sweet little girl dog! I smiled as I looked at her and read all about her. My little Joey is sleeping peacefully near my feet. It's hard to imagine life without him!

myletterstoemily said...

congratulations on the new puppy!

i just love scotties, and we have a
westie, which is a close cousin.

scottylover said...

Oh my what a cutie! I miss my scottie and would love to have a wheaten for my next one. Thanks for sharing her cute pics!

Sandy A

kybarb said...

OMG! A little quilt for a puppy! I LOVE IT! I would never have thought to do that but I'm thinking about it now! Thank you! I just adore your blog!

Elsie said...

Becky~~that is so sweet of them to
name the pup after you and to make
you her Godmother. AWESOME..that is
the cutest puppy,sooo loveable.
Thank you for a very sweet post on
my quilt. That was very nice of you. (((HUGS TO YOU))) :o)

JoAnn S. said...

omg how sweet such a cutie pie, miss my doggie grrrr great blog, come visit sometime hugs JoAnn S

fiberdoodles said...

Little Miss Becky is just so adorable! I want one :0) Max needs a little wheaten puppy to play with. And the little quilt you made for her is just as adorable ~ great job dear friend!!

Lori Lucas said...

What a wonderful friendship you must have. I don't have a friend that quite understands "the dog thing". It doesn't bother me....except that so many of THEM are missing out! What a sweet puppy...and name! I love the quilt you made. And the other one too. I am out of school and ready to tackle some projects...and play with my pups! Have a wonderful weekend. Lori L

Brenda Pruitt said...

What perfectly sweet and innocent eyes! (I think I see a bit of mischief there too...) And the quilts are marvelous. My doggies have me quite well trained.

Sue said...

Miss Becky is precious!!!! And she will undoubtedly enjoy being comforted in her little quilt you so lovingly made. Now, clarify something for me. We had a Wheaten terrier once- he was a rather large,fluffy dog w/ a horrible temperment.In fact, we had to give him away. Our niece had a female Wheaten, who was very loving. A SIL had a male, and he was as bad as our Wheaten was!
As I understand it, Miss Becky is a wheaten Scottie? Is this a type of Scottie? Or a mix? I am rather dog breed impaired... I do know we had an awesome Cairn terrier who gave us a lot of love for many years before he died. I'd have one again in a heartbeat!
Your Miss Fiona is a doll baby!
hugs, Sue

Nan said...

Oh the puppy is too sweet they will be in love with her in no time.

Claudia said...

She is absolutely adorable! Oh my gosh, I want to cuddle her.


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh My Gosh! I love little Miss Becky! Sigh.....I really, really want a dog....I am still having a hard time convincing Mr. Comforts of Home...

Love the sweet quilt you made for Miss Becky.

Teresa said...

Oh what an adorable blankie for an adorable girl!
Oh I am just loving all of this Wheaten Scottie action over here!
We're all about WHEATENS!
We have a Soft Coated WHEATEN Terrier that's our fur-ball baby!
Yeah for WHEATENS!
Cute cute!

Kathleen Grace said...

Just look at that cute little baby face! What a sweetie:>)

Miss Jean said...

Nancy is indeed very lucky! Everyone needs a Little Miss Becky in their life!!!

Elyse said...

what a sweet post and elsie's quilt is the sweetest! :)


Mom2fur said...

Oh, my gosh, what a cute little puppers! I could eat her up! I bet she will love the quilt you made. I know my chihuahua, Shadow Dante, is always burying himself under blankets or pillows!

Pondside said...

They look like they're distant relations of Rosie - too, too sweet!

Unknown said...

Just so precious. I love the quilt you made her. Lucky little doggie!

Hugs...Tracy :)

Duke said...

We just came from Miss Becky's blog! She's one lucky little girl! What a thoughtful and beautiful gift!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amy said...

Congratulations on your new God dog and name sake! She is sweet as can be. How nice of you to make her a quilt and the quilt you have displayed made out of vintage sheets is lovely!!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...


One of the highlights of the trip was getting to talk on the phone with you!!

We had such a good time with Joe and Nancy - we don't think it will be the last time we will visit with each other!! Little Becky Blue Bonnet has a sweet home.


The Strawberry Mallard said...

With all my heart dear one, I know God brought you and I together for certain! To be a source of joy, humor, tears and most of all love!
I am honored, as little Beckarooooo is and value your friendship more than you will ever know.
Now let's work on a BIG puppy party this summer darlin'!!!
xoxoxoxo...., Becky and the G-dog

Mimi Sue said...

Such a little cutie. Love the little quilt you made for her. Just the right colors for her. Mimi

Susan Freeman said...

Little Becky is so darling! The quilt you made for her is just as sweet as it can be!!

Susan and Bentley

Julie said...

What sweet puppy faces, and the quilts are beautiful and just full of loving thoughts I am sure...
How good of a friend you are!
And I know you just want to get your hands on that puppers! :-)
Thanks for sharing smiles today.

"Create Beauty" said...

Oh Becky, "Miss Becky" is sooooo very adorable! Total YUM!

Skoots1moM said...

sooooo cute...i'd love to get one of those wheatons

beautiful quilt!

Deborah said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh she is so beautiful!!!
I could just squeeze her and kiss her and hug her!!
And what an adorable quilt!! Im sure she will treasure it!!!
Scotties are the best!!

Deborah :)

Anonymous said...

What a precious little puppy! I love her ♥ It's so exciting to bring a new pup home. I love how your little Fiona has a special blanket. That quilt is beautiful.
How did you get your name on your photos? Are you using a special program? Thanks. I hope you are having a great week.

Lallee said...

Well, I should have guessed who this quilt was for. What a sweet present to welcome the new and adorable Becky!