Monday, August 24, 2009

An Afternoon Glimpse

There is just something about the afternoon light............
....the way it softly bounces off of the walls......

...and changes the tones of the paint...soft...........




Carol said...

Lovely post!

Anonymous said...

You are really teasing us about your dining room. From what I can see it looks B E A U T I F U L!!

Isn't Jennifer's house gorgeous??? She is so talented.

I puppy sat all day today and boy am I tired tonight....LOL!


Miss Jean said...

Yes, lovely indeed. There are so many great parts of the day. I love the mornings when the birds are starting to chirp and the air is clean with just a hint of chill. Then there is the evening when the shadows are growing and everthing takes on a glow.

Unknown said...

Very PRETTY pictures....I love that time of day...thanks for sharing.

Diane Mars said...

Well I would say your house is a beautiful Cottage like Jennifer's, love the photos.
Hugs, Diane

Connie said...

You're right; that is a tranquil setting and photo, sugar.......

The Green Pea said...

You are teasing us and I love it. I love you are going green!!! Have a good evening. Sandi

cathleen said...

Exquisite post, Becky, and very soothing to look at.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Love the pictures!! Everything looks beautiful! Have a great week. Love & blessings from NC!

Mimi Sue said...

Gorgeous pictures. You're teasing us. Mimi

Jocelyn said...

I love the way the afternoon sun plays peek a boo in the late summer. The days will soon be growing shorter. Love your photos.


Anonymous said...

This post is so pretty! I love your photography.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Dawn said...

You have always had such great photos. Now you're really getting artsy!

I was thinking that next week Tues., Thurs., or Fri. would be good for me to come up. How about you? Nothing new at my blog so you can just email me if you like.


The Tattered Cottage said...

Love the post. Your pictures are so pretty and I am loving the green. Ok...quit teasing, show us the pictures of your re-vamped dining room. Pleeeeeeeeeease :)


marie said...

Such a pretty post ~ so restful!

Mary said...

So the white and the lace, the pretty crocheted edges, the filtered light peeking through...I can just imagine what the rest of it looks like! Beautiful! Mary

Cal said...

A lovely post Dr. Becky. Pretty pics. Looking forward to seeing your dining room makeover. x

Shelby said...

The afternoon light is magical. You show it well :)

Shelby said...

The afternoon light is magical. You show it well :)

Alison Gibbs said...

Definitely love the afternoon sun coming in. It creates such a great look

Amy said...

Becky so soft and pretty. I too love the way the light bounces off the walls that time of day. Peaceful. ~amy

Unknown said...

your linens are just gorgeous. very beautiful house!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Just a beautiful post with lovely photography...but then I love everything you do! :)

Lallee said...

Beautiful, lovely, serene......and you are a very big tease. ROFL Don't make me beg to see more and embarrass myself ;-) There is something about dried hydrangeas, particularly the green, that just melt me. Beautiful! I am loving the glimpses of your colors.

Julie said...

What a lovely post! I really like the pictures.

the wild raspberry said...


Anne Marie said...

wow! I haven't been here in awhile....what great photos!
.........and I totally agree with the light - there is literally 15 minutes of the best light in the day and it happens right as supper is coming to an end...........

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

I can just smell the freshness of it all and it relaxes me.


Janean said...

As your blog title...sweet. Beautiful photos and subjects.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post! I just love the soft colors, so pretty!

Unknown said...

I love Clover and Cream! I can't wait to see the whole project. I suspect it will be fabulous!


Unknown said...

I love Clover and Cream! I can't wait to see the whole project. I suspect it will be fabulous!


Rue said...

Hi sweet Becky :)

I love the way light bounces too and I can't wait to see your new dining room ;)


Pansy Cottage Girl said...

I love how the room looks illuminated as if you had hundreds of candles lit. Very soothing!

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

I could feel my body become more relaxed as I looked at those pretty pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. I'm so glad I found your blog.

~ Wendy

Duke said...

What a beautiful post this is!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful post! I need to soak it in and find a calm place!

Elizabeth said...

Those little glimpses are so delightful--I can't even imagine how lovely that room must look!
And I thought I got a great deal on a chair!!!
(Which I haven't even started on yet...)

Simply Heart And Home said...

So pretty! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Oh how pretty!

Snappy Di

Kathleen Grace said...

Just beautiful Becky! I love the little glimpses of your pretty home (the chandelier, gorgeous!) I must admit I am more of a morning light girl. The bright freshness of morning sparkling in the dew just makes me happy and thankful:>)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What lovely photos. That chandelier is so pretty. laurie

Kathy said...

Becky, I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in!!!! ha. Remember that song? I love this post. Beautiful pictures. And I love the chairs you are doing. You go girl. Love your way.Take care,Kathy

Sinta Renee said...

Tranquil-yes indeed. I'm glad I stopped by:)

Char said...

I don't think it gets much better than this, gorgeous. Char

Dena said...

What beautiful pictures Becky! I feel relaxed just looking at them :)


Jen Kershner said...

Oh my! Love that light fixture and those dining room chair slipcovers appear to be made from drop cloths? That is a project on my to do list so I hope so. I'd love some tips!

Daisy Cottage said...

Beautiful Becky!!!!!


white o'morn cottage said...

Amazing photos. Lovely -thanks for sharing...Pam

The Old Painted Cottage said...

I've heard photographers call that the "magic hour", when everything has a soft glow and the light is buttery soft. When I have time, I just may attempt to try this too..thanks for the inspiration!

Plus your photos are absolutely stunning, as always!


Ashlee said...

oohh, i think i spy the chandelier you bought in clovis!