After my dear Jordan's death, a sweet friend of mine, by the name of Holly, called me one day. I met Holly through my blog and we have emailed each other on and off in the course of the last two, or so, years. She lives in Southern California and about five hours from where I live.
Holly shared this with me:
Two years ago she lost her beloved mother. They were very close and she loved her so much.
Her mother loved yellow butterflies. After her mother's passing, one day she was out in her garden. Now keep in mind that Holly has never before seen a yellow butterfly in her backyard till this very day. A yellow butterfly was following her around the garden for quite sometime as though it were saying, "Take note, I am here and you will not go without noticing me!" The butterfly continued to be her shadow whilst out in her yard. This went on for quite some time.
Holly called me about a month or so after Jordan's death (about a week before Easter) to see how I was doing. At that time she shared this story with me. After we said our goodbyes, I took Doogie and Fee out to our backyard to get some fresh air and also so they could go potty. Now this is the part that I want you to pay attention to.
NEVER before have I ever had YELLOW butterflies in my backyard. Never - and I am a gardener and pay very close attention to the critters that visit our yard. Hummingbirds, black bumble bees, dragonflies...Japanese beetles (eww ...ick..) ladybugs...just a few. But NEVER a yellow butterfly. So here we are - me, Doogs and Fee - just sitting out back and what can you imagine that we saw? Yes!!! Not one, not two, BUT THREE yellow butterflies!!!! These gorgeous little creatures were not flaunting around one at a time either. The butterflies were flying together - all as ONE - all THREE of them - attached together - flying together like a beautifully choreographed ballet - as ONE!!!!!!!!! Duhgall was trying his very best to snap at them to grasp them in his scotty jaws, so I frantically pulled him back. This beautiful trio were flitting about so effortlessly. I was sitting there in total amazement - just stunned at what I was looking at.
Remember this, I have never - in the 13 years I have lived here - EVER seen yellow butterflies in my yard. Orange, yes. Yellow, NO! Three together - NEVER!!!!
Some believe that the symbolism of a butterfly is this:
Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same. In some cultures the butterfly is a symbol of the soul.
However, as a Christian, I believe that the three butterflies, flying together in perfect harmony, were something even better than that. Three as one. A perfect trio - our Father, His Son, and The Holy Spirit. I have shared with you before that The Holy Spirit has given me such peace in my most deepest of sorrow. I felt a warm flowing of feeling through my body as I sat holding my son's hand at our private viewing. I cried. I mourned. However, a moment of pure peace came upon me as though God was putting a blanket over me and saying, "Sister, I know your pain, however TRUST with me that your son, my child, is now with me. Safe in my arms. Happy at home."
Yes, I am going through some of my darkest and most saddest of days. Each day is filled with memories, thoughts and anguish. Never anger towards God. For I know that my son is in the most glorious of places - a place that Paul got just a mere glimpse of and was so flabbergasted to find the words to describe the utter JOY and BEAUTY of Heaven.
So just know this, my friends, me - your blog friend - has been given a gift (just like my dear friend, Holly) of reassurance - of hope - of comfort. You need to have your eyes wide open to recognize those little things that are, what Oprah calls, "Ahh HAA!" moments. Yes, they are real. Just rub the sleep from your eyes and pay attention.
That is all for now.
Little ramblings from a friend....someone who is just a plain and simple minded person. I LOVE the Lord and just praise Him for all he does for us!!!
What a beautiful, beautiful story! Thank you for sharing that. Amazing.
Absolutely beautiful. What an wondrous story and most definitely a sign, a miracle. Thank you for sharing this most personal of stories.
Yes, this is a wonderful posting and helps all of us that have lost loved ones. Now I will be looking for YELLOW butterflies.
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
yep, no coincidence...they're God-incidences...
i've got a similar story of a iris in my friend's backyard after her mother died...
her mom's favorite flower was a white iris...
now said friend's backyard island is overrun in purple iris...the day of her mother's funeral, before the left for the church, my friend looked over the back yard while having coffee...
in the middle of the purple iris island was ONE white iris!
What a blessing :)
I have heard stories like that before, I totally believe in them. People don't think miracles exist anymore but I say they do. I love to hear stories like this, they are so faith promoting and comforting. Thanks for sharing this tender moment with us. I truly believe you received a message :)
All the best,
Thank you for sharing that, I found it hard to read as tears kept filling my eyes.xx
You have opened your eyes and become aware of the signs all around you! Becky, I smiled as I read this. If I could hug you I would. My loving thoughts are with you every single day! You are blessed!
~smiles and love~
Always watch for these messages my friend~ you are so loved!
Biggest butterfly hugs,
NEBS & the NJ scotties
I loved that you got the butterflies too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you touched my soul today...Elaine from Texas
Becky... I am so glad you have some comfort from your faith and undoubtedly we have angels that watch over us..
I too have seen yellow butterflies dancing ... two together.. which I like to believe are my Ma & Pa...
Sending you some love and peace for your heart..
Michele xx
What a beautiful story.I sit here and cried as I read it.You are such a blessing to me! Love Faye
This is a beautiful story.
So true that there are little signs of love all around us, if we look close enough to notice.
Amen to that! I'm glad those butterflies are watching over you. . . . . xo P
an excellent way to start my day. thank you.
What a beautiful story! God is so good! God Bless You!
This brought tears to my eyes Becky. I am so happy that God has enfolded you in his loving arms and that you can feel his love at this time. Praise God that he is there for us to len on when we don't know how we will go on. Praise God that you have the assurance that Jordan is with him in heaven and that you will see him again. As soon as you said there were three butterflies I thought of the holy trinity. God loves us enough to comfort us with butterflies.
This is a really beautiful story! God's ways of making us feel better are... I have no words to explain it.
You know, this reminded me of the time when my grandfather passed away 8 years ago. A few days after his death, a small grasshopper nested himself into my grandma's room, which is up on the fourth floor - how it got there, we don't know. And it had never happened before, in the 30 years they had owned the house. My grandma took it to her heart and believed it was her husband's soul lingering back to calm her down.
That was beautiful.
Dearest Becky,
Your experience has me motionless. It is so precious how the Lord is blanketing you through the hours in which you are living. How the butterflies are such a revelation of His love for you and assurance He has given to you that your son is in fact right there by His side. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful experience. It has touched my heart deeply. As believers we are so blessed to have the richness of relationship with our Heavenly Father!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
ps. I am a CA native and I have never seen a yellow butterfly either!!
Oh, my friend -
Thank you for this beautiful post! I think of you and pray for you often. I believe God sends His little creatures when we need them. My dearly loved grandmother passed away many years ago when my children were young. She had asked me to sing 'Beyond the Sunset' when that time came. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I did it for her. She only wanted a graveside service and as we stood there on that beautiful sunny Southern California day I began to sing. My heart was in my throat and I didn't know if I could really make it but as I got to the chorus - from out of nowhere came a huge Monarch butterfly! He hovered above the flowers on the casket, flitted all around to check out the sweet blooms and then when I had nearly finished he was gone. Yes, I believe God sent him that day and I believe that's why yours appeared for the first time! If He can use people to lift our hearts, why not His creation?
Thanks for sharing my friend. Hugs.
Good morning Becky :)
I loved this post, but most of all I admire your faith and am happy that you found peace with those beautiful yellow butterflies :)
What a wonderful testimony you are Becky. It is wonderful seeing God's work in you through these hard times.
May God greatly bless you and hold you close to Himself.
So beautiful! Isn't the way God chooses to comfort us so beautiful. Keep healing!
What a precious gift from the Lord. The butterfly must go through trials as it is awakened to its beautiful glory. No one knows the pain it suffers unless one has gone through it themselves. But once it passes through the trial, it is free to spread it's wings and fly up to heaven. May the Lord continue to cover you with peace.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful story. I truly believe in those little gifts & I'm so happy that you received this one.
God is good and He never abandons us - thank you for that reminder! I pray for comfort and peace for you often - I can not imagine what you are going through but I am so glad that you have such strong faith in our Living God to get you through these dark times.
Hi Becky,
I do believe in what you are saying for I have experienced the re-assureance of Gods Love too, after the death of my loved one.
Your story has touched my heart today.
I cared for a very good friend who was terminally ill until his death. It was a long 6 months, and even with the help of hospice, I was having a rough time. He was peaceful with his diagnoses. He was ready to go to heaven.
My grandmother has always said that butterflies are a sign from a loved one who has passed letting us know they are at peace and in the comfort of our Lord.
At my friends graveside service, out of no where, many, many butterflies began to circle us, fluttering everywhere around those gathered to say goodbye! When I got in my car to leave, one followed me, and sat on my shoulder for a minute. Then it flew off as I started the car. Then I was at peace!
Thank you for sharing your story. Jordy was blessed to have such an awesome Mom!
Many blessings to you and your family, Misha
Oh Becky, I am in awe of this story. Isn't it just like God to show his love, beauty, grace and mercy in such a way. Becky, have you read "The Shack"?
Thank you for sharing something so personal with your blog friends.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful message. May it bless someone today.
I pray that the Lord will continue to provide you with comfort.
What a beautiful touching story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I will always remember this story.
Such a beautiful trust you place in your Father in Heaven! BEAUTIFUL. I'm sure he is pleased that you are trusting him and leaning on his words and promises. What a neat story and WOW is all I can say!
Becky, you are the sweetest heart to share this story with us. I'm telling you what...if I go outside to mow the lawn and see a yellow butterfly...
I'm so glad that you have such wonderful friends like Holly who check in with you just to see how you're doing. She's the salt of the earth kinda gal.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I don't even know you yet I feel I do. You were in my thoughts and prayers on Mother's Day. Your loss is something I can't even fathom. Knowing of your loss made me cherish my time with my children even more. I am sure that Mother's Day must have been difficult for you. Your story of the butterfly was so uplifting. God sends us moments such as these when we need them most. What a blessing to know He is always there and loves us. I pray that you will continue to feel His love and presence especially at those times when your heart is heavy.
All I can say is beautiful! You give us all such inspiration in your faith and strength. I praise the Lord for giving you this peace and I pray to Him for your continued comfort.
I know there are many signs and wonders around us if we only stop and look for them. Take care, sweet friend.
God has blessed you with a beautiful spirit with which you so graciously share the peace of the Lord with others. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful personal story.
God is great. All powerfull and yet has the most gentle of hands to help guide us through another day. Your happen chance is truly a testament of the trilogy that is there for all of us to grab hold of. Beautiful.
Many a time i have asked for a sign, and it has ALWAYS been given to me. I'm glad you got your sign, they are beautiful and so happy for you!
Sending you much love and a yellow butterfly,
Your story gave me chills upon chills as I read it. I will always remember this story of the Yellow Butterflies now and keep it for strength. Hugs to you Becky.
This is a beautiful story.
I do believe that God gives us symbols that we can recognize as messages from him.
What an incredible thing, Becky!!!! I can only imagine the feeling you must have felt!! Thank you for reminding us to pay attention to the sweet little graces surrounding us...!! Big hug!
What an amazing story. I so believe in signs like these...visits of sorts. I totally believe. I have visits from my grandma Della from time to time and they are such a renewal of faith. It makes you feel a little funny to share it but it is very real. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.
Oh Becky ~ I'm sitting here trying to read with tears streaming down my face. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome story and such a sign from God.
Big hugz,
A beautiful story my friend...there is a reason very similar that I always add a butterfly to each of my mosaics.
I wonder if His coming in the flesh, as Son of God, made Him more sensitive to our own human pain when we lose a loved one? Joseph, His earthly father, isn't mentioned much in the Bible. He may have died when Jesus was young. Jesus probably lost loved ones during his life, such as Lazarus, and felt the loss just like we do. His Spirit is The Comforter, The Holy Spirit. I love it when He favors me with a "Godstop." A moment to savor His Presence where I am stopped in my tracks by Him. Those butterflies were sent to comfort you. I've being seeing a dove everywhere I go here at this season of Mother's Day. My daughters have chosen to cut relationship with me since my divorce from their cruel dad. But God ALWAYS sends me reminders around this time of His GREAT Love for me, at Mother's Day. I treasure those gifts.
You are a blessing to me!
We have never met and probably will never meet, but I came across your blog months ago and when I read that you had lost your son I began to pray for you daily. I pray for peace, strength, hope, courage, and that our Lord surrounds you with angels and His mighty arms. I know that He hears me. I love you as though you were my sister. God bless you and your family.
How wonderful and what a blessing....Barb
I held my breath while reading this and not realizing I was holding my breath. Beautiful post. I may have to print this one out if I can. It put a little peace in my heart that you cannot begin to imagine!!! Thank you.
This is so sweet. Thanks for sharing it with us. You have experienced "the peace that passes all understanding" that most people don't know about until something terrible happens.
I love butterflies, too. In fact I am in the process of making a butterfly quilt so that I can teach it to the ladies in my quilt guild. I was doing a little research on butterfly quilts and it said that the butterfly block pattern was popular in the 30's. The women would use bright colored feedsacks for the butterflies. The butterfly represented hope and new life during the Depression. It's so sweet that something so small, yet so beautiful can be a comfort during hard times.
Your're in my thoughts and prayers.
God KNOW'S what we NEED and when we NEED It/HIM!!!! That is just awesome and such a rich blessing for you!
Deb :)
Dear Becky, You said so much about your faith in the Lord. Yes, he is taking good care of Jordan until your family can be together again. Amazing story about the yellow butterflies. I love your view of the three butterflies, the trinity how beautiful. Becky, you are so loved by all your blogging buddies. We bloggers are so blessed to have met you. Love you, Sandi
I love you, Becky.
Honey, I am a firm believer that because God just doesn't sit down at His desk and jot us a line to send in the mail (I don't think he trusts the USPS, either☺), He sends little things daily for us to see and we need to slow down and really think about our experiences.
When my mom died, it was early spring. Too early for Ladybugs but lo and behold, there was one, sitting right on the top of her oak casket...just walking around happy as could be. To this day, I find comfort in those little bugs. I am beginning a cooking blog featuring my mom and you can bet there will be a ladybug somewhere on the pages...not big, but it will be there.
God talks to us all the time but we need to be open and quiet so we know what He's saying: Be still and know that I am very favorite...well, among dozens of others☺
Hugs to you Becky. Healing from the loss of a child takes a long time, honey. There are days when I find a photo of my Joey and just bawl like a baby and then there are days when I just sit back, smile and glow in the thought that he was here and that I will see him again in Heaven.
Love to you...
Praise God...His joy is our strength!
Your joy brings me strength! Thank you.
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Dearest Becky, Your story resonated with a familiarity with my own. When my grandfather passed, my dad told me he felt that his father visited him (by way of a butterfly) while he was watering the lawn. A large butterfly landed on his pantleg and just sat there. 10 years ago, my dad passed suddenly. In my time of great grief, I went into my van to pick up my child from school, when a very large butterfly fluttered from the sky and landed on my wind shield. I spoke to my dad, knowing he was near and consoling me with this little sign. I too am a Christian, and know that God gives us these little gifts to let us know he loves us in the midst of our trials. May God bless you and keep you. You've been an inspiration to many.
Your faith is very strong & will get you through these sad days ... Bless you & your family,
hi becky,
a heartfelt post. i am glad you are finding comfort.
my oldest sister was very close to my grandparents and after my nana passed away, she had a butterfly follow her in the garden. i will have to ask her for more details now because the story is quite a few years old and foggy.
One of my favorite quotes is by Oswald Chambers, "What makes God so dear to us is not so much His big blessings to us, but the tiny things (butterflies? : ) because they show His intimacy with us - He knows every detail of each of our individual lives." Thank you Becky for sharing this special moment with us. ~ Violet
Becky, your faith in God's loving kindness, in even the darkest hour, is a testament to His power. He comes to us where we are, and finds a way to encourage us and remind us of His love. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. It reminded me again that God is personally involved in the events of our lives. He cares deeply about our sorrows. I pray that your faith will continue to carry you through these days.
Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing with all of us.
What a precious thing the Lord did for you through the butterflies. Isn't it so comforting to know there is a God who loves us and who cares about our pain?
Hugs, Rhondi
My friend emailed me this post!!! Which by the way was very touching to me...I lost my little brother almost 2years ago..Since his death, I have had butterflies, touching my life..It's like they follow me and just show up in the most unique places..I always feel an overwhelming sense of peace when I see them...When I tell people my stories, I always think that people look at me like I'm crazy! It's so amazing how these butterflies have been symbolic in the time of sorrow..Thank you for sharing your story...
God is always looking for a way to reach us. Whether it is through the story a friend tells us or through the nature in our back yard. He is there, everywhere and it all has a purpose! I believe that with all my heart!
Thank you for your post. It is wonderful to hear how your testimony is unfolding right before our eyes on your blog.
That is simply, remarkably beautiful. I DO believe that the good Lord gives us those simple gifts to remind us that he is near.
Becky, This a wonderful post! I had a visit from a yellow butterfly a while back. I know I will be looking for more butterflies in the future. I have a similar story about a rainbow. I'll share it some time. Take care of yourself sweet friend!
I adore this story of the yellow butterflies! It is so comforting when we see a sign from God & we absolutely know it's because of someone who is in heaven that we love & miss soooo much! God knows we need little signs like this & He is so good to give them to us!
Becky, I so appreciate the talk we shared. You have so much strength I wish it were contagious! My Family loves your Family We miss you much! Please keep in touch. Your blog is beautiful just as I would expect it to be! Your friend Michele Valenzuela
Becky, you shared your butterfly story so well and I'm so glad you did. I love it when God uses His beautiful creation to let us know His presence is always with us. This was a beautiful gift to you. I forgot to tell you that I used to collect butterflies when I was a new Christian. For me they represented the new life I had found in Christ. I will always remember your yellow butterflies when I look at them.
I have some blog catching up to do!
Love you bunches!
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