One cool and sunny fall morning I stepped out on the porch to do my usual business. Now I have to go outside to do such business as my parents would frown on such tidy leavings on the floor.

As I mosey over to the lawn I pick up a strange and foreign scent.

All of a sudden I forgot about having to tend to my business. I was distracted by a noise and an unfamiliar smell. I recognized the smell, however it wasn't a smell that my radar nose usually detects in the yard. Suddenly it dawned on me - I remember that smell from when I walked in the woods. So my search began to find the stranger in my yard - MY yard!

Oh, I am so easily distracted...

look at that hot number running down the street with her master!

Ok, back to figuring out this mystery. "Hmm..," I say, "I do believe the chap was here before - I can smell him!"

Could he be down there? I don't see any clues of digging a hole in my dad's yard.

What would Sherlock do? Let me think a moment. Wait! I think a scent just wafted from over there!

Could it be? No, it was just a worm.

Ahhh HA! There you are!!!!

Don't you know you that I have teeth like a shark and am trained to attack furry creatures like
you? Now don't make me hurt you, just run along and be with your family. Afterall, I am a
nice guy, dontchaknow!

The squirrel told me that he is so grateful that I am a Scotsman with a loving heart. He was just gathering some berries to take back to his little family.

So I tell the squirrel, "Hey, ya know that I have to save face with the other dogs on the street, so I will just turn my head and you run away, ok?"

The ol' guy thanked me for sparing him and we did the old head nod thing and parted ways. I just hope he made it home safely to his family and in time for dinner.
Yeh, life's tough sometimes, but I do think that we all need to share a little kindness and understanding. So off I go to tend to my business and then go and dream of chasing those mountain squirrels up the tree.